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 Naslov: Nature's Eternal Religion - by Ben Klassen
PostPostano: sri aug 22, 2007 12:14 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub aug 11, 2007 6:15 pm
Postovi: 48
Tko je procitao knjigu Udarac Ruskih Bogova, a htio bi otici korak dalje u "nepoznato" - ovo je knjiga za njega! :) Dok se Istarhov fokusirao na religijski aspekt price, potpuno je zanemario puno vaznije tajne koje su iznesene u knjizi Nature's Eternal Religion. Procitajte i doslovno cete vidjeti zidove Matrixa kako se ruse svuda okolo vas. Ova knjiga se trebala zvati Udarac Ruskih Bogova 2.

Download link...


Zadnja izmjena: Knight Rider; ned okt 16, 2011 8:14 pm; ukupno mijenjano 1 put/a.

PostPostano: sri aug 22, 2007 10:10 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet apr 08, 2005 9:11 am
Postovi: 90
neonazi matrix heil.....
gdje je smajlić za povraćanje.....

PostPostano: čet aug 23, 2007 12:10 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto nov 01, 2005 1:17 am
Postovi: 1377
Lokacija: Justinijana Prima
Aster je napisao/la:
gdje je smajlić za povraćanje.....

auuuuu,Aster,al' me najezi, :)
bash sam to hteo da napishem,setio sam se da sam na netu video,na nekom od mesindzera za chetanje,
smajlica koji povraca,onako zeleno :mrgreen:
i bash htedoh da predlozim da ga i ovde na forumu stavimo u arsenal smajlica,
jer ,
kako drugachije komentarisati ovakva rasistichka govna,na koje ne vredi ni rechi troshiti,
osim smajlicem koji povraca,i to obilno :twisted:
It is your task to probe and find out just which of these issues strike fire with the person or
persons with whom you are speaking. Having found that issue, it is then paramount to explore it
fully and to suggest the solution to those problems. And in one way or another the solution will
be in joining with the other White racial comrades in a common cause under the leadership of the
CHURCH OF THE CREATOR and in organizing further from there. Therefore, when you find those
who are interested in joining into the White community, invite them to your next Church
meeting— meetings that should be held at a regular time each week.
From this small and inauspicious beginning build a huge and mighty church in your
neighborhood. It is our objective to have built a hundred thousand such temples for the
preservation of the White Race across this great land of ours, and from there on out throughout
the world. I am convinced that if only one tenth of the time, energy and money were spent in the
promotion and spreading of the White Man’s religion, namely Creativity, that is now spent on
barely keeping alive the sick and morbid Christian religion, that our religion would spread like
wildfire. I believe that if less than one tenth of the effort were spent in exposing Christianity for
what it is and explaining our new vibrant and dynamic religion, that Christianity would soon
wither on the vine and Creativity would triumph throughout the White world. This is our goal
and our objective.

Had, for instance, the propaganda of the 1930’s in America been in the hands of people who
were dedicated to the interests of the White Race, and had they exposed the nefarious Jewish
conspiracy instead of lying to the White people, I am sure that the White people of America
would have joined the Germans in cleaning house.

It is the man’s duty and obligation to provide for the family, and it is a woman’s privilege to
take care of the home and raise her family.
It is therefore my considered suggestion to girls in this age group to keep the paramount goal
in mind— that she will become a wife and a mother, that this is where her great good fortune
lies, and not in a career. A girl would therefore do well to cultivate those studies and those
pursuits that will help her in her future role as such, rather than pursuing higher mathematics,
physics and chemistry. Along the lines that would make her more attractive as a wife and a
future mother would be the study of music, the study of cooking, the study of good literature, the
study of home decoration, developing a good taste in the lines of furniture, clothes, art and
entertaining. Of major importance in enhancing your desirability as a marriage partner is also
the development of the social graces such as learning to sing, learning to become a good dancer,
and most important of all having a cultivated manner of speech and being a good

Yes, the handwriting on the wall is clear: White Man, unite or perish! Populate the world or
become a mongrelized slave!
Since the black race commits the overwhelming majority of all violent (and other) crimes, it
is plain that if we shrink their numbers we will shrink crime. The same principle applies to
ignorance and poverty. Therefore, if we want to reduce crime, poverty, filth, slums, and
ignorance, the best and most effective program is to shrink the number of niggers in America.
The racial program of the CHURCH OF THE CREATOR therefore, is clearly spelled out: expand
the White Race, shrink the coloreds.
This must be our program for all time, not only in America but on a global basis.

As long as the hostile red race had the preponderance of numbers and power, he was a threat
and a menace to the White American pioneer. It was not until the White Race by sheer numbers
overwhelmingly out powered the Indians that the threat to life and property was destroyed.
Similarly, on a global scale the colored races, all of which are hostile to the White Race, and
becoming more so every day, are a deadly threat to the very existence of the White Race.

Chapter Two: The White Race – Nature’s Greatest Miracle
If there is one thing in this wonderful world of ours that is worth preserving, defending, and
promoting, it is the White Race. Nature looked fondly upon the White Race and lavished special
loving care in its growth. Of all the millions of creatures who have inhabited the face of this
planet over the eons of time, none has ever quite equaled that of the White Race. Nature
endowed her Elite with a greater abundance of intelligence and creativity, of energy and
productivity than she endowed unto any other creature, now or in the millenniums past.

It was the White Man who spanned the continents of the world with railroads and super
highways and electrical power lines. It was the White Man who created the miraculous world of
electronics, ushering in the telephone, the radio and television. It was the White Race, who in a
combined burst of energy and genius sent rockets to the moon and planted the feet of the White
Man on extra-terrestrial territory in the last decade.
The brilliant accomplishments of the White Race are endless and rapidly expanding even as
this is being written. All one has to do is leaf through the pages of an encyclopedia to appreciate
the magnificent legacy of achievements wrought by the White Race through the centuries.
What other race can even come close to this remarkable record of creativity, achievement
and productivity? The answer is none. None whatsoever. None can even come close. In
contrast, the black man of Africa never so much as even invented the wheel.
Yes, it is the White Man, with his inborn and inbred genius, that has given form to every
government and a livelihood to every other people, and above all, great ideals to every century.
Yes, we are the ones, racial comrades, who were especially endowed by Nature and chosen to be
the ruling Elite of the world. Indeed, we were chosen by Nature to be masters of the world by
building it ever better and better. We were destined to be fruitful and to multiply and to inhabit
the entire hospitable face of this planet. This is our Manifest Destiny as ordained by Nature

Chapter Five: Germany, Adolf Hitler, and National Socialism
In the study of the whole historical movement of the White Race struggling to free itself from
under the heel of Jewish tyranny, the name of Adolf Hitler shines forth as the brightest meteor to
flash through the heavens since the beginning of history. No doubt the White Race will produce
even greater men in the future, but it is my considered opinion that Adolf Hitler stands head and
shoulders above any other man as the greatest leader the White Race has ever produced, and as
the greatest White Man that ever lived. This may sound as an overly extravagant evaluation, but
if so, no man deserved it more, nor did any man come by it more honestly.
The contribution that this great White Man made towards striking a resounding blow for the
cause of the White Race and accomplishing a near break-through in smashing the Jewish
conspiracy will go down in history as one of the most heroic battles in the history of mankind.
When we consider what little he had to start with, what little he had to work with, how
tremendous were the obstacles that he had to overcome, the Herculean efforts that were
expended, and the heroic fight that was waged, we can safely say without contradiction that in
the words of William Shakespeare, “the elements so mixed in him that Nature might stand up
and say to all the world, this was a man!”
Indeed, Adolf Hitler was not only the epitome of a man, but he best represented those
qualities that shine forth in the White Race— honor, heroism, genius, creativity, leadership, an
artistic spirit, and above all, the readiness to sacrifice himself for the good of his race.

:rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl :rofl
kako ono reche:
Knight Rider je napisao/la:
Procitajte i doslovno cete vidjeti zidove Matrixa kako se ruse svuda okolo vas.

ma bjeeeeeeeezi :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Теоретичар завере у мировини, технолошки вишак @ КасиЈопеја ДП инк. & стечајни управник @ ХипиШизикМетафизик анлимитид.

PostPostano: čet aug 23, 2007 10:08 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub aug 11, 2007 6:15 pm
Postovi: 48
Rekao sam u orginalom postu da se ova knjiga trebala zvati Udarac Ruskih Bogova 2... Svako tko je proctao Istarhovu knjigu znao je sto moze ocekivati od ove. :) Samo sto je Klassen jos "gori" (citaj ekstremniji) od Istahrova, a to je pothvat nemalih razmjera. Znaci ne kazem da su tvrdnje iz ove knjige istina, vec samo skrecem paznju na postojanje te knjige.

Onima koji su procitali Istarhovu knjigu (Jack987, Galileo, Baron, Organski portal, redsonja, Sofija, Zagor, zen999 ...itd.) - podatak da postoji jos ekstremnija knjiga, ce vjerujem biti dovoljan incentiv da pogledaju o cemu se tu radi. :)

PostPostano: pet aug 24, 2007 8:24 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Ma sve 5!

Ljudi, pa sad već znamo razlučiti neke stvari... nakon toliko vremena smo ipak nešto naučili... pročitaš, sagledaš i zaključiš. Ma štogod čitao...

Svijest raste, vidi se...

:mrgreen: :wink:


PostPostano: sub aug 25, 2007 2:18 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub aug 11, 2007 6:15 pm
Postovi: 48
Jack987 na pocetku knjige ako procitas samo sadrzaj, vec samo po tome se moze vidit da je ova knjiga nesto nevidjeno. Kao i u Udarcu Ruskih Bogova nije nuzno prihvatiti izneseno za istinu, vec ispravno kazes da je svrha svake dobre knjige da citaocu "otvori oci" na razne mogucnosti. Kasnije se lako filtrira korisno od nekorisnog, kad znas koje su sve varijable moguce. Onaj tko smatra Udarac Ruskih Bogova imalo korisnim u svom daljnjem istrazivanju, ovu knjigu jednostavno mora procitat... :)

PostPostano: ned sep 02, 2007 11:26 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto nov 01, 2005 1:17 am
Postovi: 1377
Lokacija: Justinijana Prima
iz C.T. 29.08.1998:
P: Ovdje kaže: Španjolski osvajači i misionari su uništili skoro sve što bi mogli ikad koristiti kod istraživanja južnoameričkih civilizacija. Svjedoci iz 16. stoljeća kažu da je tamo postojao smaragdni idol koji je bio kopletno fantastičan. Otac Benito je uzeo taj idol i bacio ga na zemlju, isprao prah u vodi, izlio na tlo, a figuru izgazio i slomio. Cortez-u su dali 2 cirkularna kalendara, jedan od zlata, a drugi od srebra, velike kao kotači od vagona, sa svakakvim vrstama hijeroglifa po sebi, koje je on odmah pretopio u poluge. U čitavoj Centralnoj Americi postojala su ogromna skladišta znanja, prikupljana od drevnih vremena, bila su neumorno sakupljana i poslagana, a spaljena od strane fanatičkih katoličkih misionara. U 7.mj. 1562. godine, na primjer, glavni trg u Monte-u, na Yucatanu, otac Diego de Landa je spalio tisuće manuskripata od Maya, slika i hijeroglifskih natpisa napisanih na umotanim kožama od divljači. Svećenik je rekao: "Našli smo velik broj knjiga napisanim na indijanskom jeziku, ali budući da ne sadrže ništa osim sujevjerja Vraga, sve smo ih spalili, što je uvrijedilo starosjedioce i proizvelo njihovu veliku bol." Hancock ( pisac ove knjige ) kaže: "Ne samo da su starosjedioci osjetili tu bol, već svatko onda i sad tko god da je istraživao istinu o prošlosti. Diego de Landa je sudjelovao u španjolskoj Satanskoj misiji da bi izbrisao čitavu bazu podataka Centralne Amerike. Na tržnici u Texcoco-u, sagradili su veliku lomaču od astroloških dokumenata, slika, manuskripta, tekstova hijeroglifa, koje su Konkviskadori nasilno uzeli od Asteka kroz prethodnih 11 godina. Kako je to nezamjenjivo skladište znanja i povijesti otišlo u dim, šansa za potresanje neke kolektivne amnezije koja zamućuje naše razumijevanje, bila je izgubljena zauvijek." Dakle, čitajući ovaj opis bolesne "španjolske sotonske misije", koja je uništila prošlost, željela bi imati komentar o tome što je motiviralo Katoličku Crkvu, Katoličke Misionare, i Španjolsku samu po sebi, budući da je ona određena kao jedna od područja gdje se "artifakti" ( činjenice, dokazi ) mogu još uvijek pronaći. Možete li komentirati?
O: Vi ne trebate komentare, jer smo vam već rekli mnogo o toj želji OPS-a 4. denziteta da se zamuti istina pomoću manipuliranja OPS-a 3. denziteta.
P: Pa, da. Ali, Gospodar je imao Milosrđe. Jednostavno to samo zgadi sve kad se pomisli na to... sve to, a i biblioteka u Aleksandriji, također! Da li je to ista stvar koja se radila u Evropi za vrijeme tzv. "Mračnog Doba"?
O: Da.
P: I zato je Mračno doba - mračno. Katolička crkva je uništila sve što se nije slagalo s njima. Sad, kažu da su profesor Posnansky sa Sveučilišta u La Paz-u i profesor Rolf Mueller pomakli datum izgradnje Macchu Picchu-a natrag u 15000.g. pne. Da li je to korektan datum?
O: Blizu.
P: Možete li nam reći kad je izgrađen Macchu Picchu?
O: 12009.g. p.n.e.


Теоретичар завере у мировини, технолошки вишак @ КасиЈопеја ДП инк. & стечајни управник @ ХипиШизикМетафизик анлимитид.

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