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PostPostano: uto okt 24, 2006 8:42 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet apr 06, 2006 2:39 pm
Postovi: 382
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I drugi dio:

channeled info by Edgar Cayce

Are we as individuals feeding our bodies or our souls? Or that
interbetween, the mental body, to its own undoing? Are we able
to be of the physical but not a part of it, turning more and more
toward those sources from which emanates the spiritual life; so
that the physical and mental bodies are attuned to the soul forces,
or the soul source, our Maker, our Creator, in such a way and
manner as to make for development?

What, then, is psychic force? What is occult science? A
development of the abilities within each individual who has not
lost his sonship, or his relation to his Creator, to live upon, to
demonstrate more and more through phenomena of any nature,
that from which he takes his source.

Each individual's spirit is a portion of the Creator; his soul that
which makes him an individual entity endowed with power to
become ONE WITH the Creative force from which he comes,
from which he IS. Through various stages of experience this
ability of expression is lessened or magnified in proportion to
the exercising of the will for good.

To what uses, then, did the early Atlanteans give their efforts,
and in what directions were they active? As many almost as there
were individuals! Some sought expression in one field, some in
another. There were in those who in that same period were able
to reach such a high consciousness of the Creator that it was
not necessary for them to again pass through this plane. "And
Enoch walked with God: and he WAS not; for God took him."

Some became workers in brass, iron, silver, and gold. Some
turned to music and the perfection of musical instruments. These
first forms of expression are to be found in the world today.
That upon which a soul has fed, that which has been its ladder
of expression and development in past incarnations, is today the
means of its self-expression. Those whom we call geniuses are
entities whose soul forces have found and do find activity in
some particular line.

Many entities brought about monstrosities, as those of their
association by projection with their association with beasts of
various kinds. The Styx, satyr, mermaid, unicorn, and the like
were the results.

These came about from an activity of the psychic forces of the
soul, the mind; not necessarily on the material plane. For the
manifestations of these forces may remain on the fourth
dimensional plane - which may best be defined as an idea.

Once set in motion, where may such forces project? ANYWHERE.
Where do they arise? Who knows? Where will they end? Who
can tell? They are all-inclusive; having length, breadth, and height.
They are without beginning and without ending. Dependent upon
that upon which they may feed for sustenance.

In the use of these forces on this material plane all manners of
forms now on this plane were brought about; many of them
to a much higher development. For those that sought forms
of minerals and possessed the power to be the essence of the
mineral, were much more capable in forming the various

We must remember that these came from the same source as
did that One who was to be the keeper of them, the husbandman
of the vineyard. And today each entity, each individual, has a
vineyard to keep, to dress. For whom? For his Maker, from
whence he came.

What is to be the report in thine own life with those abilities,
those forces which may be manifest in self - through calling
upon that Spirit of Truth WITHIN? How does prayer reach
the throne of mercy or grace, or that being sought?

This is the answer: From self - through the crucifixion and
of the mental IN SUCH A MANNER that the SPIRIT OF TRUTH
may flow in its psychic sense, or occult force, into the very being -
that the individual may be one with that from which he came.

Be thou faithful unto that committed into thy keeping. Life
itself is precious. Why? It is of the Maker, the beginning. The
psychic forces, the attunements, the developments lead to a
reunion with the source of all life.

And such was the experience of a great many in those first years.

In the present we do not justly call such a state, science; rather
being close to nature. Listen to the birds. Watch the blush of
the rose. Listen to the life rising in the trees. These serve their
Maker. Through what? Through that psychic force - that is
life itself, each in its respective sphere - that was created for the
service of man. Learn thine lesson, O Man, from that about thee.

There is, as from the beginning of the world, in each entity an
essence of the Father or The First Cause, which enables one to
make manifest even in the material world through the attributes
of the First Cause. Such is an evidence of that power or force.
As to what one does with same - that is an action of the will of
each entity.

As found through some manifestations, occult or psychic
sciences are first recognized as forces, through the individual.
In the beginning these were natural expressions of the entity.
As there developed more of the individual association with
material conditions, and entities partook of same in such a
manner as to become wholly or in part a portion of same,
occult or psychic manifestations became hidden and unseen.

First, there was the occasional harking back. Later, dreams.
Individuals were in certain sections raised for specific purposes.
As the cycle has continued, time and again there have arisen in
the earth those that manifested these forces in a more magnificent,
more beneficent way and manner.

Again the time draws near when there shall be seen and known
among men, in many places, the manifestations of such forces in
this materialistic age; for, "As ye have seen Him go, so will He
return again." Be thou faithful unto those words He has given
while yet with you.

Hence it behooves every individual to take cognizance of that
force as it may manifest in his material life, even today. Those
who look up and lift themselves up that the Spirit may use them
as a channel of activity, may often be found in the lowliest of
places and circumstances.

Why? Often the chaff must be burned out! Does it seem
unreasonable that we are chastised for that which has been
builded within the material forces of the body itself - that we
are tried as by fire? Is it any wonder that he that shall be abased
and remain true shall wear the Crown of Life?

In olden times the use of these occult sources of information,
the abilities to become a portion of those elements that were
compounds of the creative forces, brought about other destructive
forces that made for the destruction of the land itself. Such
destructive forces are known today as gases, the death ray, and
similar power, which was used then to break up portions of the
earth, causing great upheavals and cataclysms.

Man has ever sought when in distress, whether physical, mental,
or spiritual, to know his association, his connection with the
Divine forces that brought the worlds into being. And as this
seeking continues, so does the promise hold true: "If ye will be
my children, I will be thy God." "When ye turn your face from
me, my face is turned from thee."

And whatever ye have builded in thine own endeavor to make
manifest THINE OWN POWERS brings these certain destructions
in the present life; even as in these first experiences with the use
of the powers that are taboo today by the worldlywise - that are
looked upon as old men's tales and women's fables. Yet in the
strength of such forces worlds to come into being!

Such is the meaning of psychic force, and so-called occult

"In the period, some hundred thousand years before the entry
of Ram into India there lived in the land of Atlantis one Amilius,
who had first noted the separation of the beings that inhabited
this portion of the earth's surface, into male and female, as
separate entities or individuals. These were thought forms."

Thousands of years later Amilius entered the earth plane as
Adam. He entered in five projections at the same time, beginning
the five races. "Adam must become the Savior of the world as it
was committed to his care. 'Be thou fruitful, multiply, and subdue
the earth.'"

Hence Amilius, Adam, the first Adam, the last Adam, becomes
that one who is given the power over the earth. And as in each
soul the first to be conquered is self, then all things, conditions
and elements are subject unto that self.

This is a universal law, as may be seen in that demonstrated
either in gases that destroy one another by becoming elements
of the same combination; or in the mineral or animal kingdom
under like processes.

Adam, the Son of God, was to become that one who would be
able to take the world, the earth, back to that source from which
it came, and all power is given in his keeping in the earth that
he has overcome. For self, death, hell, and the grave become
subservient unto him through the conquering of self in that made
flesh; for, as in the beginning was the Word, the Word was with
God, the same was in the beginning. The Word came and dwelt
among men, the offspring of self in a material world, and the
Word overcame the world and hence the world becomes, then,
as the servant of that one who overcame the world.

The spirit of this Son of God has reigned in the hearts of many
men and women throughout the world's history; as when he sat
at the peace conference in Geneva, in the heart and soul of a man
not considered by many even as an unusually godly man; yet
this man was raised for a purpose, and was used as a channel of
God-like thought for the world. And as there has been, so will it
be until the time as set.

As was given of Him, it is not given to man to know the time or
the period of the end, save by his constituting himself a channel
through which He may speak. To be sure, man and woman
alike; for, as given from the beginning, they are one. He gave,
"Where are those thy persecutors?" "No man, Lord." "Neither
do I condemn thee. Sin no more."

In searching out these with whom He speaks or has spoken,
"By their fruits ye shall know them." They that bring more
righteousness are the children of faith, hope, charity. And they
do so in the material world. These three, the Father, the Son, the
Holy Spirit.

Be thou, then, a channel that may oft walk with Him that gave:
"Let not your heart be troubled; neither let it be afraid." "Let
not thy right hand know what thy left hand doeth."

Give thy self to seeking day by day to know the will of the
Father as was manifested in Him, and may be manifest in thee,
for He will not leave thee desolate, but will come to thee - yet
not unless invited. For - as in those periods when He walked
with men as the Master among men, or when as Joseph in the
kingdoms that were raised as the saving of his peoples that sold
him into bondage; or as in the priest of Salem in the days when
the call came that a peculiar peoples would proclaim His name,
He has walked and talked with men.

Or, as in those days as Asapha, or Afia, in those periods when
those in the land of Egypt were giving those counsels to the
many nations, that were needed to save man from the animal
kingdom; or, in the garden when those temptations came; or
as the first begotten of the Father that came as Amilius in the
Atlantean land and allowed himself to be led in ways of

Hence, as we see, all the various stages of development that have
come to man through the ages have been these periods when He
walked and talked with man. Again there was a like period when
He came as Joseph, or Jesus.

As an entity, this Son of God has influenced directly or indirectly
all those forms of philosophy or religion that taught that God is

In Buddhism, the son of God was associated with the leader who
guided the religion, in meditation or the spirit of same, and those
things that have been added are much in the same manner as that
which has been added to Judaism.

Whether in Buddhism, Mohammedanism, Confucianism,
Platonism, or the like, these have been added to much as was
that as given by Jesus in His walk in Galilee and Judea. And
in all of these teachings there is that same impelling spirit.

What different individuals have done, or do, with these principles,
or their spirit, in turning them aside to meet specific needs on the
material plane, has made for various outstanding teachings with
the same basic foundation; has made these individuals moralists,
or leaders or various independent religious orders or beliefs, yet,
as has been given, "Know, O Israel, the Lord thy God is One,"
whether He be directing one of Confucius' way of thinking,
Brahman, Mohammedan. Such teachers are representatives of God.

Paul said: "I hear there are divisions among you. Some say I
am Paul, another I am Apollos, another I am of Caiaphas. Paul
may minister, Apollos may have watered, but it is God that gives
the increase."

The Son represented the spirit of the Creative Force in that made
manifest in the earth. Not only as one, but the only one; for, as
He gave: "He that climbs another way is a thief and a robber."

The Spirit of the Master, the Spirit of the Son, was manifested
to each in his respective sphere. As it was of yore, so it is today.
God calls on man everywhere to seek His face through any
channel that may be blessed by the Spirit of the Son, in whatever
sphere this may take its form.

Because there are contentions, because there is a lack of giving
and taking as to others' thought, among mankind, does not
change God's attitude one whit. Neither does it make one man
above another. For, as has been given, there is only one - the
others are as those acting in the capacity of the thought that was
given to them through that same power that "in the last days has
He spoken unto us through the Son, as one born out of due

We find the same contentions arising in the present
denominationalism, and each individual crying, "Lo, here is
Christ; Lo, THIS is THE manner of approach. Lo, unless ye
do this or that ye have no part in Him."

"He that loves me will keep my commandments." What are the
commandments? "Thou shalt have no other God before me",
and "Love thy neighbor as thyself." In this is builded the whole
law and gospel of every age that has said, "There is One God."

Jesus came to the earth plane as Amilius, Adam, Melchizedeck,
Zend, Asapha, Joshua, Joseph, and Jesus; and He manifested
through many other great leaders and teachers of other ages. For
the Spirit of the Christ has walked with the priests of France, the
lowly monks in England, the warriors in America. Those labored
until their own personalities were laid aside in individuals.

Do thou likewise, if thou wouldst have him walk with thee.
"Not my will, O Lord, but Thine, be done in me - this day, now."

He will come again and receive His own, who have prepared
themselves through that belief in Him and acting in the manner
of believers. For the Spirit is abroad, and the time draws near,
and there will be the reckoning of those, even as in the first so in
the last, and the last shall be first. For there is that Spirit abroad.
He stands near. "He that hath eyes to see, let him see. He that
hath ears to hear, let him hear." Let him hear that music of the
coming of the Lord of this vineyard. And art thou ready to give
account of that thou hast done with thine opportunity in the earth,
as the Sons of God, as the heirs and joint heirs of glory with the

Then make thine paths straight, for there must come an
answering for that thou hast done with thine Lord. He will not
tarry; for having overcome He shall appear even as the Lord and
Master. Not as one born, but as one that returneth to His own.
He will walk and talk with men of every clime, and those that are
faithful and just in their reckoning shall be caught up with Him
to rule and to do judgement for a thousand years!

[GD's note: In April 1945 the mimeographed booklet of
[originally] 17 pages was reprinted (in mimeographed form) for
our members and copyrighted.

The May 1-15/51 issue of THE SEARCHLIGHT carried HLC's
of which was to give a survey of information available from other
sources in parallel with the data on Atlantis from the Edgar
Cayce readings.

In June 1963 THE COMING OF MAN booklet was supplanted
on the publication list by Eula Allen's book entitled BEFORE
THE BEGINNING, which was thought to contain much of the
same material. In Feb. 1968 EDGAR CAYCE ON ATLANTIS,
by Edgar Evans Cayce, was published.]

PostPostano: pon okt 13, 2008 12:38 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned aug 24, 2008 9:47 am
Postovi: 1162
neznam di da postavim ovaj link, pa cu evo ovdje jer mislim da ima neke veze sa ovom temom: ... hoto2.html

Sve sto jeste, ispravno je tako kako jeste, jer da nije, ne bi ni bilo.

 Naslov: Re: Zacharia Sitchin i Atlantida
PostPostano: ned sep 19, 2010 10:55 pm 

Pridružen/a: ned sep 19, 2010 10:48 pm
Postovi: 2
da li neko moze detaljnije da mi objasni zasto se sicin u nekim komentarima smatra za dezinformatora....citao sam neke njegove knjige,al sam sad u dilemi koliko togatreba uzeti za kredibilno...hvala unapred

 Naslov: Re: Zacharia Sitchin i Atlantida
PostPostano: ned sep 19, 2010 11:19 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 28, 2004 10:39 pm
Postovi: 1803
Ovde ti je to lepo objašnjeno iz prve ruke: ... izonom.pdf

ili ... type=&aq=f

Viđen je kako učestvuje na satanističkim ritualima koje vode Iluminati.
Zato je i Ajka nagovarao da ne priča o reptilima, da oni nisu uopšte važni.

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