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 Naslov: Adolf Hitler - Crni Magicar ili samo zaposjednuti psihopata.
PostPostano: ned okt 22, 2006 7:02 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 30, 2006 11:32 pm
Postovi: 702
Lokacija: Forbidden Island
Na ovoj temi mozete postati sve sto nam moze pomoci da bacimo malo vise svijetla na najfascinantniji i najmucniji period ljudske povjesti.

Dali je Hitler samo kanalizirao Nefilime ili neku drugu demonsku silu?
Sta se u stvari krije iza njegove opsjednutosti Zidovima?
Nepoznati detalji fuhrerove biografije....

Za pocetak evo jednog vrlo interesantog teksta

The following is a chapter from Strange But True - Mysterious and Bizarre People by Thomas Slemen (Barnes & Noble Books, NY). I imagine this book is similar to those by Charles Fort. How I came to know of this book is fairly myterious in itself. A client of mine is a sheriff's deputy assigned to a middle school as a "Resource Officer." One day, he noticed this book in the middle of the hallway. He put it to the side thinking the owner would claim it. No one ever picked it up, so he took it, read it, and brought it to me! I can't say anything about the author's research skills, but it was interesting. It has about 40 chapters on different people, beginning with an account of St. Germain that begins with a man who lived during the time of Christ.

More to the point here, after reading Laura's excellent editorial, The Mystic vs. Hitler, I thought this would be interesting material to consider, albeit with some reinterpretation from a hyper-dimensional vs. black magic perspective.

Was the Fuhrer a Black Magician?

According to the unfinished manuscript I Married Hitler's Brother which was discovered in the main branch of New York Public Library in the late 1970s, Adolf Hitler had once lodged at a house in the Toxteth district of Liverpool, England, from November 1912 to April 1913. Historians quickly presumed the manuscript was a hoax, but as they read through the work, many of them concluded the claims it contained were not as bizarre as they had initially thought.

The author of the controversial manuscript was one Bridget Hitler, the wife of Adolf's half-brother Alois. Irishborn Bridget's maiden name had been Dowling, and she had met Alois Hider at the annual Dublin Horse Show of 1909. Dressed in a brown suit and a homburg hat, the debonair Austrian introduced himself to 17 -year-old Bridget in broken English, and it was one of those supposedly rare cases of love at first sight. Bridget began to date the foreigner, who claimed to be in the hotel business, but her parents didn't approve of Alois, and they were shocked to discover that Alois's claim to be in the hotel business meant in fact that he was merely a waiter at the nearby Shelbourne Hotel. This was the final straw, and Bridget's parents demanded an end to the relationship. But Bridget was in love and she eloped with her sweetheart and married him in London. A year after the marriage, Bridget bore Alois a son, and he was named William Patrick. Bridget later addressed her son as Pat, while Alois called him Willie.

In their second year of married life, the couple decided to move to Liverpool, where they opened a small restaurant in the bustling thoroughfare of Dale Street, but it was only a modest success. Alois was a restless person, and he decided to sell the restaurant in order to buy a boardinghouse in another part of the city. The boarding-house venture was an utter disaster, and Alois became bankrupt. However, his economic outlook improved shortly afterwards when he won a fortune from backing the winner of the Grand National Steeplechase. Alois used the money to set himself up in the safety-razor business. He decided he needed a partner, so he wrote to his brother-in-law Anton Raubal in Vienna, asking him and his wife to come to Liverpool straightaway, and enclosed the traveling expenses.

On a cold November morning in 1912, Alois and Bridget went to Liverpool's Lime Street Station and waited for the 11.30 train to steam in. When the train arrived, the couple waited with baited breath for Anton and his wife to disembark, but they were disappointed. The outline of a solitary figure descending from the train was barely visible through the cloud of steam drifting across the platform. A pale-faced young man in a worn-out suit approached and offered his hand to Alois. It was Adolf, the younger half-brother of Alois. He explained that he had come in the place of Anton Raubal, who had not been able to make the journey for various reasons.

A heated discussion in German broke out between the brothers, and Bridget was so embarrassed that she left them and went home. In the evening, Alois brought Adolf to his three-bedroomed flat at 102 Upper Stanhope Street, and seeing that the brothers were now on friendlier terms, Bridget cooked dinner for them. After the meal, Adolf retired to the drawing room, while Bridget scolded her husband for giving his brother such a rough reception. Alois said that Adolf - who he referred to as "my artist brother" - had deserted from the Austrian army and had been on the run for 18 months. "That's why he came here to me," Alois explained, "When he confessed this at the station he wondered why I didn't welcome him with open arms."

At that time in Vienna, there was a rigid system of registration of domicile, and this system made it easy to locate anyone failing to report for military service. Alois said that Adolf had got round this by using the identity papers of his dead brother Edmund. But when the Viennese police finally tracked him down, Adolf fled to Liverpool after begging Anton Raubal's wife for the traveling expenses that Alois had sent to her husband.

Now that Alois had explained the facts, Bridget understood why her husband had made such a scene at the station.
According to Bridget, her 23-year-old brother-in-law spent most of his time lounging around the house and playing with two-year-old William Patrick. At first, he hardly spoke to her, but gradually, as the weeks went by, Adolf became friendlier and began talking about his interest in painting and his future plans. He told Bridget how disappointed he was when his application to become an artist at the Academy of Art in Vienna was turned down by a Jewish professor who said that he couldn't paint, but had a minor talent for architecture.

Another subject young Adolf discussed - or rather,argued - with his sister-in-law, was Germany's future. It was Adolf's unshakeable belief that Germany would one day take its rightful position in the world, and whenever he talked about the "fatherland", he would unfold a map of the world that belonged to Alois, spread it across the floor, and explain how Germany would first conquer France, and then England. Sometimes Adolf would disrupt Bridget's housework to discuss his political predictions, and on one occasion when Bridget became so irritated by his ranting that she carried on cleaning, Adolf began to scream and shout at her for ignoring him. Bridget retaliated by telling Adolf that he would never live to see England destroyed by Germany, and added that he wasn't even German - just a low-living Austrian deserter. Hitler was so taken aback by Bridget's riposte that he became speechless, and began to shake as he swelled with anger. [ PSYCHOPATHS LOVE TRUTH ABOUT AS MUCH AS THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST LOVED WATER-DOUBLY-DESPISED, NO DOUBT, SINCE HER DRENCHING DESTRUCTION WAS THE RESULT OF DOROTHY'S COMPASSION!]

One day, Alois took Adolf on a day trip to London, where Adolf became captivated by the various architectural styles of the city's buildings and landmarks. He was enchanted by the dome of St Paul's Cathedral, and the workings of Tower Bridge. On the train back to Liverpool, the future dictator made several sketches of an enormous version of St Paul's [NO DOUBT WITH A STEEPLE BIGGER THAN ANYONE ELSE'S], but Alois said that such a construction would be just a pointless folly. Adolf rambled on about his magnificent dream of building a domed temple to outlive the Pyramid of Cheops, but Alois fell asleep.

In her controversial manuscript, Bridget mentions a Mrs Prentice - a neighbor who was into astrology and the occult. Adolf allegedly spent hours in her home having his cards and horoscopes read. He was enthralled by her prediction that a tremendous future lay ahead of him. Mrs Prentice looked at the Austrian's palm and told him he had a prominent line of destiny which indicated that he would have a phenomenal career. However, Mrs. Prentice also noted that Adolf's "heart line" crossed his destiny line, which meant that his life's goal could be thwarted by his own emotions if they got the better of him.

Adolf eventually outstayed his welcome, and Alois told him to go home. So, in May 1913, Adolf left England and returned to Germany. Bridget says in her manuscript that she blamed herself for turning loose a man who plunged the" world into its costliest war, and she regretted not teaching him English.

Many historians who have analyzed the manuscript believe that Adolf's trip to Liverpool is entirely credible, and furthermore, November 1912 to May 1913 is something of a lost period in the Fuhrer's life. Hitler never mentioned his stay in Liverpool in Mein Kampf, but then that could be because he didn't want to publicize his shameful days as a draft-dodging drop-out. Ironically, the last bombs to fall on Liverpool demolished the very house in Upper Stanhope Street where Hitler once lived [MAYABE LIKE WORLD TRADE NO. 7 'IRONICALLY' COLLAPSED AND DESTROYED RECORDS FOR CASES BEING INVESTIGATED BY THE SEC]

Hitler returned to Vienna, where he lived on his wits and made a precarious living selling below-average postcard sketches, beating carpets and doing any odd jobs that came his way. He lived in a doss-house, infested with lice, and continually wore a long black overcoat given to him by a sympathetic Jewish tailor.

To escape the cold, Adolf would often wander through the corridors of the Hofburg Museum, where one particular exhibit never failed to mesmerize him: the Holy Lance. This was said to be the very spear which pierced Christ's side when he had given up his ghost on the cross. According to legend, the "Spear of Destiny" as it was called, belonged to the Roman soldier Longinius, who smote Jesus. And in the romance of King Arthur, the merchant Joseph of Arimathea is said to have brought the spear to Britain, where Sir Balim the Savage used it to wound King Pelham. It then went to Austria, and somehow wound up in the Hofburg Museum as part of the Habsburg regalia. Hitler was well-read, and he knew the biblical reference about the spear from John 19: 33-37 by heart:

"But when they came to Jesus, and saw that he was dead already, they broke not his legs: But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith came there out blood and water. And he saw it bare record, and his record is true: and he knoweth that he saith true, that ye might believe. For these things were done that the scripture should be fulfilled, A bone of him shall not be broken. And again another scripture saith, They shall look on him whom they pierced."

[HITLER'S ATTRACTION TO THIS SPEAR IS DIAGNOSTIC IN ITSELF. IF ONE LOVED CHRIST, WOULD ONE WANT TO OWN THE SPEAR THAT PIERCED HIS SIDE? BUT THE MORE INCONGRUENCES, THE BETTER, FOR PSYCHOPATHS TO WEAVE MIND-BENDING PARAMORALISMS LIKE THIS: "My belief as a Christian points me to my Lord and Saviour as a fighter...who, God's truth was greatest not as a sufferer but as a fighter. In boundless love, as a Christian and a man, I read through the passage which tells me how the Lord rose at last in His might and seized the scourge to drive out of the Temple the brood of vipers and adders."]

The spear Hitler was obsessed with had been discovered at Antioch in 1098 during the First Crusade. It seems that this same lance had been carried as a talisman in the ninth century by Charlemagne, and it was reputed to have helped him win 47 campaigns. It was also said that when Charlemagne' accidently dropped the lance one day, he suddenly died.

The lance then passed into the hands of Heinrich the Fowler, the founder of the royal house of the Saxons, who drove the Poles eastward. The lance later came into the possession of five Saxon monarchs, and generations later, it became the coveted property of the succeeding Hohen stauffens of Swabia. The most prominent of this line, Frederick Barbarossa, conquered Italy and even subdued the Pope, forcing him into exile. Barbarossa made the same fatal mistake as Charlemagne; he dropped the lance while wading in a stream in Sicily on his way to the Third Crusade, and within minutes he was dead.

Being just one of many poverty-stricken Austrians at the time, all these stories of the magical lance fired the imagination of Adolph. According to Dr Walter Johannes Stein (a prominent mathematician, economist and occultist who had known Hitler in his youth) the future leader of Nazi Germany had a vast understanding of black magic and saw the lance as the equivalent of a magician's wand. In the summer of 1912, Stein visited an occult bookseller in Vienna and bought a worn edition of ParsivaI, an Arthurian romance about the Holy Grail by the thirteenth-century German poet Wolfram von Eschenbach. The margin of this book was full of scribbled notes by someone who evidently had a deep knowledge of the occult - and a pathological hatred of the Jews. Stein wondered about the book's previous owner, and when he looked at the inside of the flyleaf he found his name "Adolf Hitler."

Stein traced him through the bookseller and spent many hours listening to Adolf's strange views on eugenics and politics, which he found repugnant yet somehow alluring [PERFECT DESCRIPTION OF THE ODD EMOTIONS STIRRED BY A PSYCHOPATH]. Stein later said that even though Hitler was only in his early twenties, he felt he had some grand mystical destiny to fulfill, and radiated a peculiar evil charisma.

One day, the conversation between Stein and Hitler turned to the Holy Lance, and Hitler expressed his belief that the ancient weapon would one day come into his hands, telling Stein of a stirring vision he had witnessed while looking at the lance in its case: "I slowly became aware of a mighty presence around it, the same awesome presence which I had experienced inwardly on those rare occasions in my life when I had sensed that a great destiny awaited me. A window in the future was opened up to me through which I saw in a single flash of illumination a future event by which I knew beyond contradiction that the blood in my veins would one day become the vessel of the Folk-Spirit of my people." [A LITTLE BIT OF EVERYTHING IN THIS PARAGRAPH: PRESENCES, VISIONS, WINDOWS IN THE FUTURE, BLOOD, FOLK-SPIRITS]

Hitler never divulged the details of his vision, but Stein was convinced that he had probably seen himself 25 years on, in the Heldenplatz outside the Hofburg Museum addressing thousands of his fellow Austrians. At that very place on March 14th, 1938, the Fuhrer announced his annexation of Austria and ordered the removal of the Habsburg regalia to the spiritual home of the Nazi movement - Nuremberg. Many historians were baffled by this, as Hitler had always condemned the house of Habsburg as betrayers of the German race, but they overlooked the legendary reputation of the Spear of Destiny.
On October 13th the spear was carefully loaded onto an armored train with an SS guard and taken over the German border. The relic was then given a new home in the hall of St Catherine's Church, which had been converted into a Nazi war museum [REPORTS OF SUCH CHURCH CONVERSIONS IN RUSSIA WERE USED 50 YEARS AGO TO FRIGHTEN US INTO SUPPORTING THE 'COLD WAR AGAINST OF 'GODLESS COMMUNISM,' BUT IS CONVERTING A CHURCH INTO A WAR MUSEUM REALLY SO BLASPHEMOUS - OR JUST COMPLETELY LOGICAL?] With the lance now in his possession, Hitler seemed drunk with power, yet had a morbid fear of losing the relic, for he knew that those in the past who had let the lance fall from their grasp had soon died.

Many students of twentieth-century history have remarked on Hitler's amazing rise to power from his days as a down-and-out postcard painter. It seems that no two historians can agree on whether Hitler was simply in the right place at the right time, or whether he was merely the puppet of some sinister evil genius who lurked in the shadows of the Nazi Party. How Hitler was able, unchecked for over ten years, to implement policies of unprecedented atrociousness is another question that will continue to plague mankind. Stein believed Hitler's rise to power and his ability to get away with genocide was due to the dictator's involvement with the black arts. But are there any facts to support Stein's claims?

The official insignia of the Nazi Party was the swastika, an old symbol that has been found in many cultures across the world, including those of the American Indians and the ancient Greeks. It was usually a symbol of the sun or good luck, but the Nazi swastika was reversed [CF. THE REIKI SIGNS BEING CORRUPTED BY REVERSALS] - to denote evil and paganism. The transposed swastika had first been used as an emblem of a neo-pagan movement by the German occultist Guido von List in the late nineteenth century. List renounced his Catholicism at the age of 14 in 1862 and swore he would one day build a grand temple dedicated to Odin, the Scandinavian god of war. Eight years later, List had attracted a sizeable group of like-minded people who also felt a strong spiritual connection with the old mythological deities of Scandinavia. These followers observed the pagan feasts at the solstices and equinoxes, and worshipped the sun as Baldur, the old Norse god who was slain in battle, but rose from the dead - just as the sun rises to end the funereal night. Their sun-worshipping rite was held on the top of a hill in Vienna, and on one occasion, the heathen liturgy ended with List burying eight wine bottles laid out in the shape of his swastika.

When the National Socialist Party was still in its infancy in the 1920s, Hitler realized that the movement needed a symbol. The Russian communists had the hammer and sickle, and Britain had the easily-identifiable Union flag. An interesting suggestion was put forward by a Sternberg dentist named Friedrich Krohn: a black swastika on a white disc set on a red flag. The red symbolized blood and the social ideal, and the white disc stood for purity of race and nationalism. The swastika at the centre of all this signified "the struggle for victory of the Aryan man.

Krohn immediately captured Hitler's imagination with his proposal. The most infamous symbol in the history of mankind had been conceived. Shortly after the birth of the Nazi "cross", Hitler imposed a baffling directive that has never been understood by modern historians: all occult writings and practices were to be rigorously stamped out. Why did someone like Hitler, who was so preoccupied with the occult himself, wish to eradicate occultism?

In 1934, the Berlin police impounded thousands of books on mysticism and the occult. Then came the widespread suppression of all occult groups in Germany - even groups such the German Order (of which Friedrich Krohn was a member) and the Thule Society - which contained many members of the National Socialist Party, including Rudolf Hess. Hitler's directive to wipe out the occultists seems contradictory, but recent evidence has surfaced which indicates that the Nazi leader attacked the occultists because he saw them as rivals. [CF. JEHOVAHISTS CONDEMNATION OF 'FALSE PROPHET' CHANNELERS] Similarly, Stalin persecuted and disbanded the occultists in Russia because he feared their secret societies; he also tried to wipe out the' ultra-secretive Freemasons. As far as the Fuhrer was concerned, only one occult movement was permissible under his Third Reich - all competitors would have to be removed. ["SOUNDS FAMILIAR..."YE SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS BESIDES ME"]

Among the many accounts we have from people who met the Fuhrer or worked alongside him, there are recurring stories of his strange [PSYCHOPATHIC] powers of persuasion and ability to literally bewitch people. In April 1943, the Italian dictator Mussolini visited Hitler in Germany in a state of deep depression and mental and physical exhaustion. An entry in the diary of Josef Goebbels describes how Hitler revitalized Mussolini:

"By putting every ounce of nervous energy into the effort, the Fuhrer succeeded in pushing Mussolini back onto the rails. In those four days Mussolini underwent a complete change. When he got out of the train on his arrival the, Fuhrer thought he looked like a broken old man. When he left again he was in high fettle, ready for anything."

Hitler's powers of suggestion and motivation were also experienced by Karl Donitz, commander of the V-Boat fleet. Donitz once said of the Fuhrer's uncanny influence: "I purposely went very seldom to his headquarters, for I had the feeling that I would best preserve my power of initiative and also because, after several days at headquarters, I always had the feeling that I had to disengage myself from his powers of suggestion. I was doubtless more fortunate than his staff, who were constantly exposed to his power and personality." [CF. TO RUSS BAKER'S DESCRIPTION OF THIRTY HOURS INTERVIEWING IRA EINSTEIN, (CHAPTER 34 ADVENTURE SERIES)]

On another occasion, Dr Hjalmar Schacht, the Nazi Party's financial wizard, asked Hermann Goering to discuss a minor point of economic policy with Hitler. Goering promised he would raise the matter but when he came face to face with Hitler, he found that he could not bring himself to speak. Goering later admitted to Schacht: "I often make up my mind to say something to him, but when I meet him face to face my heart sinks."

Many in the higher echelons of the Nazi Party, as well as 55 guards, were convinced that Hitler was possessed. Herman Rauschning, the Governor of Danzig and confidant of the German dictator, claimed that Hitler often suffered terrible nightmares, and awoke many times to see a phantom-like being in his room. Rauschning gives an account of the Fuhrer's night-terror in his book Hitler Speaks:

"A person close to Hitler told me that he wakes up in the night, screaming and in convulsions. He calls for help, and appears to be half paralyzed. He is seized with a panic that makes him tremble until the bed shakes. He utters confused and unintelligible sounds, gasping, as if on the point of suffocation. The same person described to me one of these fits, with details I would refuse to believe had I not complete confidence in my informant. Hitler was standing up in his room, swaying and looking all round as if he were lost. "It's he, it's he," he groaned; "he's come for me!" His lips were white; he was sweating profusely . . . suddenly he screamed: "There! There! Over in the corner! He is there!"

But there was nobody in the corner. All the same, Hitler lived in fear of his nocturnal demon. In the Bible several people possessed by demons are described as falling to the floor and frothing at the mouth - during his screaming rages Hitler did the same. Rauschning believed that the man who caused the deaths of more than 30 million people was but a mouthpiece for some evil force:

"One cannot help thinking of him as a medium. For most of the time, mediums are ordinary, insignificant people. Suddenly they are endowed with what seems to be supernatural powers which set them apart from the rest of humanity. These powers are something that is outside their true personality - visitors, as it were3 from another planet. The medium is possessed. Once the crisis is past, they fall back again into mediocrity. It was in this way, no doubt, that Hitler was possessed by forces outside himself - almost demonic forces of which the individual named Hitler was only the temporary vehicle."

Curiously enough, many other observers of Hitler's oratorial skills independently reached the same conclusions as Rauschning. "I looked into his eyes - the eyes of a medium in a trance. Sometimes the speaker's body seemed inhabited by something," Bouchez once remarked.

"The Devil's children have the Devil's luck" is an old adage that certainly applied to Hitler. In World War One, Corporal Hitler fell asleep in a trench and dreamt that a shell killed him. He awoke in a sweat and ran from the spot. The bemused soldier who took his place was blown to bits by an enemy shell minutes later. Then in 1923, Hitler lead a column of National Socialists through the streets of Munich. The police machine-gunned the column, killing 16 storm troopers. Hermann Goering was badly wounded, but Hitler somehow escaped injury. On another occasion, in 1931, Hitler stepped off a pavement in Munich and into the path of a speeding Fiat motorcar, driven by the multi-millionaire Lord Howard de Walden. Hitler survived the collision without even a bruise, and even shook hands with the speechless de Walden and forgave him. On July 20th, 1944, a bomb planted by Colonel Berthold von Stauffenberg under Hitler's conference table exploded. The Fuhrer survived the assassination attempt and Stauffenberg was shot on the following day. His 150 fellow conspirators were also executed.
But Hitler's luck was dealt a severe blow when he allowed the Spear of Destiny to leave him. Because of heavy allied bombing on Nuremberg in October 1944, Hitler had the spear and the rest of the Habsburg regalia transferred to a specially constructed reinforced vault.

Within six months, the momentous D-Day landings had been a great success, and the Allies were closing in on the Fuhrer in his Berlin bunker. He knew all hope of victory had long gone, and that it would only be a matter of time before the end came. But for some reason, Hitler waited until April 30th, 1945 until he shot himself through the head. It may have been a coincidence, but an ancient occult feast called Walpurgis Night also falls on that day. Hell's demons are said to hold high revelry under their chief - the Devil.

On the day of Hitler's death, Lieutenant William Horn of the. American Seventh Army located the Spear of Destiny in its underground bunker. Longinius's famous lance was lying on a bed of red velvet. Horn took possession of the relic on behalf of the United States government.


" Vrlo cesto Vitez je porazen jer je sluzio Djavolu svim svojim srcem dok je iskreno ali pogresno vjerovao da sluzi Kristu."
(Mouravijeff- Gnosis)

PostPostano: ned okt 22, 2006 7:10 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 30, 2006 11:32 pm
Postovi: 702
Lokacija: Forbidden Island
buduci da osobno ne vjerujem da je Isus ikada bio razapet a jos manje proboden kopljem mislima da je cijela prica o koplju najobicnija glupost i mamac za pseudoezotericare

medjutim interesatni su izvjestaji ( od razlicitoih hitlerovih suvremenika) o raznim simptomima koji ukazuju na to da je hitler po svoj prilici bio zaposjednut

" Vrlo cesto Vitez je porazen jer je sluzio Djavolu svim svojim srcem dok je iskreno ali pogresno vjerovao da sluzi Kristu."
(Mouravijeff- Gnosis)

PostPostano: ned okt 22, 2006 9:42 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Pa što je tu čudno?

Znamo da OPS bića viših denziteta vrlo lako manipuliraju ljudima koji imaju sličnu frekvenciju... a Hitler je imao takvu, dakle bio je pogodan za manipulaciju. Ostalo znate iz povijesti.

Možda je zanimljivije ono što se dešavalo poslije 2. svj. rata... kad su SS snage pokupile naučnike i plavuše i odjurili na Južni Pol...

Upravo sam uploadao u Downloads literature na onaj link knjigu: Remer - 20 Juli 1944 - Germany, na njemačkom je... ista je zabranjena u Njemačkoj... govori o tom vremenu... ako netko zna njemački - prava "poslastica".

:mrgreen: :wink:

PostPostano: ned okt 22, 2006 9:59 pm 

Pridružen/a: sri maj 24, 2006 8:12 pm
Postovi: 1517
U knjizi „Okultni rajh“ se moze naci dosta podataka, mnoge sam prepoznala i u ovom tekstu: onaj o Musoliniju, Hitlerovom budjenju usred noci, progonu okultista, jos par. I tezu da je bio zaposednut.

Mislim da se fenomen fasizma u Nemackoj i II svetskog rata ne moze dovoljno dobro objasniti niti ekonomskom situacijom u to vreme, niti Gebelsovom vestinom propagande. Citava nacija je bukvalno bila u transu.

Hitlerovo interesovanje za okultno i bavljenje okultizmom je, cini mi se, nesumnjivo. U tom pogledu on nije usamljena pojava, jer u Nemackoj tog vremena bukvalno cvetaju tajna okultna drustva. Tula je samo jedno od njih. Neopaganizam, stagi germanski mitovi se takodje bude, od Pesme o Nibelunzima i Loengrina pa nadalje (da, i ja volim Wagnera). Pokrenuti su izuzetno mocni kolektivni arhetipovi a ko ih je pokrenuo, e, to je pitanje.

Simbol tzv. obrnute svastike se smatra mracnim, „zlim“ simbolom i jedno od tumacenja glasi da je izabran upravo da bi se „prizvale“ mracne sile. Ja ne delim ovo misljenje: simboli su neutralni, ljudske aktivnosti im daju znacenje, „utiskuju“ u njih odredjene vrednosne kategorije. Pre sam sklona misljenju da nam je (ljudskom rodu) zloupotrebom svastike „ukraden“ jedan mocan simbol time sto sada kolektivna svest sa njime povezuje veoma negativne i bolne dogadjaje. „Obrnuta“ svastika se moze naci u mnogim kulturama. Mislim da imam negde Hitlerov govor povodom Dana zetve, ako ga iskopam, postacu ga.

Arijevaci oznacavaju Indo-Iransku grupu. Rec na sanskritu znaci plemenit, otmen, u teozofskoj literaturi se ponegde koristi da oznaci covecanstvo na petoj, sadasnjoj razini razvoja. Stajner ga takodje koristi u tom smislu. Danas proizvodi veoma negativne asocijacije.

Jevrejsko pitanje je igralo vaznu ulogu. Hitlerov plan je bilo konacno resenje, dakle POTPUNO istrebljenje Jevreja i tome se posvecivao sa jednakim zarom kao i vojnim operacijama. Antisemitizam nije nastao sa Hitlerom, ali je kod njega dobio upravo opsesivne razmere.

Hm, imam u stvari jednu teoriju ali objasnjava stvari na nacin na koji ne volim da ih objasnjavam, pa je radije ne bih iznosila.
U svakom slucaju veoma interesantna tema.

PostPostano: ned okt 22, 2006 10:03 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 30, 2006 11:32 pm
Postovi: 702
Lokacija: Forbidden Island
hm arja
ipak se ne bih slozio s tobom u vezi simbola

mislim da simboli funkcioniraju na multidimenzionalnom nivou po zakonima koji nam bas nisu najjasniji

uostalom crop circles nam se pojavljuju na licu planete bas iz tog razloga :wink:

" Vrlo cesto Vitez je porazen jer je sluzio Djavolu svim svojim srcem dok je iskreno ali pogresno vjerovao da sluzi Kristu."
(Mouravijeff- Gnosis)

PostPostano: ned okt 22, 2006 10:04 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 30, 2006 11:32 pm
Postovi: 702
Lokacija: Forbidden Island
sad kad si spomenila tu teoriju
moras je iznjeti :mrgreen: u suprotnom si samo teaser

" Vrlo cesto Vitez je porazen jer je sluzio Djavolu svim svojim srcem dok je iskreno ali pogresno vjerovao da sluzi Kristu."
(Mouravijeff- Gnosis)

PostPostano: pon okt 23, 2006 1:09 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet sep 03, 2004 10:07 pm
Postovi: 907
Jedan odlomak iz clanka o Gigantopitecima:

Što se tiče tragova rada tih gorostasnih bića, još i danas naučnici i arheolozi nalaze neobjašnjiva kiklopska podzemlja savršene izrade, utvrde i tunele koji se granaju čitavom planetom. Kamene ceste - sagradene od ogromnih blokova kamenja - kao da su imale ulogu da izdrže neke ogromne Težine! To su naučno utvrđeni dokazi i zna ih svaki arheolog. Nadalje, prema svim legendama prastarih naroda, rasa divova je bila bele puti, plave kose i očiju, sa prosečnom visinom od 3 do 5 metara. Imali su veći mozak od našeg pa, prema tome, i veću mogućnost prikupljanja znanja. Simbol im je bila „svastika" čiji je znamen upotrebio Hitler kako bi podupro ideju o tzv. „izabranom narodu" nadljudskih sposobnosti.

I knew it. I knew it was coming. But this is not the future my mother warned me about. And in this future, I don't know if we can win this war.

PostPostano: pon okt 23, 2006 8:17 am 

Pridružen/a: čet okt 12, 2006 1:23 pm
Postovi: 15
Zanimljivo je da do pojave Hitlera, vecina ljudi u Europi nije imala pojma cak ni kako izgleda svastika i vecina ih o tom simbolu uopce nije imala formirano misljenje niti ga povezivala s bilo cim. Odlaskom Hitlera sa scene u Europi su ostala ruzna sjecanja koja je zapecatila svastika kao simbol. Tako da vecini europljana svastika predstavlja Hitlera. Sto se tice azijskih naroda oni i dalje imaju pozitivnu reakciju na simbol te ga i dalje smatraju simbolom srece i pobjede .....-> Falun Gong

Zanemarimo li Hitlera i prebacimo se u period prije njegove pojave, svastiku cemo pronaci kao jak magican simbol (potpuno pozitivan simbol) u mnogim obredima na euroazijskom podrucju (pogotovo kod hindusa i budista), zatim kod americkih indijanaca te Židova. Ovaj simbol unatoc tome sto je simbol srece, nije imao srece iz razloga sto su ga njemacki neonacisti odlucili postaviti kao svoj simbol srece (neonacisti ideju za zakrivljenu svastiku djelomicno uzimaju i iz nordijskog futharka tj. iz rune Sigil ili Sowelu – koja je simbol sunca, pobjede, snage, plodnosti, zdravlja, pozitivne energije..i najzanimljivije pobjede svjetla nad tamom i jasno viđenje). Ova runa nalazi se na kraju drugog aetta nordijske abeceda u kojem se nalaze rune koje simboliziraju sile kojima covjek ne moze vladati, ona otvara ulaz u treci i posljednji aett runa koji zavrsava ciklus te sadrzi rune povezane sa ratom i pravdom, duhovnim prosvjecenjem i intelektualnim postignucima.
Sto se tice samog izgleda simbola potpuno je svejedno jeli usmjerena u lijevo ili desno, glavna linija u pravilu se postavlja horizontalno iako moze biti i malo ukosena (45 stupnjeva).

PostPostano: pon okt 23, 2006 6:57 pm 

Pridružen/a: sri maj 24, 2006 8:12 pm
Postovi: 1517
sad kad si spomenila tu teoriju
moras je iznjeti u suprotnom si samo teaser

pristajem da budem teaser :mrgreen:
ali evo, ako budem uspela da je uoblicim u koliko-toliko prihvatljivom obliku, iznecu je. A i nije neka... :mrgreen:

Oceania, odlican post. Ja takodje ne znam za kulturu u kojoj se „obrnuta“ svastika koristila kao crnomagijski simbol.

mislim da simboli funkcioniraju na multidimenzionalnom nivou po zakonima koji nam bas nisu najjasniji

Da, slazem se, zakoni po kojima simboli deluju na nasu svest/podsvest nam nisu u potpunosti dostupni. Ali hajde da zamislimo neki istinski mocan simbol, svastika je dobar primer. Da li je u pitanju neka „vecna slika“, preuzeta iz drugih dimenzionalnih ravni ili prosto ljudski „izum“, hm :-k ? U svakom slucaju hiljade i hiljade ljudi su „punile“ simbol pozitivnim idejama, pozitivnim emocionalnim nabojem i on je Time u kolektivnoj svesti „upisan“ kao mocan pozitivan simbol. Da bi ga nesto vise od deset godina nacional-socijalizma pretvorilo u izrazito negativan i kao takvog upisalo u kolektivnu svest. „Ukraden“ je.

Isti primer imamo sa krstom. Krst je jedan od najmocnijih i najstarijih simbola koji mi danas gotovo nismo u stanju da odvojimo od hriscanstva.

Ali da se vratimo na temu. Austrijski dezerter koji je postao kancelar Nemacke. Cime je toliko smentalio Nemce?
I da, Jack, sta je bilo posle?

PostPostano: pon okt 23, 2006 7:51 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 30, 2006 11:32 pm
Postovi: 702
Lokacija: Forbidden Island
postoje indicije da se na drugim dimenzionim realitetima simboli iz nase realnosti vide skroz druukcije, tako npr. pentagram izgleda kao piramida

pitam se kako li tamo izgleda svastika

" Vrlo cesto Vitez je porazen jer je sluzio Djavolu svim svojim srcem dok je iskreno ali pogresno vjerovao da sluzi Kristu."
(Mouravijeff- Gnosis)

PostPostano: uto okt 24, 2006 12:24 am 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
pitam se kako li tamo izgleda svastika

Možda kao prostorna spirala... s 4 "vodilice"... nešto kao lanac u DNA...

I da, Jack, sta je bilo posle?

Poslije nego što je došao u Njemačku ili poslije rata?

Ono prvo više-manje znamo... a ono drugo... ošli na Južni Pol. Organizirali se u podzemnoj bazi ( bazama ). Ameri su ih pokušali naći. Prvi pokušaj - izvidnica... izglda da su ih samo detektirali. Drugi pokušaj - brdo vojske i brodova, aviona... i krenuli u "lov". Vratili su se desetkovani, njemci su ih rasturili ko beba zvečku... i informacije o tome su vrlo suzdržane. Naravno, zna se zašto.

I danas se nalaze "ispod", ali tko zna kakve gradove imaju i kojom se naprednom tehnologijom služe. Pošto su u suradnji s 4 D OPS-ima... možeš samo zamisliti... uglavnom, vjerojatno vrlo moćne podzemne baze, pokusi, hibridizacija i to...

:mrgreen: :wink:

PostPostano: uto okt 24, 2006 7:07 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet dec 02, 2005 11:54 pm
Postovi: 742
Ono prvo više-manje znamo... a ono drugo... ošli na Južni Pol. Organizirali se u podzemnoj bazi ( bazama ). Ameri su ih pokušali naći. Prvi pokušaj - izvidnica... izglda da su ih samo detektirali. Drugi pokušaj - brdo vojske i brodova, aviona... i krenuli u "lov". Vratili su se desetkovani, njemci su ih rasturili ko beba zvečku... i informacije o tome su vrlo suzdržane. Naravno, zna se zašto.

Ja sam isto čuo za ovo, mislim da sam to davno gledao u nekom dokumentarcu ali se ne mogu sjetiti kojem i sjećam se odlično da su pominjali neku veliku bitku između saveznika i Nijemaca na južnom polu i da su saveznici otišli "podvijenog repa". Takođe se pominjalo da su Nijemci imali neko fantastično naoružanje tom prilikom koje nisu ranije koristili za vrijeme trajanja rata i čak se pominju NLO-i koji su valjda bili u njihovom "posjedu". :?

PostPostano: uto okt 24, 2006 2:14 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 30, 2006 11:32 pm
Postovi: 702
Lokacija: Forbidden Island
evo linkova
na forum Sign of the times sa kojeg je preuzet uvodni post

kao i na thread na galaksiji koji se dotakao ove teme

" Vrlo cesto Vitez je porazen jer je sluzio Djavolu svim svojim srcem dok je iskreno ali pogresno vjerovao da sluzi Kristu."
(Mouravijeff- Gnosis)

PostPostano: čet feb 08, 2007 5:38 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned jan 21, 2007 5:43 pm
Postovi: 1200
Pozdrav svima :D !

Umjesto da ovdje prekopiravam cijele tekstove, stavit ću samo linkove sa zanimljivim tekstovima o Hitleru, nacizmu i ulozi okultizma u cijeloj priči, kao i ulozi "drevnih" zagonetki kao što su Atlantida, Tula, Lemurija itd: ... tibet.html

gornja stranica vodi na dodatne linkove.

Evo još jednoga slične tematike:

:D :) :wink:

PostPostano: čet feb 08, 2007 10:01 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet dec 14, 2006 8:04 pm
Postovi: 139
Lokacija: na mjestu
Srpski pisac Svetislav Basara navodi u jednom svom romanu (Na gralovom tragu, ako se ne varam) da je Hitler imao cak i jednu specijalnu jedinicu specijalno obucenih vojnika sa specijalnim sposobnostima, otkriti, naime, Zidove dok spavaju, uci im u snove, polazeci od pretpostavke da svi Zidovi sanjaju o povratku u Svetu Zemlju... :lol:
Istina je da je Hitler bio totalno u "okultnoj" modi svoga vremena, a posebno je cijenio H.P.Blawatsky, no, oslanjati se na istrazivanja "historicara" koji ga mistificiraju ne pomaze nam da shvatimo i izvucemo poruku koju nam je sama povijest ostavila u naslijedje, nebi li se ponovila, nadodacu.
Psihopat koji je znao izvuci "najbolje" iz svojih psihopatskih sunarodnjaka i nista vise, ako to nekome nije dovoljno strasno. Na nesrecu, povjesne neprilike isle su mu u prilog. To sto je koristio radio samo mu je bio plus, na TV-u bi bio smijesan i karikaturalan, kao sto je nama danas, al radio, "glas" koji govori, sto je to radilo u svijesti prosjecnog antisemitskog Nijemca, tesko nam je i zamisliti. Nema veceg horora doli onih snimci dok se on dere, a masa mu odusevljeno klice.
Posjednut, netko rece? A netko cak i "da ne vjeruje da je Krist razapet bio, al da vjeruje da je Hitler bio "posjednut". To je ista logika, dijaboliziranje je druga strana medalje obozavanja. Treba se hladne glave sagledat stvar. Priznati si za sto je sve covjek sposoban, a ne kriviti "ono nesto".
Uostalom, ako je on i bio posjednut, kako objasniti da se je u gotovo svim europskim drzavama pojavio neki omanji "hitler"?
Jednostavno, igrao je na kartu antisemitizma, te kuge koja je harala i jos dan-danas hara. Sta je najgore, da danas netko sa istom spikom osvane i ujedini mase, bojim se da bi mu upalilo.

Eye of the tiger

PostPostano: ned feb 11, 2007 11:19 am 

Pridružen/a: sri maj 24, 2006 8:12 pm
Postovi: 1517
To je ista logika, dijaboliziranje je druga strana medalje obozavanja. Treba se hladne glave sagledat stvar. Priznati si za sto je sve covjek sposoban, a ne kriviti "ono nesto".

Taj rad, Survivor! :thumbup: Ovo je toliko vazan pristup da se ne moze dovoljno naglasiti.
Zlo postoji a covek se moze delotvorno suociti sa njime jedino „hladne glave“, jedino ako izbegne emocionalno kacenje. Takodje, samo ako ga odvoji od bilo kog „koncepta“. Jedino tada.

Izuzetno tesko, cak bih rekla da zahteva izvestan trening. Jer hladan dodir zla, kao i sve ono “za sto je covjek sposoban”, dakle „zla“ u sirem smislu, udara u temelje naseg bica i izaziva snazan unutrasnji moralni protest i odgovarajucu emocionalnu reakciju. Ili se povlacimo zgadjeni, ili reagujemo gnevno i burno, uvlaceci se time u spiralu nasilja iz koje nema izlaza. Dijabolicni pristup stvari je potpuno nedelotvoran.

Ili osporavamo postojanje zla i zla u sirem smislu (pod cime podrazumevam ono za sta je svako od nas sposoban, kao posledica dubokog sna u kome se nalazimo) jer se pred njim osecamo nemocni i jer ga ne razumemo, eksplodirajuci onda nad slabijima koji su nam pri ruci.
Ili praznimo negativni naboj jedni na drugima, jer podsvesno „znamo“ koliko su nam one istinski opasne psihopate – psihopate na vlasti, sa moci donosenja odluka od kojih zavise sudbine citavih nacija: patokrate - daleko.

Istina isceljuje. Istina bez emocionalnog kacenja po mom misljenju jedina vodi do delanja.

Inace: Na gralovom tragu, nastavak Fame: Evandjeoski biciklisti vs bibliotekari hehe. Beletristika. :wink:

PostPostano: sri jun 06, 2007 6:50 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 30, 2006 11:32 pm
Postovi: 702
Lokacija: Forbidden Island
Odlican dokumentarac - Hitler Govori

mozete u cijelosti pogledati ovdje

Ono sto mi je bilo prilicno interesanto jest da navode kako je Hannusen
u stvari bio hitlerov trener u retorickom umjecu, u isto vrijeme wikipedija tvrdi da je hanusenova veza sa hitlerom samo mit

" Vrlo cesto Vitez je porazen jer je sluzio Djavolu svim svojim srcem dok je iskreno ali pogresno vjerovao da sluzi Kristu."
(Mouravijeff- Gnosis)

PostPostano: sri jun 06, 2007 6:54 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 30, 2006 11:32 pm
Postovi: 702
Lokacija: Forbidden Island
Jack987 je napisao/la:

I danas se nalaze "ispod", ali tko zna kakve gradove imaju i kojom se naprednom tehnologijom služe. Pošto su u suradnji s 4 D OPS-ima... možeš samo zamisliti... uglavnom, vjerojatno vrlo moćne podzemne baze, pokusi, hibridizacija i to...

:mrgreen: :wink:

cekaj zar ti se ne cini da u ovoj prici postoji jedna kontradikcija
zasto bi ih amerikanci donosno konzorcijum ganjao kada je i on u vezi sa 4D ops-ima :(

" Vrlo cesto Vitez je porazen jer je sluzio Djavolu svim svojim srcem dok je iskreno ali pogresno vjerovao da sluzi Kristu."
(Mouravijeff- Gnosis)

PostPostano: sri jun 06, 2007 7:19 pm 

Pridružen/a: sri maj 24, 2006 8:12 pm
Postovi: 1517
danas se nalaze "ispod", ali tko zna kakve gradove imaju i kojom se naprednom tehnologijom služe. Pošto su u suradnji s 4 D OPS-ima... možeš samo zamisliti... uglavnom, vjerojatno vrlo moćne podzemne baze, pokusi, hibridizacija i to...

cekaj zar ti se ne cini da u ovoj prici postoji jedna kontradikcija
zasto bi ih amerikanci donosno konzorcijum ganjao kada je i on u vezi sa 4D ops-ima


Mozda bi ovaj citat mogao delimicno da pruzi odgovor:

"Važna stvar za zapamtiti je sljedeće: NE POSTOJI neka “ujedinjena konspirativna aktivnost” koja se odvija ovdje u hijerarhiji vlade. Strategija “podijeli pa vladaj” se takođe manifestuje na ovom nivou i ona odgovara planovima vanzemaljaca od A do Ž. Takva aktivnost je na SVIM nivoima konzistentna s njihovim programom LOVSTVA u kome konfuzija i nesporazumi sprečavaju jasnu percepciju od strane lovine (ili žrtve, prim. prev.).

Mada, na nekom veoma dubokom nivou je sasvim moguće to da se odigrava jedna direktna konspirativna interakcija između “tajne vlade” i negativnih vanzemaljaca.... međutim, teško da će njihova imena biti ikome poznata, bez obzira na to koliko je neko upoznat u vezi s ovim predmetom. Ti “tajni moćnici” su jednostavno to: TAJNI. Bilo koja organizacija koju možete imenovati, ili zamisliti, predstavlja samo jedan od tzv. “vanjskih krugova".

Šta je zamišljeni cilj ovog LOVA? On je dvostruk. Prvo, tim Lovom je potrebno natjerati krdo goveda u stampedo. Malo po malo, oni će biti konsolidovani u jedan “negativni mod” koji će se sastojati od ideje “mi protiv njih”. Iako se na površini taj “mod” može činiti pozitivnim ili OPD, (i.e. spasavanje svijeta zato što je “pogrešan” ili nevaljao, ili uprljan orginalnim grijehom, ili bilo šta drugo) sama ta činjenica što je on formiran u “dominatorskom modu” viđenja spasenja “napolju”, podrazumijeva da on lako može biti “preuzet” od strane tijela, uma i duše, na jednom nivou koji je “neviđen i nevidljiv". Drugim riječima: Satan MOŽE a najčešće se i pojavljuje kao jedan Anđeo Svjetlosti!


Primarni cilj Negativnog lovljenja je da se nagovori, uz pomoć jako uticajnih, ali ne robotičkih šema ponašanja, Slobodan Izbor ciljane SVIJESTI da se ona uskladi sa negativnom egzistencijom višeg-denziteta. Zato što je, Na Duže Staze, cilj da negativna hijerarhija “pojede” te funkcionalne jedinke svijesti, zajedno sa njihovom netaknutom Slobodnom Voljom! U drugom slučaju, to ne bi bila dobra hrana!!!!"

Zadnja izmjena: Arja; sri jun 06, 2007 7:27 pm; ukupno mijenjano 1 put/a.

PostPostano: sri jun 06, 2007 7:22 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet mar 30, 2006 11:32 pm
Postovi: 702
Lokacija: Forbidden Island
sto bi reko' nas prijatelj Lisac Moulder:
"The truth is out there"

" Vrlo cesto Vitez je porazen jer je sluzio Djavolu svim svojim srcem dok je iskreno ali pogresno vjerovao da sluzi Kristu."
(Mouravijeff- Gnosis)

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