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 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: uto maj 15, 2012 2:18 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 20, 2011 10:04 am
Postovi: 373
Earth Awakens: Prophecy 2012 - 2030
Chapter 2 The Nature
Creating a Timeline that Empowers You
Let us return again to our discussion of timelines. In nonlinear time you are already enlightened and free and are creating powerfully from the vantage point of your God Presence. Spread out before you is a tapestry of time/space possibilities and probabilities. The level of validity of a particular timeline depends on two factors: (1) How much energy and focus you place upon it; and (2) how many of you decide to adopt that particular focus. For example, if you believe in and focus on war as a way to get what you think you need, and millions of others believe and focus in the same way, you will end up creating war on your planet.
Conversely, if enough of you adopt the fourth density timeline proposed in Chapter 1, you become a powerful force for creating prosperity and joy on Earth. Anything you enthusiastically adopt as your desired reality gets merged into the collective reality being created on Earth. The extent of your ability to focus on your desired reality depends on how much you have healed your psychological and emotional issues and cleared your core negative beliefs.
As you focus on the reality you desire to create and seek out others who have similar desires, you become an undeniable force on the planet. While it may only take one enlightened individual to change the world, several enlightened souls all working together to create a dominant timeline of peace and prosperity will do just that.
Past, Parallel and Future Lifetimes
You do not have in your language the words to adequately describe the relationship between the nonlinear Self and the myriad of linear selves that thread through the tapestry of possible and probable timelines. We will do our best to keep this subject simple and easy to understand, but we cannot guarantee you will grasp what we are saying here.
In linear reality, you have your emergence from the Godhead, let’s say 100 million years ago, followed by a series of incarnations in various lower worlds, occasionally followed by a period of respite in the higher dimensions before descending once again to commence the lessons you did not learn completely in previous lifetimes.
Many of you, in fact most of you reading this, have been all over the galaxy in your various incarnations and manifestations. A typical enlightened soul may start out in seventh density Pleiades and then drop in vibration to incarnate for several lifetimes in fifth density Pleiades, followed by a few lifetimes in fourth density Sirius A, then a couple of pleasant interludes in sixth density Arcturus, followed by a challenging round of several lifetimes in fourth density Orion, then a brief visit to one of the early civilizations on Earth as a third density being, then on to more fourth density Pleiadean lifetimes, etc., finally coming back to Earth at this time.
Most souls on Earth have been here before, on average 50 to 100 times, although for a few this is their first lifetime on Earth. Some souls have been here hundreds of times. Starseeds are those souls whose linear timeline consists primarily of lifetimes on other worlds. They may have come to Earth only a few times, usually during the heights of civilizations or during pivotal times around a period of Earth changes.
After this incarnation on Earth, you will either (1) go through physical ascension, (2) die and be reborn in the new Golden Age on Earth, or (3) choose to journey on to some other planet. As you complete your Earthly lessons, you will spend more of your time in higher worlds and less time incarnating into the lower worlds. When you do incarnate on a lower world, it will be for the express purpose of helping souls awaken in that place, just as most of you reading this now have come to Earth from higher worlds to help humanity.
The True Nature of Karma
Each planetary system upon which you incarnate presents a unique series of soul lessons and when you have completed those lessons, you no longer have any “karma” or unfinished soul business on those particular worlds. You are then free to come and go as you will from those worlds, depending on the level of your desire to help other souls there who are still stuck on the wheel of karma.
As we have mentioned many times before, karma has nothing to do with reward and punishment. That is an elaborate scheme set up by guilt to convince you that you are worthy or unworthy of enlightenment. In this respect, many of the Eastern religions merely promote guilt from a different angle than the western religions.
For example, if you were born into poverty in this lifetime and have recall of being wealthy and abusing your wealth in a previous lifetime, this does not mean you are being punished for your past transgressions and are destined to remain in poverty for the balance of this lifetime. More likely, it means that your soul simply desired to understand the duality of wealth and poverty from both points of view. In your past lifetime, you were the oppressor and now you get to experience what it feels like to be the oppressed.
Once you have completed a soul lesson, you are free to create your life in a very different way. That means that if you were born into poverty in this lifetime and have learned everything there is about that state. you are free to create wealth once again, perhaps this time with greater love and compassion for others.
For many of you, it seems the journey through your Earthly lifetimes has been long and harsh, and from a strictly third density point of view, it has been. Up until the Galactic Shift, Earth had been one of those planets where finishing your karma and moving into ascension was reserved for a few yogis who lived high in the mountains and meditated several hours per day. Now, with the recent Divine dispensations, ascension is available to any soul who sincerely desires it and is willing to work on clearing the negative aspects of self.

Ekatarina Velika/Sinhro /Došao sam da te nosim u kuće mojih predaka, da ti pričam da noći nema da odustaneš da želja je glad je vatra...

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: uto maj 15, 2012 2:28 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 20, 2011 10:04 am
Postovi: 373
More on Parallel Lifetimes
Before we take a deeper look at ascension, you may be asking. “What about
parallel lifetimes? I get the feeling I have other selves in other dimensions living
lifetimes in other worlds, or even in other bodies on this world.”
We can go quite deep with this question, perhaps tx deep for your intellectual minds, but let us make the attempt to explain. First of all, your past and future lifetimes are parallel, from the standpoint of nonlinear time, because they are all unfolding right now in this eternal moment, despite appearing to happen sequentially. They are not set in stone. Your past lifetimes are mutating, diverging, converging, and in general changing moment to moment, just as your present and future lifetimes are.
You do have what is called the Akashic mediuim which records every soul experience, and from that standpoint, your past lifetimes are fixed. But every time you journey back in time and change something. you create a new timeline. In effect, you jump from the original timeline into the new one created by your actions of going back into the past and making changes.
The simplest example of this. which is mentioned in detail in the next section in our discussion of healing techniques. is when u perform a timeline healing, which means to go back and give one of your past selves a healing. Unlike the paradox demonstrated in your science fiction movies. you cannot go back and, for example, kill your grandfather and then return to the present and find out you no longer exist as a result.
You can only change your experience of the past. which includes making energetic changes to the way you experienced events. By doing this, the original timeline remains intact and you do not violate the free will of other souls having experiences in that timeline. Imagine the dramatic change that would occur to those who burned you at the stake if you were to be rescued by future versions of yourself and carried off into the woods just as the burning ceremony begins.
However, you can create an alternate timeline that includes a visitation by future selves and you can receive a healing from them while in your past lifetime. In the “burned at the stake” lifetime, you now have an alternative timeline in which your condemned self was visited by future versions of himself/herself. In this alternate timeline, your soul can avoid the trauma originally experienced in association with being burned alive because your future selves can come back in time and lift your spirit out of your body before you have the experience of being burned. This is usually allowed because it does not affect the consciousness of those who condemned you to die. They do not know that you consciously bypassed the burning experience.
From a nonlinear perspective, all these alternate timelines are part of the eternal now, and you can access any of them at any time. So they will seem like parallel lifetimes because in fact they are. Every time you change some aspect of linear time, you create a new thread in the fabric of time/space, and these fabrics are all accessible from nonlinear time.
There is another type of parallel lifetime that involves what is commonly called soul families and oversouls. You have, usually, six members of your soul family on Earth or other lower density planets, and six in the higher dimensions, at any given time, and it is possible to meet the six Earthly souls while in human form and feel a deep connection with them. It is also possible to become aware of their life experiences while at a physical distance.
You have an oversoul, which consists of the 12 souls described in the preceding paragraph. You can tune into the oversoul and realize that he or she is one aspect of a larger monadic or atmic Self, the oversoul of your oversoul, also called your master oversoul. Each of these 12 oversouls that form your master oversoul, in turn, have 12 individual souls attached to them, and from a ninth density perspective, you are intimately connected to all 144 souls in your master oversoul. The structure of souls and oversouls is explained in depth in “Earth Changes and 2012.” For now, we are bringing up this subject to help explain why you might feel you have other selves living other lives in other places.
Finally, there is the God perspective itself, which is beyond anything your mind can conceive, but let’s go ahead and take it to its extreme. Fasten your seat belts, please.
Have you ever wondered, if you are truly One with Everything, why that Everything chose to come through your body, in your unique circumstances, at this moment in time? Why did it choose to experience itself through you, and if you are truly One, then why can’t you decide, at any given moment, to experience it through your sister, or friend, or someone down the street? Why do you seem
locked in this one physical body?
The answer is simple, but not easy to understand. If God is everything, then
there is no differentiation between any two or more aspects of Creation. There
only appears to be differentiation because of the existence of linear time.
From the perspective of God, you can rewind the linear “tape” of time and experience every aspect of Creation, one at a time. Or you can choose to experience all aspects simultaneously. As God, the choice is up to you. That means that this lifetime, you could choose to be Sal in the USA, and in another parallel lifetime, you could choose to be Steven down the road, then in another parallel lifetime, you could choose to be Sarah in Bath, England, etc.
From a linear perspective, it seems absurd that you could experience every life form everywhere in the Universe, one at a time, but this is how God perceives its Creation, because time is infinite from God’s perspective. To overly simplify, that means that God has unlimited time on his/her/its hands to personally experience every individual aspect of Creation. Then, while God is experiencing itself individually, it can zoom out to the nonlinear realm and experience everyone at once.
While this ultimate viewpoint is available to all aspects of God’s Creation, it is not possible, while in human embodiment, for you to spend very much time in this state of consciousness, so we will now return to our discussion of the dominant timelines of Earth. We hope you have enjoyed our journey into the profound state of God consciousness.

Ekatarina Velika/Sinhro /Došao sam da te nosim u kuće mojih predaka, da ti pričam da noći nema da odustaneš da želja je glad je vatra...

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: uto maj 15, 2012 2:39 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 20, 2011 10:04 am
Postovi: 373
Earth’s Three Dominant Timelines

Coming back down to Earth, let’s take another look at the three dominant timelines being created by humanity. Please keep in mind that there are other individual soul realities besides the following three descriptions, but over 95% of humanity will likely fall (or rise) into one of these three realities in the years to come on planet Earth.
The Dominant Timeline of Third Density Death and Destruction
As we have discussed in the Introduction and again in Chapter 1, not every soul is ready to enter fourth density with Mother Earth. Going back to the classroom analogy, there are some students who are simply not willing to do what it takes to graduate to the next level.
They are not to be judged or condemned or thought of as less than, dumb, stupid, bad or wrong. They are simply learning at a different pace than the more enlightened members of humanity.
The vast majority of souls on Earth have, as their dominant DNA, the Orion strains. This is a result of extensive interbreeding that occurred nearly half a million years ago when the star systems of Rigel and Betelgeuse invaded the Earth. At that time, there were no safeguards in place to prevent such occurrences. The souls on Earth were primarily Pleiadean prior to the invasion, and one of their difficult soul lessons was to experience being taken over by a more warrior-like, aggressive, domineering race.
We know that most Pleiadean souls on Earth did not consciously choose to become Orions, but on a higher level, this was part of the natural outcome of the original separation and reflected the lessons that came out of the primal beliefs that arose after the fall. Invasions and interbreeding are frequent occurrences in the lower worlds and on some level the incoming souls to Earth during that time knew that this could happen.
Nevertheless, the negative programs, in the form of emotional scars, etheric imprints and astral implants, have remained with humanity throughout several ages. Those souls that are still caught in this cycle of Original Cause and victimhood will experience one final disaster here on Earth (or several related disasters, such as wars, famine, flood, earthquakes, etc.). They will exit during the Earth changes and take up residence on other worlds specially designed to assist them in finally overcoming the reenactment of the fall.
After the destruction of Lemuria and Atlantis, a few souls were able to balance their various aspects. They made a commitment to completing the soul lessons surrounding the fall and the resulting experience of having their free will violated, so they could finally move off the wheel of reincarnation and onto the spiral of ascension as fifth density consciousness.
Another group emerged that was not quite ready to complete all karmic
lessons. These souls grew tired of endless wars, conflict and misery and began moving into fourth density consciousness.
The souls stuck in third density, the ones who are working to overcome their
remaining karma, and the ones ready for ascension, are all in embodiment on the Earth today and represent the three dominant timelines.
The Dominant Timeline of Enlightened Communities
About 20 to 25% of humanity has evolved to the point where continuously
re-enacting the fall (and experiencing the resulting constant pain, misery, suffering, abuse, control and oppression) is no longer a soul lesson that needs to continue. This group is ready to complete all negative karma and enter the new Golden Age. They will get to have what they truly desire, a beautiful radiant Earth that no longer experiences constant wars and environmental degradation.
Most of this book is dedicated to this group and centers around the “how-to” regarding navigation through the difficult transition period and the rebuilding of the Earth after the third density souls have completed their embodiment here and have moved on.
The Dominant Timeline of Ascension
Approximately 15 to 30 million humans (about 0.3% of humanity) will likely choose the path of physical ascension in the years to come. As described many times throughout our writings, the ascension is instantaneous from a nonlinear perspective, but takes many years, or decades, from a linear time frame. Basically, ascension occurs through a quantum jump at the atomic level. However, because you have trillions of cells in your physical body, and bodies do not like sudden change, there is a master template program that gradually converts your cells into the crystalline light form. Therefore, the complete process of physical ascension will take 10, 20, 30 or more years to complete, depending upon your unique soul path.
As stated in “Earth Changes and 2012,” physical ascension is vastly different than spiritual ascension. Almost all of you have experienced spiritual ascension, some of you many times. Spiritual ascension involves leaving the body behind and ascending in consciousness into the celestial planes. The celestial planes are the true heavens spoken of in your scriptures. Do not confuse them with the upper astral and lower etheric planes that can mimic the heavens in some respects.
Spiritual ascension happens when souls have completed their Earthly soul lessons to the extent that they no longer have a reason to reincarnate on Earth except to be a teacher and help souls awaken. Many yogis and saints have chosen spiritual ascension, such as Paramahansa Yogananda and Swami Muktananda.
Those souls who do not take their body with them into the higher realms during physical ascension may choose spiritual ascension instead. Because of the critical situation on Earth now and the anticipated transitional period of about 20 years, souls who choose spiritual ascension will likely elect to either assist humanity as spirit guides, or reincarnate on Earth during the new Golden Age with the specific purpose of helping the fourth density humans rebuild and grow.

The majority of you reading this book will become part of the ascending humans in the years to come and are in one of the three waves of ascension described earlier. Even if you choose not to transfigure your body into light and instead leave your present body behind with the intention of reincarnating in the New Earth, you will find the following chapters to be of immense benefit. At least, you will understand what the ascending souls are experiencing because one day you, too, will go through these stages of evolution.
In the following sections, we will describe in detail not only the physical ascension of humanity, but the changes to the structure of your society that were briefly visited in Chapter 1. This book is a “How To,” as much as it is prophecy.
Remember, dear Creators, you have free will and are powerful, creative, spiritual beings. Therefore, do not fall into the trap of simply believing that everything described herein is inevitable. We encourage you to take an active part in the unfolding dynamics of the New Earth. This story is about you, the meek that are inheriting the Earth. If you were not already a member of the new humanity, you would not have been attracted to this material.
Once you embark upon this path, you cannot turn back. You have reached a critical stage in your unfoldment. Any attempts to return to comfortable, familiar territory will be unsuccessful. You will no longer desire your old way of living. None of it will appeal to you. It is as dead as last year’s leaves. Let it go. Let it float silently into the void to be recycled into another wondrous creation.
We are the Founders. Good day.

Ekatarina Velika/Sinhro /Došao sam da te nosim u kuće mojih predaka, da ti pričam da noći nema da odustaneš da želja je glad je vatra...

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: uto maj 15, 2012 3:04 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 20, 2011 10:04 am
Postovi: 373
The Changes Within
Greetings, beloveds, we are the Founders. Now that you have had an overview of some of what to expect in the coming years, and have been briefed on the nature of time, we will go into detail on what you may experience in the years to come.
To recap, we are making some assumptions as we begin this chapter. First, we are assuming you are all members of the enlightened humans who are inheriting this beautiful planet. Second, a great many of you are also on the path of ascension. However, you will find that many of the issues described in this and the following chapters will relate to you regardless of your level of vibration.
Note:You have, by now, noticed that we often repeat ourselves. This is not bad editing on the part of the channel, but an intentional move designed to reinforce the more important ideas. Now, let us proceed.
The Catalysts for Change
Inspiritual terms, a catalyst is a trigger mechanism for moving evolution forward. In some cases, a catalyst will trigger a mutation in the DNA or radical transformation in the consciousness of a species. On virtually every level of human experience, you have, at this time, catalysts prompting you to make changes at a fundamental level of your being.
From a purely third density perspective, your species cannot continue on its present course. The story given in Chapter 1 illustrates what will happen to the third density world if you repeatedly ignore the warning signs inherent within your lifestyle choices. To review briefly:
You are running out of pure, clean water and fresh organic food. Your climate is changing, partly from interference by humankind and partly from natural cycles. Your population is currently unable to feed itself and provide a basic standard of living for about one-fourth of its people. You continue to use fossil fuels and nuclear power even though you have had recent major accidents involving these products. You have fouled your air and water to the point that ‘our beloved Earth is having difficulty correcting the problem. Your food is contaminated and contains dozens of chemicals your bodies do not know how to process. Your physical bodies have compromised immune systems due to stressful lifestyles. These stressors include constant noise, electromagnetic pollution from radio and mobile phone towers, bombardment with media and advertising, a pop culture that promotes consumerism and violence, a political system bought and paid for by special interests, corporate monopolies that genetically alter crops and promote excessive spraying of pesticides, a corrupted medical system that values profits over people, weapons of war that spray radioactive chemicals into the air (depleted uranium, etc.), weather modification substances sprayed into your atmosphere, hydraulic fracturing of shale to produce natural gas that pollutes the groundwater, constant small spills of petroleum products along with a few major spills, leaking nuclear reactors, depletion of the ozone layer, and exhaustion of natural resources to satisfy the ever-increasing cravings and desires for more, more, more.
The above paragraph ought to be enough of a catalyst to trigger major changes in behavior among human beings, but most continue to march off the cliff, perhaps taking quick note of a problem and occasionally considering a solution, but then rationalizing the issue away and going back to sleep. Souls are conditioned to believe they are mostly powerless and have very little say in what takes place in the world. This sense of powerlessness stems from identification with the body and ego mind complex. This identification with form, which began during the soul’s descent into matter, is the primary reason nearly three-fourths of humanity will likely leave the Earth over the next 20 to 30 years.
From a fourth density perspective, your own souls are the catalysts behind the changes you are seeking to make. Many of you are what is commonly called “old souls” and have had enough of war, poverty, misery, suffering, control, oppression, etc. You want to learn new lessons of love, unconditional acceptance, responsibility for Mother Earth, and living harmoniously with the environment.
Even without the specter of environmental disaster, you would be unable to continue living a third density lifestyle. You are no longer interested in which brand of shaving cream or deodorant is best, or how to make more money than your neighbor. Long ago you put away the insane idea that the one with the most toys somehow “wins” in life. The things that excite you now involve personal growth, spiritual unfoldment and entering into deep, bonded, truly loving relationships with others who are also committed to their soul evolution.
As an enlightened human, you seek out experiences that will bring to the surface those patterns and issues that need to be healed and integrated. Of course, your human ego might still resist and even complain at times, but the dominant force in your life is the desire to grow into greater wisdom through compassionate service.
From outside the Earthly drama, there are a number of catalysts contributing
to the changes. These catalysts go all the way to the Source of everything. You could say that there is a Divine fiat or commandment that all life on Earth shall evolve or go elsewhere. This is in answer to the call of Mother Earth herself, who is a living, conscious being existing on seven dimensions.
As the three portals of 2012, 2017 and 2030 (discussed earlier) begin to factor in to the equation, you find all these catalysts for growth converging in the present time period.
The Cause of the Darkness On Earth
The cause of darkness on Earth goes back to Original Cause. Because Earth has been a third density planet for millions of years, souls that incarnate here usually forget their Divine nature and become identified with materiality, at least to some extent. This has been part of the desire of souls exploring the lower densities — to become temporarily enmeshed in such worlds in order to experience them to their fullest. Unfortunately, many souls who desire to free themselves from identification with the material are finding it quite difficult. A lot of this difficulty stems from the fact that “laggard” souls have come to Earth and have kept the overall vibration here very low due to their slow learning curve or outright refusal to learn.
Our Creator, being infinitely compassionate, has given souls millions of years to learn lessons on Earth, but now the very life of lower density Earth is threatened by those souls who have refused to turn away from destructive
behaviors. These are the dark ones who have been stuck in a negative view of reality for eons. From their distorted perspective, God is the enemy to be overcome through force and might. Deep within their consciousness is rage and terror associated with the original descent into matter (Original Cause). As a
Lconsequence of identifying with form, they have come to the erroneous conclusion that they are small, helpless, powerless beings all alone in a hostile
universe. As a result of this belief in separation from God, they feel they must control and manipulate others in order to feel powerful and meaningful.
Most of you have been on Earth during the rise and fall of the significant civilizations, such as Pangaea, Lemuria, Atlantis and the present. Every time you have climbed to the heights of personal achievement, something has come along and seemed to sabotage your efforts. Sometimes this has been a so-called “natural” disaster, but more often it has been the result of invasion by negative extraterrestrials, or decay from within the culture itself. Usually, the so-called “civilized” world descended into warfare and oppressive, dictatorial regimes designed to keep people locked in fear and servitude.
Why do you think things fall apart just when it seems they are getting good?
The answer lies in the nature of denial and suppression of primal experiences. Most of you never completely resolved the feelings that arose during Original Cause. Fearful of reenacting the descent into darkness and compression, you locked that fear deep within your subconscious mind and pretended everything was just fine. Having this suppressed negativity did not make it go away. It still worked behind the scenes according to the law of attraction, meaning that your soul would attract negative experiences in order to mirror what was unresolved within the psyche.
Dear Creators, if you did not have unresolved psychological issues lurking
within, you would not attract negative ETs, natural disasters, or leaders that
betray you or try to control you.
Attempts by Avatars to Turn Things Around
How are these issues resolved? Until recently, it was very difficult to heal
Original Cause and its myriad of associated disorders, such as fear of
abandonment, guilt, shame, depression and despair.
Seeing the predicament you were in, teachers were sent to Earth to help you remember that you are more than a body-mind personality. They reminded you that you are powerful, creative, spiritual beings, capable of remembering your true magnificence and manifesting it on this planet.
These teachers became some of the strongest catalysts for change, even though many of them were met with great opposition. They became mirrors not only of that which you had carefully concealed within and were afraid to look at, but also mirrors of your greatness. However, instead of seeing your own greatness reflected in the avatars and holy men and women of times past, you fell to idolatry and worship, thinking that salvation comes from the blessing of the guru or whimsical granting of pardon or forgiveness by the master, as in the adage, “Christ died for your sins.”
Believing that one manifestation of God in the form of a human soul is the
key to salvation, you refused to look within for the answers and once again, you
failed to move forward significantly along the spiral of evolution.

Ekatarina Velika/Sinhro /Došao sam da te nosim u kuće mojih predaka, da ti pričam da noći nema da odustaneš da želja je glad je vatra...

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: uto maj 15, 2012 3:13 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 12, 2009 7:33 pm
Postovi: 1124
Moj skromni doprinos :oops:

Nije profi, al poslužiće. Tekstovi u zagradama su moji, skener je na nekim mestima progutao par reči pa nisam bio siguran kako da prevedem.

Odnos između Svesti i Vremena

Sada ćemo se vratiti na našu diskusiju o nivoima svesti i načinu na koji se oni uklapaju u prirodu vremena.

Viši nivoi svesnosti obuhvataju više. Na primer, ako imate svesnost sedmog denziteta, možete
percipirati sve nivoe ispod vašeg nivoa vibracije, kao i sve osobine/kvalitete jedinstvene za sedmi denzitet . Ali, ako imate trećedenzidetsku vibraciju, imate pristup samo prvom, drugom i trećem nivou.

Vi, dragi ljudi, istražujete realitete trećeg, četvrtog i petog denziteta Zemlje. Svaki od vas ima neke karakteristike sa sva ova tri nivoa bića. Onaj nivo na koji ste najviše fokusirani će postati vaša dominantna stvarnost u godinama koje dolaze.

Svesnost "aktivira" ono što vidi(percipira). U prethodnim analizama, to je izjednačeno sa slikama na platnu. Neaktivirani nivoi su kao čista platna, koja čekaju da budu oslikana. Kada se skoncentrišete na određeni nivo, vi udahnete život u taj nivo, ili denzitet.
Ako postoje bića ili entiteti koji već vibriraju na određenom nivou, tada ta bića aktiviraju taj nivo na njihov specifičan način.Na primer, duhovi prirode i elementali koji postoje u nižem petom denzitetu Zemlje su stvorili predivnu stvarnost koju će ljudi petog denziteta moći da vide tokom tranzicije u tu stvarnost.

Vaša Zemlja je eksperimentalni svet. Mnogi uslovi koji postoje danas su drugačiji nego na bilo kom drugom svetu u vašoj galaksiji. Zato što imate slobodnu (...? Volju? ) postoji mnogo varijacija unutar multidimenzionalnog okvira stvarnosti. To znači da ne postoje dve planete koje će evoluirati na potpuno isti način. Sa tim na umu, postoji 11 drugih planeta u vašoj galaksiji na kojima je situacija slična ovome što se događa na Zemlji.

Sada ćemo se posvetiti nekim fizičkim i psihološkim promenama koje će se dogoditi sa vremenom.

Promene u Prirodi Vremena

Mnogi od vas su tražili da objasnimo vaš osećaj da se vreme ubrzava. Iako to nije slučaj iz perspektive trećeg denziteta (Zemlja se još uvek rotira za otprilike svakih 23 sata i 56 minuta), događa se temeljna psihološka promena kod gotovo svih ljudskih bića.

Neka od iskustava koje imate su povezane sa Galaktičkom Promenom, a ovo uključuje ubrzavanje vremena. Iako zemljin dan još uvek traje 23 sata i 56 minuta sa linearne 3D perspektive, sa tačke gledišta četvrtog denziteta - psihološko vreme se menja. Od 2000. godine, ta 24 sata su zapravo delovala kao 16 mnogima od vas. Dok prolazite kroz 2012 portal, dan će delovati kao da se smanjio na otprilike 8 do 12 sati trajanja. Zbog promena u vašem nivou vibracije, i promena u frekvencijama Zemlje - harmonici (harmonics) vremena su takođe promenjeni.

Osnovna frekvencija zemlje je bila oko 8 herca. Sada se povećala (za? na?) 13 herca (od završetka 2011te).
Vrhunac će dostići na 14 herca do 2015te godine, i ostaće relativno stabilna na oko 12 do 14 herca tokom trajanja Galaktičke Promene.

Kako podižete vaš vibratorni nivo, ono što vama deluje kao nekoliko sekundi može biti nekoliko sati nekome ko je u nižem stanju vibracije. Na veoma visokim frekvencijama, nekoliko sekundi u visokoj vibraciji moće izgledati kao nekoliko stotina godina nekome u mnogo nižim vibracijama. To se zove "prirodna harmonična kompresija vremena"

Takođe, postoji i fenomen poznat kao "harmonično širenje vremena". To je zanimljiva sposobnost onih iz viših svetova koja uključuje ideju o "proizvedenom harmoničnom širenju vremena." Uz pomoć ovog obrtanja prirodne kompresije vremena stvara putnicima kroz vreme i prostor mogućnost da istražuju niže svetove danima, nedeljama, mesecima ili čak godinama, a zatim i povratak u njihov realitet gde je prošlo samo nekoliko sekundi.

Primer širenja vremena se događa gotovo svaku noć tokom stanja sna.
Neki od vaših snova mogu trajati godinama unutar jednog sna, ali kada se probudite, videćete da je prošlo samo 60 do 90 minuta.
Prirodni i veštački vrtlozi (vorteksi) često imaju kompresiju ili širenje vremena za jednu od svojih osobina. Uglavnom, "pozitivi" vorteksi imaju vremensku kompresiju, dok je osobina nekativnih vorteksa širenje vremena.Ovo se uklapa sa principom svesnosti koji glasi: "Viša stanja svesnosti kompresuju vreme, dok niža stanja vreme produžavaju ("proširuju")." Drugim rečima, ako provedete vreme u pozitivnom vorteksu, vreme kao da leti. Kada meditirate u negativnom vorteksu, vreme se vuče ...

Kao što je moguće kompresovati i proširiti vreme, isto je moguće učiniti i sa prostorom. To omogućava vanzemaljcima da dolaze i odlaze sa Zemljinog realiteta, a da ne moraju putovati ogromnim razdaljinama, opisanim u Njutnovoj i Ajnštajnovoj fizici. Postoje sci-fi autori i producenti koji su vas upoznali sa konceptom hiperspejsa, i svemirskim letelicama sa hiper-pogonom ili warp-brzinom.

Šta mislite, odakle te ideje? Iako se uklapaju u tipične Holivudske scenarije, sama suptina tih ideja je bazirana na stvarnoj mehanici vremena i prostora, iz viših nivoa stvarnosti.

Vratićemo se na diskusiju o širenju/kompresiji vremena i prostora malo kasnije, u našoj sekciji o tehnologiji budućnosti.

Još jedna anomalija psihološkog vremena koja je vredna pomena je ideja da niži aspekti Univerzuma predstavljaju prošlost, a više dimezije budućnost. Zbog toga što ste vi, kao ljudska bića, sposobni za percepciju i linearnog i nelinearnog vremena, i zbog toga što evoluirate iz nižeg ka višem denzitetu, , iz nelinearne perspektive, niže dimenzije su deo prošlosti a više su deo budućnosti.

Drugim rečima, iz više perspektive - može se videti vaša celokupna linearna vremenska linija, položena ispred vas, protežući se kroz prošlost, sadašnjost i budućnost. Dok se pomerate duž vaše vremenske linije od prošlosti ka budućnosti, vaše vibratorni nivo se podiže. Ovo je razlog za to što ćete pronaći više dimenzije uz deo vaše vremenske linije koja predstavlja budućnost.

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: uto maj 15, 2012 4:27 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 20, 2011 10:04 am
Postovi: 373
Earth Awakens: Prophecy 2012 - 2030

The Intricacies of Free Will

Most of the industrial and technological achievements made by humanity during the four great civilizations (Pangaea, Lemuria, Atlantis and the present) occurred due to intervention by ETs, and often by those star races that did not fully understand and respect human free will. In other words, they interfered with human evolution, often out of concern for your well-being, but with disregard for your soul lessons.
Due to the Creator’s infinite compassion, it would not have made sense to deny some souls their lessons in order to save other souls. After all, many souls are young and immature and actually want to learn about war, poverty, misery, suffering, oppression, control and identification with materiality. A compassionate God would not deny them the privilege of using their free will to learn about these things. Therefore, a plan was set in motion to give all souls what they truly desire.
In order to achieve this, several new worlds have been set up to receive the souls who can no longer match the frequencies of the New Earth. As souls exit their human bodies, they will reincarnate on these other worlds and continue learning about war, poverty, misery, suffering, oppression, control and materiality.
Those souls who desire to live in true peace and prosperity will remain with the Earth, or in some cases ascend and go to other planets that accommodate peace and prosperity.
A small number of souls are ready to complete all their soul lessons as mortal humans, and these souls will go through the spiral of ascension in the years to come.
This is the most exciting time ever on Earth because the catalysts for change are converging and causing a major shift in all areas of life. Within a few short years, many of the hallowed institutions of the old ways will crumble, and new ways of life will be welcomed by those choosing to remain on Earth.

Spiritual Awakening

Those souls moving on into fourth and fifth densities will undergo a profound spiritual awakening. Since about 1950, at the start of the Galactic Shift, a lot of souls have been experiencing higher states of consciousness. For the most part, very few have been able to hold the higher frequencies due to the tremendous amount of negativity present on Earth.
You must remember, dear Creators, that Earth has been a melting pot for souls from all over the Universe, including many of the renegades and rejects from other worlds. Put another way, souls that do not fit into the order and structure of a particular world have often been sent to Earth because up until the 2012 portal shift, Earth had accepted souls from all levels of vibration.
Yes, you have souls from every conceivable level of consciousness here, from extremely ignorant to sublimely enlightened. You also have souls who have dedicated themselves to paths of darkness and so—called “evil’s In this case, the word “evil” means, “Having a conscious intent to hold souls hack on their spiritual evolution.”
Because Earth’s own survival is now threatened (from a Lower density point of view), a series of Divine Dispensations (detailed in “Earth Changes and 2012”) have been granted, allowing the Earth to move into fourth density. This implies that only those souls vibrating at fourth density and above will be allowed to incarnate on Earth from this point forward (from December 21, 2012 onward).
Those souls who do decide to remain with the Earth are going through a spiritual awakening. For some, it begins with coming to a realization that there is more to life than the nine to five workplace and raising a family. The popularized rite of passage known as the “mid-life crisis” is an example of a partial spiritual awakening that occurs in much of your population. Simply put, after working hard for 10, 20 or 30 years and making their way up the corporate ladder, or perhaps raising a family and now the kids are grown up and out of the house, such souls start to ponder the meaning of it all.
The job that seemed so promising in the beginning now fails to fulfill an inner longing that the soul just cannot quite put his finger on. The one raising children might have a wonderful relationship with the grown kids, but feels there is now another purpose calling her. (We have used the traditional male and female roles here, but we are quite aware the roles can be reversed.)

Distractions from Your Spiritual Path

In some of your earlier tribal cultures, there was a time set aside for men and women to begin their spiritual paths (usually after working and raising children). Typically, there would be some rite of passage or ceremony honoring the various phases of tribal life. Often at a very early age, the men and women would go to work, hunting, gathering, or creating useful things for the tribe, and then at some point they would marry or bond and raise a family. Once the children reached a certain age, they would begin their spiritual rituals and rites. For women, it was often at menopause. In your modern cultures, you have lost much of the tribal ceremony and rites of passage.
In place of rites of passage, you have endless activities to keep you busy and focused on “getting ahead in the world.” You might combine spiritual activities with other tasks or try to cram them into your busy schedule. It is not uncommon for us to meet students who are going to school at night, working during the day, raising a family, and going to church or some spiritual group whenever possible.

Ekatarina Velika/Sinhro /Došao sam da te nosim u kuće mojih predaka, da ti pričam da noći nema da odustaneš da želja je glad je vatra...

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: uto maj 15, 2012 4:45 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 20, 2011 10:04 am
Postovi: 373
Earth Awakens: Prophecy 2012 - 2030

The Intricacies of Free Will

Most of the industrial and technological achievements made by humanity during the four great civilizations (Pangaea, Lemuria, Atlantis and the present) occurred due to intervention by ETs, and often by those star races that did not fully understand and respect human free will. In other words, they interfered with human evolution, often out of concern for your well-being, but with disregard for your soul lessons.
Due to the Creator’s infinite compassion, it would not have made sense to deny some souls their lessons in order to save other souls. After all, many souls are young and immature and actually want to learn about war, poverty, misery, suffering, oppression, control and identification with materiality. A compassionate God would not deny them the privilege of using their free will to learn about these things. Therefore, a plan was set in motion to give all souls what they truly desire.
In order to achieve this, several new worlds have been set up to receive the souls who can no longer match the frequencies of the New Earth. As souls exit their human bodies, they will reincarnate on these other worlds and continue learning about war, poverty, misery, suffering, oppression, control and materiality.
Those souls who desire to live in true peace and prosperity will remain with the Earth, or in some cases ascend and go to other planets that accommodate peace and prosperity.
A small number of souls are ready to complete all their soul lessons as mortal humans, and these souls will go through the spiral of ascension in the years to come.
This is the most exciting time ever on Earth because the catalysts for change are converging and causing a major shift in all areas of life. Within a few short years, many of the hallowed institutions of the old ways will crumble, and new ways of life will be welcomed by those choosing to remain on Earth.
Spiritual Awakening
Those souls moving on into fourth and fifth densities will undergo a profound spiritual awakening. Since about 1950, at the start of the Galactic Shift, a lot of souls have been experiencing higher states of consciousness. For the most part, very few have been able to hold the higher frequencies due to the tremendous amount of negativity present on Earth.
You must remember, dear Creators, that Earth has been a melting pot for souls from all over the Universe, including many of the renegades and rejects from other worlds. Put another way, souls that do not fit into the order and structure of a particular world have often been sent to Earth because up until the 2012 portal shift, Earth had accepted souls from all levels of vibration.
Yes, you have souls from every conceivable level of consciousness here, from extremely ignorant to sublimely enlightened. You also have souls who have dedicated themselves to paths of darkness and so—called “evil’s In this case, the word “evil” means, “Having a conscious intent to hold souls hack on their spiritual evolution.”
Because Earth’s own survival is now threatened (from a Lower density point of view), a series of Divine Dispensations (detailed in “Earth Changes and 2012”) have been granted, allowing the Earth to move into fourth density. This implies that only those souls vibrating at fourth density and above will be allowed to incarnate on Earth from this point forward (from December 21, 2012 onward).
Those souls who do decide to remain with the Earth are going through a spiritual awakening. For some, it begins with coming to a realization that there is more to life than the nine to five workplace and raising a family. The popularized rite of passage known as the “mid-life crisis” is an example of a partial spiritual awakening that occurs in much of your population. Simply put, after working hard for 10, 20 or 30 years and making their way up the corporate ladder, or perhaps raising a family and now the kids are grown up and out of the house, such souls start to ponder the meaning of it all.
The job that seemed so promising in the beginning now fails to fulfill an inner longing that the soul just cannot quite put his finger on. The one raising children might have a wonderful relationship with the grown kids, but feels there is now another purpose calling her. (We have used the traditional male and female roles here, but we are quite aware the roles can be reversed.)
Distractions from Your Spiritual Path
In some of your earlier tribal cultures, there was a time set aside for men and women to begin their spiritual paths (usually after working and raising children). Typically, there would be some rite of passage or ceremony honoring the various phases of tribal life. Often at a very early age, the men and women would go to work, hunting, gathering, or creating useful things for the tribe, and then at some point they would marry or bond and raise a family. Once the children reached a certain age, they would begin their spiritual rituals and rites. For women, it was often at menopause. In your modern cultures, you have lost much of the tribal ceremony and rites of passage.
In place of rites of passage, you have endless activities to keep you busy and focused on “getting ahead in the world.” You might combine spiritual activities with other tasks or try to cram them into your busy schedule. It is not uncommon for us to meet students who are going to school at night, working during the day, raising a family, and going to church or some spiritual group whenever possible.

This, combined with constant media bombardment and social engagements, makes for a very stressful lifestyle.
Perhaps you take an hour or two off every Sunday to contemplate God or the Universe, and then it’s back to the “daily grind” for another week.
The Soul Nudges the Personality Back Into Alignment
For many, spiritual awakening comes in a most unexpected way. As the body begins to rebel against the stressful lifestyle mentioned above, illness may result and force the soul to slow down and reprioritize.
Many a near-death experience has triggered spiritual awakening. Such souls often dedicate their lives to service after being given a “second lease on life.” In most cases, near-death accidents and illnesses are the soul’s last-ditch effort to awaken the soul to his or her true purpose and mission on Earth. Often such a soul has failed to listen and acknowledge the more subtle approaches the soul may have used in the past to get his or her attention.
Whether it is through mid-life crisis, sudden accident or illness, or near-death experience, a significant percentage of such souls begin to realize there is a greater purpose underlying the endless busyness of life.
Very advanced souls may not need to create such dire circumstances in order to begin the awakening process. They might be predisposed toward the more esoteric sciences. In some cases, they may have been fortunate enough to be able to choose parents who were already metaphysically inclined and thereby grew up around holistic healers and trance mediums. In other cases, they naturally gravitate toward individuals and groups who are on a spiritual path.
The Earth changes now taking place offer an exceptional opportunity for awakening. Some souls are “seeing the writing on the wall” and are realizing a radical new approach to life is being called for at this time. In desperation, they turn from the crumbling third density world, looking for a way out of the mess. This is where the Lightworkers of the world come in handy. Just as confused souls are looking for the Light, the Lightworkers are often looking for their unique way of expressing their gifts in the world.
Before we go into more detail on the ways the Lightworkers can help, let us take a look at some of the ways Mother Earth will be healing herself in the years to come.

The Purging on Earth

Virtually all of your major religions portray a time of tribulation, apocalypse, Armageddon, or judgment day. Many erroneously postulate that God is going to separate the righteous from the sinner, or wheat from the chaff, or meek and mild from the aggressors. It is understandable that in your limited perception, you would believe that some outside force is capable of passing judgment upon your species.
The natural laws of the Universe, which include the higher spiritual laws as well as the laws of Newtonian physics, Einsteinian time/space, quantum theory, superstring theory, metaphysics, genetics, etc., are all part of the workings of the multidimensional Omniverse, or Multiverse, or Universe of Universes.
While it is overly simplistic to say that disobedience of God’s laws is the cause of suffering, it is certainly true that ignorance of natural laws is a major contributor to the misery of the majority of humanity.
When your human body gets sick, its defenses generate antibodies and all sorts of biochemical reactions, such as fever, to repel the invading organisms.
When your Mother Earth gets overrun with ignorant souls who seek to plunder her resources and dominate her life forms, she mounts defenses as well. Life seeks balance. When things get too far out of balance, correction must be made. This is not the wrath of God, but is the consequence of ignoring or fighting against natural laws.
A soul that has not yet learned how to levitate and fly is subject to the law of gravity. If he falls off a building and hurts his body, does he blame God? Does he believe God is angry with him and is punishing him? Or does he simply need to learn about the law of gravity and have respect for it until such time as he learns other laws that supersede it.
Such is the case with humanity. The following is a list of the catalysts and causes for the purging which is now in the process of occurring on planet Earth:

Chapter 3 — The Changes Within
Table #1 — Reasons for the Purging Taking Place on Earth
*Mother Earth seeks to balance herself
t *The Lightworkers desire to live in peace and harmony
• Souls are completing their lessons of karma/reincarnation
*Divine Dispensations have been granted
or *The Earth is moving into the three portals
*The Galactic Shift is underway
*Benevolent ETs are interacting with Earth
*Natural periodic mutations are being triggered
*Souls desire to be free of misery and suffering
*Humanity has discovered how to destroy itself/the planet

Your Mother Earth has fourth density as its dominant mode of expression
starting on December 21, 2012. That means all souls who reside upon her must
be aligned with the fourth density principles of co-creation, cooperation,
harmonious living, respect for the environment, desire to grow and evolve, and
awareness of themselves as conscious beings on a spiral of evolution and

• Souls who are not able or willing to embrace the above qualities will have a
short time in which to get their affairs in order before exiting their third density
bodies and taking up residence on another third density planet through the
he process of death and reincarnation.
This period of time will likely encompass the three portals concluding in 2030. In a few cases, souls may be granted additional time to get their affairs in order, but all incoming (reincarnating) souls from 2012 onward will already be
vibrating at fourth density or higher. In other words, Earth will only accept those souls who have a vibratory state above 3.50 on this channel’s frequency scale.
The changes in the chemical composition of Earth and her atmosphere, along with solar storms and flares, and the electromagnetic fluctuations entering Earth
from the center of the Galaxy, will all contribute to mutations in the cells of human beings. For those who have raised their vibration and kept their immune systems intact, these mutations will be welcomed and accepted as the catalysts for change that bring the soul to a higher state of being. For those who refuse to
grow and evolve, who are deeply attached to materialism, or who do not feel ready on a soul level to embrace the New Earth, the mutations will cause immune system failure, opening the body to attack from exotic viruses, bacteria, molds,
fungi, toxic chemicals, radiation, etc.

Ekatarina Velika/Sinhro /Došao sam da te nosim u kuće mojih predaka, da ti pričam da noći nema da odustaneš da želja je glad je vatra...

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: uto maj 15, 2012 5:12 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 20, 2011 10:04 am
Postovi: 373
Our compassionate Creator is truly giving every soul what it desires. Souls who are not ready for fourth density Earth will not have to suffer as they vainly try to learn lessons they are not ready for. The only suffering involved in this plan is that incurred as a result of resistance by the ego. Those who are already in fourth density will finally get to experience the joy of living in a world of plenty where human well-being is the highest priority along with the well-being of Mother Earth.
Immune System Failure in Third Density Souls
As you know, dear Creators, the immune system is your body’s defense mechanism against harmful organisms, including viruses, bacteria, molds, fungi, parasites, toxic chemicals, radiation and electromagnetic pollution. In your modern world, you have plenty of invaders ready to take up residence in your body.
Immune systems are depleted through many factors, including stressful lifestyles, poor diet, lack of exercise, associating with negatively-oriented people, and especially holding within the self core negative belief systems and unresolved emotional issues.
You are, perhaps, familiar with the concept of default. Spiritually speaking, to default means to go along with the prevailing energy and consciousness of that which surrounds you. In most cases, that means that you will become more like the third density negative souls because they are still the dominant group on your planet.
If you do nothing, meaning that you do not meditate or engage in holistic healing practices and do not surround yourself with positively-oriented people, then most likely your vibratory level will drop to near the average level of humans on Earth. Therefore, you must be proactive on your spiritual path. This means seeking out those who have a high level of vibration, consciously surrounding yourself with beautiful, high-frequency places, objects and energies. such as melodious classical or New Age music, positively-charged crystals, flower gardens, flower essences, vibrant trees, etc.
It is not absolutely necessary to have a structured meditation practice, but there must be some quiet time each day when you can retreat from the busy world. A walk in nature is a wonderful and easy way to get centered. It not only gives you exercise, but also helps quiet the mind.
If you are aware of negative psychological patterns, core negative beliefs and traumatic emotions from your past, then some form of daily therapy or healing is called for. This does not mean you must spend every free moment processing or analyzing, but it does mean staying conscious every time one of these patterns
asserts itself and interferes with your enjoyment of life.
It is important to watch feelings as they arise, without judging them. Simply allow them to be. Do not label the feelings. If you go deeply into the now moment with a feeling, you recognize it as a unique pattern of energy. It might be a very strong energy that ripples through the body, or makes it tingle, or creates fatigue and soreness. Again, be careful not to label the feelings. Try to remain with the energy movement itself, rather than the descriptive words.
As you take care of yourself daily, your immune system will increase in strength and remain strong and you will survive the Earth changes physically. In fact, you will thrive. As the portals come and go, each one will strengthen your immune system if you are aligned with the frequencies coming into the Earth from the higher dimensions.
For those souls who do not take care of themselves, the constantly increasing stresses of the modern world will take a toll on the immune system. In addition, the mutations associated with the opening of the portals will greatly accelerate this decline.
Many souls will decide that they cannot make the transition into fourth density, and illness or disease will manifest in the body as a precursor to departing the Earth plane a few weeks, months or years later. This is the soul saying, “It’s time to get your affairs in order. We have a new assignment for you somewhere else.”
Often the ego/personality is not in agreement with the soul’s decision and fights it. In the case of a third density soul with a declining immune system, this will often take the form of lingering chronic illness and gradual deterioration of bodily faculties. The body and soul are in conflict. The will of the ego/personality may try to force the body to heal because it does not want to die. Yet the soul gently keeps pushing at the body to give up the fight.
Due to free will, a soul can change its mind and decide to stay, but the longer
the ego/personality and soul are at odds, the harder it is to reconcile the situation.
Your world is not set up to handle large numbers of souls with declining health conditions. Already, your medical institutions are on the verge of breakdown. The cumulative effects of many drugs exacerbate the problem, as does the financial drain on individuals and governments due to the need for constant care of souls from doctors and nurses.
In the years to come on third density Earth, it will become harder and harder to find clean air, food and water, and this, coupled with large-scale immune system failure, will create a negative spiral, especially in the cities where people live in close quarters. Diseases that once seemed non-contagious will spread due
to the declining immune function. Viruses will mutate prior to, during and after the opening of the portals. Toxic metal and radiation buildup will take their toll.
Due to free will, we cannot say with certainty exactly how many souls will exit the Earth and how fast they will go. It appears that the population of Earth will reach a peak of slightly less than eight billion, sometime around 2015, and then start declining. This will be due not only to a higher number of deaths, but also to declining birth rates. Many of the same factors that destroy the human immune system will also create partial or total sterility in young females. Included are many of your genetically modified grains and the pesticides used to grow them as well as many of the chemicals used in processed foods. These pollutants have a cumulative effect and many scientists are not yet aware of the long-term consequences of genetic modification and certain commonly used chemical food additives.
Since 1950, about five percent of humanity has turned away from the third density path of deterioration and into the fourth density path of enlightenment. While that may not seem like much, it involves over three hundred million souls. A few million more are likely to make the transition from third to fourth density during the portal openings.
If you live in the country, the slow-motion cataclysm of immune system failure will not be all that noticeable. Of course, many of your neighbors will get “terminal” illnesses or complain of chronic conditions. However, this is already occurring to some degree. You might simply notice that a lot more people are coming down with unexplained illnesses or new forms of cancer.
For those in the cities, the effect will be a lot more dramatic. In some cases,
dead bodies will pile up in the streets because hospitals, morgues and cemeteries
will become overwhelmed.
It is important to remind you, dear Creators, that this is only a tragedy from a third density point of view. The departing souls will be getting what they truly desire — a fresh start on a planet more suited to their level of vibration. The transition period will be a bit rocky as their egos slowly give up the battle to stay alive.
Your response as enlightened souls is to give them as much love and compassion as you can. Forgive them for not taking better care of themselves. There is no fault or blame here. Just affirm that every soul on Earth is taking the right steps to ensure his or her highest and best soul growth and happiness.
Many of you in fourth density have had nagging health issues that just do not to go away. There is a common reason for this, but it is not easy to explain ur language. Nevertheless, let us try at this time.
You may have heard the expression, “You are surrogates for the birth of the Earth.” What does this actually mean?
Some of you have used the expression, “I am taking on the karma of Mother and that is why I have been unable to lose weight or clear these health
These are true statements from a fourth density perspective. To some extent, are acting as mirrors for other souls to help them see what is taking place in the self. Because you are all connected, you cannot really be separate from frse who are suffering and so you do take on a small piece of that suffering. A of you aches when they ache and hurts when they hurt. While you cannot separate yourself from suffering, you can stop identifying with it. A healthy way of stating it is this:

J am a powerful, creative, healthy spiritual being temporarily experiencing the suffering of humanity.

You are aware of the suffering, you feel it, you know it, and to some extent you become it. But you never forget that you are much more than the suffering. In other words, you can fully experience something without believing that it is the truth of who you are. Instead of saying, “I am suffering,” you would say, “I have chosen to experience suffering.”
The way to heal the suffering of the world and the maladies within your own body/mind/personality is to shine the Light of compassion directly into the darkest places within and without. As you expose the dark places to Light, they will either depart or move toward the Light and become absorbed by it. If they depart, then bless them on their way and return to your Self. Ultimately, all dark negative beliefs are illusions and will disappear in the bright Light of Truth.

Table 2 below details the most common blocks to enlightenment. You will note that most of these are related and are often the same state of consciousness expressed in different ways.

Earth Awakens: Prophecy 2012 - 2030
Table 2 — The Most Common Blocks to Enlightenment
--Belief in Separation from God or Source
--Identification with the Ego (or Physical Body/Mind)
--Self-Judgment (Belief that Something is Wrong with Self)
--Guilt and Shame
--Fear of God (Fear of Life)
--Belief that One is Not Good Enough
--Belief that One is Unworthy
--Belief that Life is a Struggle
--Fear of Death
--Belief that One is Not Safe (Demand for Outer Security)
--Fear of Harm or Physical Pain (Fear of Darkness) ______
--Belief that There is Not Enough (Belief in Scarcity)
--Need for Approval from Others
--Fear of Rejection (Fear of Being Alone)
--Resentment (Holding Grievances)
--Emotional Attachments
--Habits and Addictions ____
--Fear of Disappointment (Unrealistic Expectations) _____
--Blind Acceptance of Doctrine or Dogma
--Attachment to Religious Beliefs
--Distractions of the World (Laziness, Amnesia)
--Possession by Negative Entities
--Possession by Negative Thought Forms of the World
--Etheric Imprints and Implants from Past Lifetimes
--Childhood and Past Life Trauma
--Lack of Discipline & Motivation
We are sure you can add more of your own to this list.

Ekatarina Velika/Sinhro /Došao sam da te nosim u kuće mojih predaka, da ti pričam da noći nema da odustaneš da želja je glad je vatra...

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: sri maj 16, 2012 2:22 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 20, 2011 10:04 am
Postovi: 373
Chapter 3 — The Changes Within

Recommended Healing and Therapy Techniques

There are many techniques for healing, and we will not go into detail on every one of them, but we will share a few of our favorites at this time. Keep in mind that the optimal frequency of application of these techniques will vary from soul to soul, so feel free to experiment with the regularity of practice.
In some cases, these techniques can be practiced on your own, while in other cases, you can purchase a CD or Mp3 file and listen without the need to employ a health professional. In other cases, the techniques are best conducted by a licensed or trained therapist or healer. We encourage you to use all these approaches to maximize your well-being.
Alpha-Theta Meditation
This is a basic technique that is at the root of guided visualization and hypnotherapy. The idea is that by taking a soul into a deeply meditative state, the brain waves of that soul will enter the alpha or theta range. It has been shown that souls emanating alpha and theta brain waves are much more creative and able to direct energy than souls emanating beta brain waves. During an alpha-theta
meditation, the client is taken into deep meditation using a hypnotherapy technique commonly known as “standard induction.” Specific autosuggestions are given to help the client relax, including the visualization of a favorite place in nature.
In more sophisticated versions of this technique, the client is instructed to interact with a human version of his or her own higher self that acts as a spirit guide during the process.
While in this deep state of mind, a number of additional techniques can be administered, including the visualization of specific goals and objectives as well as spiritual healing. Emphasis is placed on the safety of the technique and
portions of the induction are specifically targeted toward maximum safety. Often an intention is stated before the session. Always included in the intention is that
the experience will be for the client’s highest and best soul growth, happiness and well-being.

Reprogramming the Subconscious

This is a specific application of Alpha-Theta meditation whereby the client goes into a deep state and consciously uses reprogramming techniques to clear out negative core beliefs from the subconscious mind. One such technique involves the use of a computer screen to bring up negative programming. ‘the user then hits the “Delete” key to remove the beliefs that no longer serve him or her.
To some, that may seem like an overly simplistic approach, but remember, dear Creators, that the subconscious mind takes things literally. If it is being instructed to delete a program, it does so faithfully (under the right therapeutic conditions).
Once core negative beliefs are removed, positive autosuggestions are add’ Affirmations must always be in present tense. The present tense can be in the form of active or passive verbs. An example of an active autosuggestion woW be: “I am now experiencing my true innocence.” An example of a passive autosuggestion would be: “I am innocent.”
Most reprogramming techniques should be repeated often to increase the effectiveness since clients usually receive constant reinforcement of negative programming from the world that can reintroduce the old negative beliefs (remember our discussion on “default”).

Forgiveness and Release

This is another simple technique, but very powerful. The client is instructed to think about one to three people that he or she may not have completely forgiven. The litmus test for knowing whether or not complete forgiveness been achieved is simple: If you feel anything other than pure unconditional for a person when you think of him or her, then you have not completely to that person.
Pay particularly close attention to the way you feel in your body when visualize the person you are seeking to forgive. Look for tightness in the chi sinking feeling in the stomach, energy patterns of sadness or regret, or perhaps just a slight irritation. Also look for egotistical arrogance, such as an inner response, “I am so glad to be me. I would not want to be this person for alt tea in China.” While that may be true, usually thoughts of this nature are with judgments that you are somehow superior to the person you are forgiving this case, you might really be thinking, “I forgive the sorry wretch.” If your forgiveness is not genuine, go back to deep breathing and ask your God ’ within to help you reach true forgiveness. Then return to the process. In the forgiveness technique, clients visualize the souls they are forgiving and imagine such souls are sitting in front of them at about arm’s length. there is a withhold process and the soul in front of the client is lifted into the heavens on a golden beam of light.

After the processes with others are completed, forgiveness is directed toward the self. This process is done differently and involves declaring your forgiveness in front of everyone you have ever known in this lifetime or in past lifetimes.
Remember, forgiveness is to benefit you. If it also benefits the souls you are forgiving, that’s great, but those souls have free will and can choose to accept or reject your forgiveness.
In some cases, you can do this process face to face with other souls, but in a lot of cases, the recipients of the forgiveness will not be aware that you are doing the process, nor should you tell them. Their higher selves will be aware of your intentions and will either respond or not, depending on free will. It is not your concern whether or not the recipients actually benefit from your forgiveness or not. Your concern is to release yourself from emotional attachments, psychic ‘hooks” and etheric and astral “cording.”
Ultimately, all forgiveness is self-forgiveness, for ultimately all souls are reflections of your one shared Self.

Gestalt Therapy with Spiritual Healing

This technique is a combination of traditional therapeutic psychology (psychotherapy) and spiritual healing. The therapist asks the client to remember a time when the issues that are being worked on were particularly apparent. This usually involves trauma from early childhood, but it could involve an event from young adulthood as well. An example would be sexual abuse during the period from age 7 through 10. The client then “creates” or “personifies” a version of the self that experienced these events, and dialogues with that self. That self is given
various spiritual healing techniques, as well as general psychological counseling, a including affirmative statements such as “You are totally and completely
innocent. You have done nothing wrong. You are a beautiful, creative being of Light.”
Depending on the level of advancement of the soul undergoing therapy, it might be possible to include forgiveness processes and the sending of God’s golden, radiant, loving Light to the perpetrator of the abuse and witnesses who failed to intervene.
This technique is not a substitute for counseling with a qualified professional psychologist or psychiatrist, but often helps speed up the recovery process and gives the client a broader, spiritual perspective on early lifetime trauma.
The gist of this technique is that very often the “inner children” of a soul’s
past did not receive the love and nurturing they truly wanted, and so the adult self in therapy takes the role of a loving, nurturing parent and gives the inner children the love they so desperately wanted during childhood (and still want as an adult),


Rebirthing is a conscious breathing process based on Kriya yoga, which was first brought to Earth by the ascended master Babaji (known in various places by various names). This 9 density avatar taught a series of breathing rhythms and disciplines designed to raise the frequency of the physical body. Rebirthing is a somewhat diluted, but still highly effective, offshoot of Babaji’ s work that was brought to Earth by Leonard Off and later modified by various practitioners.
Rebirthing involves deep, connected breathing rhythms that often trigger cellular memories from the birth process because a soul’s first traumatic experience of life on Earth usually involved coming through the birth canal into physicality.
Personal sessions with a trained rebirther are typically 60 to 90 minutes and
may include affirmations and other basic guidance techniques in addition to
keeping the client breathing in “circular” rhythms.
You can practice a short form without a therapist, simply by closing your eyes, relaxing, and breathing fully, freely and deeply with no pauses between inhale and exhale. Do this for a couple of minutes. If you start to experience intense energy, slow the breathing down a bit and come out of the process. If you get sleepy, speed the breathing rhythm up until you feel energized. The important thing is to stay aware of your breath and the energy patterns moving through your body. If your mind gets too active, simply watch it as you move your attention back to the breath.
Resistance to life force energy is the main cause of psychological pain. When( you resist this natural breathing rhythm, the intense energy generated by the increase in the flow of prana through the body can be experienced as painful. II this occurs, temporarily slow down the breathing rhythm and see if you can perceive the pain as simply intense energy hitting blockages in the body. Learn to detach as much as possible from the patterns. Just observe them without judging or labeling. One form of rebirthing has you change your perception of intense energy into a feeling of pleasure instead of pain. You will discover, if you go deeply enough, that pleasure and pain are two sides of the same phenomenon.
Page 68

Chapter 3 — The Changes Within

There are various soul retrieval techniques being taught by counselors worldwide. The simplest of these involves reconnecting with those souls that may have triggered fragmentation of pieces of the client’s soul. These might include family relationships, traumatic interactions with intimate partners, rape, incest, and any experience whereby the soul experiencing the trauma dissociated parts of the self in order to escape the extreme pain associated with the trauma.
The simplest form of soul retrieval literally involves projecting the mental body to the time and place where the “perpetrator” is currently residing (whether or not the conscious mind knows the location and circumstances), and asking for those soul fragments back. The “perpetrator” holding the fragments cannot actually refuse to give them back because that would be a violation of free will, but if the “victim” believes he or she is powerless to take the fragments back, it will be more difficult to do so. Various visualizations can often accompany this technique.
After retrieving the soul fragments lodged in other souls, the client will then
seek to return the fragments of other souls that are lodged in the client’s own
Sometimes soul fragments are held in the chakras (as etheric body imprints) and at other times there can be concentrated areas of physical energy (implants) usually associated with the astral body, which are essentially traumatic events embedded in the cells. By breathing deeply and visualizing the returning of these fragments, areas that are physically inflicted can begin to improve.

Etheric and Astral Body Depossession

Release of soul fragments in the astral level of the self is akin to depossession, or release of entities, thought forms and negative energy patterns. Letting go of cords, filaments, threads and hooks of energy belonging to other souls can be done through visualization, affirmation, invocation, chanting, and energetic movement (such as aura clearing and chakra balancing).
Not all depossessions are simple and straightforward. If the client has a karmic connection with the entity or entities involved, they will not be easily removed. In that case, it may be necessary to investigate the present and past life connections between the souls involved in the karmic relationship.
There are various ascended masters and archangels that specialize in soul
integration and healing. You can, for example, ask Archangel Michael to clear all
negative energies, entities and thought forms from the astral and etheric bodies.
If you are experiencing repeated attacks by astral entities, there are more
forceful techniques available. You can contact the channel for more information on astral depossession.
Timeline Healing
This is a process whereby certain aspects of your self go back in time to heal other aspects that have experienced trauma or negative programming. All timeline healing therapies are based on the quantum physics principle of nonlocality. One way of stating this principle is as follows: You have an infinite number of selves, one for every moment in Creation, and there are an infinite number of moments. All these selves exist in this eternal now moment.
Some scientists have postulated that the Universe blinks on and off millions of times every second, which is essentially true. Every “blink” contains a soul experience, however brief it might seem to third density consciousness.
Those “blinks” or past life selves that experienced trauma have received emotional scars, astral implants, etheric imprints and causal body blockages that tend to carry over into future lifetimes (or in the case of early childhood trauma in this lifetime, they carry over into adulthood).
In timeline healing, the soul is guided into a deep meditation and is taken back in time to heal the traumatized selves. This is accomplished by using a standard induction process similar to hypnotherapy, along with guided imagery and affirmative statements. The aspects of self that go back in time are the meditative Light body and the golden radiant God Presence. To the past life self, these two higher aspects appear as shimmering beings of golden light, similar to angels. In some cases, the aspects of the self traveling back in time might choose to identify themselves as angels sent by God to give a healing to the past self. (Often, the past self has no way of conceptualizing the idea of future versions of itself going back in time to give it a healing.)
Various healing techniques are included during the visitation with the past self. It is important to note that the aspects going back in time are not changing the physical details of the past self s experience, as this would be a violation of the free will of other souls involved in the past self s creations. Instead, the purpose is to change the past self s experience of what happened and to remove the emotional scars, astral implants, etheric imprints and causal body blockages that resulted.
Once the healing is complete, the higher aspects of the client return to present time and the soul now has a new timeline that includes the healing that was received by the past self.

If the process does not go deep enough, it still works because the superficial version of this technique is the psychological process of “reframing,” which is often used by therapists to give people the happy childhood they always wanted but never received in the original third density linear past.
When the timeline healing process does go deep enough, it is possible for the soul to “remember” receiving the healing, especially if the timeline visited involves early childhood in this lifetime. This is called “closing the time loop.” This channel has had a number of clients exclaim “A-ha!” when it finally becomes clear who the golden beings were that appeared when he or she was a young child. Now, later in adulthood, the timeline healing process has answered that question.

Reverse Timeline Healing

This technique is essentially the opposite of regular timeline healing in that the journey back in time undertaken by the meditative Light body of a soul is to a period in that soul’s experience that was particularly enjoyable and empowering, rather than traumatic. The idea here is to bring the happy, powerful, successful self that was experienced at some point in the past, forward in time to the present, so that the energy can be accessed in the present.
This is more than simply recalling a pleasant memory. The meditative Light body and God Presence actually go back in time and retrieve some of the wonderful energy of a past experience and then bring it forward in time and overlay it on the present physical body of the client.
The client then uses this powerful, creative, happy energy to project forth his or her desires into the world. The technique is particularly useful for creating/manifesting specific things in life, such as the best possible career or business, or more loving relationships. Reverse timeline healing is based on the law of attraction. By putting out happy and loving energy into the world, it will return to the soul in various ways.
Also emphasized in this technique is the fact that the most powerful and creative energies are emanated from the heart and solar plexus, rather than the mind. The mind is simply the mechanical device used to carry out the desires of the soul (or ego as the case may be).
Part of reverse timeline healing involves ways of dealing with the ego when it tries to interfere with the intentions of the soul, as it invariably will.

Future Timeline Linking

This is a relatively new technique given to this channel by the Arcturians, in which a link is created to specific future selves. Once again, it is based on the principles of quantum physics and specifically, the uncertainty principle. Until free will directs a soul’s intention toward a specific goal or outcome, there are an infinite number of possible future timelines spreading out from the present moment like branches of a very large tree. As soon as the soul decides on a desired outcome, the possible timelines are narrowed down to a specific optimum path. Of course, there are still an infinite number of possible paths to the intersection point of manifestation in the future, but now the intersection point is established, meaning that there is a discrete and very real future self with which the soul can interact.
Once the future self is established, dialogue is opened between the present and future selves. The future self, in essence, gives the present self advice on how to reach him or her. For example, if there is a specific goal of the present self, the future self will essentially say, “This is how I achieved that goal. First I did this and then I did that,” etc.
There can be an ongoing relationship between the present and future selves to keep the present self on course. The future self becomes just like a spirit guide or benevolent ET and can be invoked in a similar manner. This is similar to shamanic techniques in some traditions.
Each of the above techniques can be facilitated by this channel, or he will be glad to refer you to someone who is qualified to guide you through these processes. As always, it is not our intention to make you dependent on a therapist or healer. You have the greatest healer within you already. The purpose of a practitioner is to help you get in touch with your own inner healer, your God Self.
As the fourth density souls clear their negativity, many will be ready to move onto the ascension spiral. The following section is specifically for those souls who are already on the path of ascension. For the rest of you reading this (who are vibrating at fourth density), sooner or later you will also begin the following processes.

Ekatarina Velika/Sinhro /Došao sam da te nosim u kuće mojih predaka, da ti pričam da noći nema da odustaneš da želja je glad je vatra...

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: pon maj 21, 2012 12:24 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 20, 2011 10:04 am
Postovi: 373
Tko je zainteresiran za sudjelovanje u prijevodu knjige Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji" sa engleskog jezika na "naš" neka se javi na pm ima nas par za sada a ideja je da svako odradi jedan dio pa ćemo biti prije gotovi

ideja je od jednog drugog forumaša a ja odlučih pomoći :wink: :-"

Ekatarina Velika/Sinhro /Došao sam da te nosim u kuće mojih predaka, da ti pričam da noći nema da odustaneš da želja je glad je vatra...

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: pon maj 21, 2012 2:39 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 20, 2011 10:04 am
Postovi: 373
ljudi se javljaju idemo :-" haha biti će nas čak i za kotlovinu poslije heheh ajmooooo :blob:

Ekatarina Velika/Sinhro /Došao sam da te nosim u kuće mojih predaka, da ti pričam da noći nema da odustaneš da želja je glad je vatra...

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: pon maj 21, 2012 4:31 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 12, 2009 7:33 pm
Postovi: 1124 ... 2-2030.pdf

Download skena knjige na engleskom.

:occasion5: :love3:

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: pon maj 21, 2012 6:12 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 20, 2011 10:04 am
Postovi: 373
kako da koristim tekst iz pdf-a kada ga vidi kao sliku ,neka rješenja sa neta nisu se pokazala uspješnim ](*,) oops uspio preko M_S document imaging rešeno :mrgreen:

Ekatarina Velika/Sinhro /Došao sam da te nosim u kuće mojih predaka, da ti pričam da noći nema da odustaneš da želja je glad je vatra...

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: pet jun 08, 2012 2:18 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Traže se prevodioci ove knjige, pa tko želi neka se javi na:

Ona bi prevodila tekst, a da slučajno to već netko ne prevodi i da se ne radi dupli posao.


:mrgreen: :wink:


 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: sri aug 01, 2012 6:49 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Evo najnovijih informacija u vezi izdanja knjiga:

htjel sam ti reći da sam dogovorio sa Sal Rachelom obje knjige da izdam ovu
godinu u tiskanom obliku

prva je tak već cijela u pdfu duže vrijeme na webu ,

al' ova druga kaj ju čovjek prevodi na tvom sajtu poruči mu da ako se ne
želi više mučiti u prijevodu je knjiga dao sam je prevoditelju frendu...

prva je vani u 9.mjesecu iz tiska druga mjeseca dana kasnije..

srdačan pozdrav,


:mrgreen: :wink:


 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: pon aug 05, 2013 1:27 pm 

Pridružen/a: ned dec 04, 2011 10:01 pm
Postovi: 1
Pozdrav, postoji li mozda navedena knjiga u PDF-u?

EDIT: Nasao :D

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: pon aug 05, 2013 3:21 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 20, 2011 10:04 am
Postovi: 373,d.Yms&cad=rja

evo na stranici na engleskom blebetalu

vjerojatno ima i drugdje

Ekatarina Velika/Sinhro /Došao sam da te nosim u kuće mojih predaka, da ti pričam da noći nema da odustaneš da želja je glad je vatra...

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: sub feb 17, 2018 8:29 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet aug 17, 2017 2:36 pm
Postovi: 58
Lol druze...Jos jedan u nizu prevaranata.Nista se od predvidjenog nije obistinilo.Nema nikakve komete,nema nikakvog propadanja 3D bica,skola,ustanova i vlasti,nema depopulacije(cak sta vise broj stanovnika se iz dana u dan povecava).Ekonomija,industrija i tehnologija su na samom vrhuncu i nema nikakvog osecaja u vazduhu.Znaci nista nisu pogodili.Ovi likovi su gori od kaziopejaca koji su najavili invaziju nefila najkasnije do 2014 godine.Evo ljudi sami procenite.Sada je 2018 godina.Pazi ti likova,ulazimo u 4. dimenziju i zato ce nam opasti imunitet hahahhahaha.Pa zivotinje zive u 3 dimenziji a dvodimenzionalna su bica.Isto tako zive i u 4. dimenziji.Procitao sam citavu knjigu utemeljitelja i smatram da mesaju lazi sa istinom u cilju dezinformacija isto kao i kaziopejci.Ti likovi su znali da ce znanje doci na zemlju i zato su resili da namo otkriju neke tajne koje su spomenute u Donosiocima svitanja ali da u sve to zamotaju dosta lazi.A ova predvidjanja su objavili u cilju izbijanja straha.

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: pet feb 23, 2018 1:50 pm 

Pridružen/a: sub jan 24, 2004 11:24 am
Postovi: 4229
S gnostičke platforme gledajući, kanalizirani izvor informacija ne može biti stvaran ili istinit. Njegova egzistencija će trajati i biti zavisna od toga koliko će on biti ubjedljiv, odnosno, koliko vijernika ili sljedbenika će uspeti da skupi i održi jer ga ovi snabdijevaju potrebnom energijom. Ukratko, što izvor kanaliziranih informacija ubjedljivije i podmuklije laže, utoliko će uspješnije egzistirati. (Ovdje trebamo uzeti u obzir i to da su religije i duhovna učenja, takođe ovdje instalirani uz pomoć kanaliziranja.)

 Naslov: Re: Earth Awakens : Prophecy 2012 - 2030 "Utemeljitelji"
PostPostano: pet feb 23, 2018 2:54 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet aug 17, 2017 2:36 pm
Postovi: 58
Ma ja verujem da ce biti tranzicije ali ova predvidjanja ne piju vodu nikako.Sve mi je sumnjivo.Verujem samo u par izvora koji su se ispostavili kao validni.Kaziopejci na 5 mesta uporno I detaljno objasnjavaju da je Nibiru skup kometa I da se ne radi o nikakvom planetoidu.Sa druge strane Krion,Arhandjeli i plejadejci jasno napominju kako je to planeta i da Anunakiji zele da nas kontrolisu.Citave kadiopejse transkripte su pune opasnih dezinformacija.Ista prica I sa utemeljiteljima.

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