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PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 12:26 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje

This is very important lead >>

Over the next several weeks, John McGovern sent me more pages from a rare book called The Keys of Enoch, written by a man known as Dr. J. J. Hurtak. The book was divided into various chapters, called "keys" and each key disclosed the knowledge of a revelation that was supposed to have been experienced by Dr. Hurtak concerning the future events of Earth and its people.
In December of that year I got a new collection of images from my Australian friend. These were in the same alphabet as the proto-Canaanite script but the symbols were perfected in a font style and were beautifully cast in both stone and bronze.

The note that accompanied them simply read, "Hey mate - look what they found in Yemen!"

The images were from a small town called Mareb, in the Republic of Yemen. They were taken by the University of Calgary who had sent an archaeological team to finish the interrupted excavations of the famous archaeologist, Wendel Philips, on whose character the famous series of Indian Jones films were based.

The University of Calgary had just started the excavations again when they discovered a large wall that encircled the complex, 60 feet in height, 15 feet thick, and covered with rows of script that no one could translate. The images of this wall were in McGovern's e-mail to me. As soon as I saw them I could recognize bits and pieces, familiar words and phrases of the proto-Canaanite text. But this was all pristine text that had been protected by the desert sand for 3000 years - not a worn and weathers petroglyph - and so I was anxious to work on it.

I stayed up all night working on a single photograph of one section of the wall, about 20 feet wide, that had a single line of symbols running in a horizontal like.

There were hundreds of symbols to decipher. My program was working like a dream and I was filling a notebook with words as soon as they appeared on the screen of my computer. I was so impatient that I didn't bother to make sense of the translation until I had completed the entire row that was visible in the photograph.

The poem, or prose, was speaking about a "son," a "father" and of the "beautiful spirit." There were also unusual ligatures, or combinations of two letters, that formed the familiar word for "God," spelled "EL." With another cup of coffee and a little effort I completed the text. But what did it mean?

It read as follows:

"...because the Son was aware of the essence that was in him

"And when the happiness of the Son was poisoned
by the news that his father passing on
the anger lifted when the son was told
the location of the Father's great box of EL.

"And when the happiness of Son was poisoned
by the action of the beautiful Lord's movement
the Son was made happy to swear to protect the box of EL,
and to be associated with the Lord's spirit.

"And his gloom lifted.
The Son constructed a chamber for the beautiful Lord's spirit and covered it up. He accompanied the chamber of the Lord underneath to pray and to gain understanding and to protect..."

I sent my translations to Australia the next morning by e-mail. John seemed pleased and rewarded me by sending another image. This one was a photograph of large brass plate, covered with the ancient alphabet, that had been found inside the temple of Sheba.

It was originally a cylinder that surrounded one of the tall columns but only one side of a small portion was displayed. Still, it had lots of symbols and was a good project to keep me from thinking about other things.
This time the text spoke mainly about a woman who was referred to simply as "the mother."

The text read from right to left, but because it was only a partial view of the entire brass plaque, it started and ended in mid-thought. Nonetheless, it was enough to piece together a story. By the end of the evening I had finished most of it.

It seemed to be a continuation of the narrative on the wall.

... the Mother listened through the aperture of the Son in his chamber to see if he renounced the agreement with the Lord ...

... because the sorrowful mother assembled around the chamber a wall without mortar so that she might rescue the son ...

... she watched the son through the aperture and saw it illuminated and heard thunder and feared for the son ...

... the son increased his knowledge of the future and the son shook and trembled from the knowledge of the unknown ...

... to save her son because of the silence and because the worm had moved out from the aperture and great was her sorrow ...

... moved from silence to judge if the son foresaw the loving mother wail and doubt his agreement with the Lord ...

... the spirit [no translation] was happy to be made blind on account of the box and the son's brother-in-law suffered increased painful study ...

... the round city to protect her poor son and the mother then slowly encircled the foundation of the chamber ... judge the poor mother so the dwelling place of the box was obscured and the mother was also fearful that the sea would rise ..."

... so the proud mother's love for her only son made her to fortify the chamber of the box in case the earth might tremble ...

I was beginning to see a story in my notes, but the characters were unreal. I needed to know more about this old kingdom, the Queen of Sheba and whether she indeed had a son.

Translating the texts seemed to make the hours pass quickly. It was late in the evening. I had nothing to smoke, no one to talk to, and I had to go to work the next day. This adventure would have to wait for more mundane things.

John and I continued our exchanges on a daily basis. We had become good friends despite being on opposite sides of the planet. We had translated almost everything that had been photographed and we kept pondering our discovery and what we should do next.

In an act of desperation, I summarized my translations and sent them to Yemen, to the attention of the president, Abdul Saleh. It was a long shot. I was no one. I was a programmer with no background in either archaeology or linguistics. Who would listen to me?

Apparently someone did.

Zadnja izmjena: astralwalker; uto dec 18, 2007 9:43 pm; ukupno mijenjano 1 put/a.

PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 1:18 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje

One day I received an e-mail that invited me to write a brief summary for the Yemen Times. I sent them the article and it was printed. Soon I was receiving inquiries about the text and, ultimately, I was invited to come to Yemen to inspect the site in person.

The invitation came through the Yemen Minister of Antiquities and was relayed through a Yemeni businessman who had an office in New York City. He told me that he would provide all of the financial help I needed and assured me that I would be treated with respect and safety in Yemen.

While the logistics of the trip were being considered, another surprising invitation was made, this time by Dr. J. J. Hurtak - the author of the Keys of Enoch. I was asked to meet with him at a restaurant in New York City, for lunch and conversation.

Hurtak gave me a nudge and placed his briefcase on the table in a manner that, when opened, it obstructed Sky from seeing the contents. He then opened it, shuffled some things, and then stared at me with an expression that read, "Go ahead. Look at this."

Hurtak's briefcase contained about six color photographs that had been enclosed in plastic. My first glance was at a photo showing Dr. Hurtak, speaking to a small group of people, and was apparently taken by someone in his audience.

It showed Hurtak making a gestures with his hands, as if caught in the middle of an animated lecture. What was unusual about it was the presence of a glowing point of light that seemed to be hovering near his head and emitting a yellow-orange light.

My eyes opened wide when I looked at the photograph. Hurtak watched for my reaction and quickly shuffled to the next image.

This one showed the Doctor in a darkened room, standing on top of a translucent structure that glowed with a blue luminescence. I had no idea what I was looking at, but Hurtak pointed to the glowing under his feet and remarked, "That's me, standing on the tomb of Osiris."

The remaining photographs were very odd. They were again of Hurtak. , He was outside and was surrounded by what first appeared to be several children. But on closer examination, they were not children at all. Their features were muted and somewhat obscured.

They also glowed with a blue luminescence. I moved my head closer to get a better look and thought I recognized the familiar big-eyed, archetypal extraterrestrial, reminiscent of Whitley Strieber's book, Communion. The only difference was that these little people were blue, not gray.

They also seemed to be more innocent - like children - and less menacing than the usual agents of abductions.

It was dark when we arrived at the city of Rada. We stayed in a small hotel that lacked electrical outlets in the room.

I found an outlet in the hall and obtained power for my laptop by wiring my plug to the outlet with two pieces of wire. It worked and, with recharged batteries, I returned to my room and attempted the Mayfa inscriptions.

The text was, indeed, from the Queen's exodus.

"We have arrived from the sands to pray for the mound, O Lord. The horizon held beauty so we stopped the caravan. Here, where none of this prophesy is known, we do not speak of the Son; the mound.

We plan to return across this border. We leave our insignia. The Mother understands the evil about to arrive. The Son of Jinn, the Lord, is under the ground. Say nothing. She cried flying over the ocean. No spirit shall defile the only Son of the Jinn. You are beautiful to me. Know this, O Lord."

I was struck by the phrase, Jinn, that appeared in the translation. It was actually in the database I had prepared (gimmel-nun) and it was being used to describe the Queen's son. But who then was the Jinn? Sheba or Solomon?

Our next destination was in an old palace that had been converted to a museum. It has dozens of ancient artifacts with the old alphabet, mixed with more recent material that was written in Himyaritic script. The more recent script used many of the same letters as the Sabaeans, but these letters had a different phonetic meaning to accommodate either the Semitic or Arabic dialects.

At the Sheba site, Mohammed was using a 2000 year old dialect to translate writing that was a thousand years older. While Arabic is derived from a Semitic tongue, like proto-Canaanite, and does share many of the same words, the linguistics are vastly different.

The Semitic writers liked to string many long sentences together with words like "but," "and," "also." In contrast, the Himyaritic text from Ethiopia used a vertical line to denote the end of a word or phrase.
Proto-Canaanites were fond of using "to make" as their predicate, instead of "to be." In practical terms this would mean that the proto-Canaanites might write, "I made to build a great temple," while the same phrase in Arabic would be, "A great temple was built by me." It appeared that this distinction was not relevant in the museums of Yemen.

Artifacts and stones of different eras were displayed side by side. I learned to search for the older writing by scanning the stone for pairs of the letters "nun-lamed," to "make" or "produce," and I would only attempt to translate these items.

John was such an intelligent speaker. The topic he was trying to discuss with us was complex. But it also required an investment of faith to fully appreciate. New ideas are like that. Unless they have some prior experience to grab on to, they are usually short term residents in our consciousness. Well, unless you are Aboriginal.

I understood that there was something special about a vortex. If the same petroglyphs were found in these specific locations then they must have had something in common besides the language. But what?

The map I had been sent showed a dozen vortex points around the globe. One of the locations coincided with the Temple Mound in Jerusalem. That made sense.

But the others were in remote places like the Ural Mountains, somewhere in Afghanistan, and off the Southern coast of Japan. Why such remote places?
John explained that the Earth had some type of energy field that surrounded it, more complex than the simple magnetic field with North and South poles. This field had twelve poles which coincided with certain fixed geographic points on the Earth. It was here that contact with "the management" was possible.

We joked about his choice of words. "The management" was actually better than trying to deal with over-used terms like, "aliens," "angels," or "Gods." He described a kind of corporate organization where sentient beings were functioning as students, interns, guides and go-betweens. So when "management" needed to call us to the home office, so to speak, they used the vortex.

These portals had been in operation for a very long time. The petroglyphs were presumably left by people who had witnessed this contact or had come specifically to engage the management. But he suggested another important possible role of the vortex that peaked my interest.

The Earth has suffered, and will again, significant radiation from a variety of celestial events, from super-novas to the mega-flares of our own Sun. These blasts are capable of destroying all life and we are only partially protected by our thin atmosphere and magnetic field. The energies are usually absorbed by the planet through little understood meridians that cover the surface of Earth. These facts were well known to me from an article I wrote a year before.

John proposed that a vortex was a "safe" zone, where survival was most propitious. He suggested that perhaps the management intervened during cataclysmic events and used these portals as an oasis of sorts.

I was not ready to believe this yet. I remembered the texts in Colorado which spoke of the "burning sky" and the need to hide from the Sun. The location of a safe zone would certainly be a plausible explanation for this text. I had my doubts though.

I told him that I was going to be visiting the Flinders Range. He found a large map of the region and spread it on his dining room table. We found his town on the map and he followed the road with his finger, North to Augusta, where the road forked. To the right the highway led to the Flinders Range National Park, a green color on his map. I had heard the area was lush with vegetation and that it was full of kangaroo and emus. North of the Flinders the terrain was orange, the color of desert sand and sun of the outback.

To the left of Augusta, the road went North to Woomera. Here the map had an interesting area colored red and marked "Restricted Area." I asked him what was there. Colin smiled, took a deep breath, and asked me to sit down.

Woomera was a strange place. Colin told me that it was the home of an American military installation for the Air Force Space Command and an important testing range for the Australian Defense Science and Technology Organization, a group of defense contractors based in Adelaide whose chief member was Raytheon. It was also an area with phased arrays, an antenna farm like Poker Flats in Alaska. Like Poker Flats, it also contained a missile testing range with silos and launch pads.
"Stay away from there," he warned.

I sensed that Colin could have told me much more. Our brief conversation had made him tired and it was soon time for me to go. As I shook his hand I felt his weakness. But he kept hold of my hand for an extra few seconds and placed his other hand on my shoulder. "Good luck, Dan. Keep your eyes open."

The last thing I would have expected in the remote outback was a military installation. Even more strange was the fact that it was manned by the American Air force. What were they doing here in Australia? And why were they in this remote location? And why did this coincide with the vortex?

The time alone with John was a good opportunity to talk and listen. I learned that my old ideas about God, the bearded old man on a throne, were about as foolish as believing all matter was made from "stuff."

The universe is complex. Just as that "stuff" can be broken down into molecules, atoms, particles and quarks, deity is also diverse. The "management" that John described was a complex hierarchy of beings that watched human development and provided periodic adjustments.

The petroglyphs were a few miles from the car and were located on the face of a brown stone wall that formed a canyon with a river. It was similar to what I had experienced in Colorado, although the Pergatoire River was much wider. This river was easy to cross on foot and the petroglyphs were immediately visible.

The entire collection of carvings were spread over 100 feet and were all covered with a thick layer of dark varnish. The age of these petroglyphs was hard to estimate but they were in the same style as the ones in Colorado and used the same symbols. I photographed as much as I could and copied some inscriptions to a notebook.

As I moved from panel to panel, I noticed a recurring symbol that repeated on the stone wall. A pair of concentric circles was depicted, often with radiating lines surrounding the outer circle. I had seen this in Colorado also, but the significance was unclear.

The terrain in front of the wall was flat and sandy. It would have made a great place for a concert. Indeed, the wall itself had a kind of step that formed a flat, elevated stage, with the petroglyphs serving as an artistic backdrop. I could easily imagine a gathering of Aboriginal people using this site for some similar event.

When we returned to the campsite I was able to use the last few minutes of battery power on my laptop to translate a string of symbols I had copied in my notebook. It read,

"... In this place you will receive protection and power ..."

The trip back provided me time to think. I was convinced that the writing was similar to that in Colorado. But it was also the same alphabet that was used in Yemen to describe the story of Queen Sheba and the Ark.

Could I assume that the same writing would be found in the other vortex points around the world?

As we passed through Augusta I remembered the military installations that was adjacent to the Colorado vortex. Was this just a coincidence or would there be similar installations near the other points of contact with the "management?"

We began to focus on some of the other areas around the world where there were alleged to be vortex points. The first one was in Brazil, just West of Sao Paulo. We used John's computer and spent hours exploring the internet for information.

Raytheon had a major presence in Brazil. Nicknamed "SIVAM," the System for Vigilance of the Amazon, Raytheon had placed a number of antenna farms and radar systems in the Amazon jungle.

There was a special "off limits" zone just West of Sao Paulo. These arrays were linked to a central command post by satellite and were designed to detect any anomalous activity surrounding the vortex.

Congressional records mentioned that a Brazilian atmospheric "heater" under U.S. control, similar to the one in Poker flats, was also located somewhere in the region. ... mg_id=3325

Another point on the vortex map was Southern Peru. It didn't take long to learn that Raytheon was there also. Maps showed the familiar "off limits" zone and other records showed the installation of more antenna farms, satellite hookups and a U.S. military presence.

In Asia, the vortex fell on the area just North of the Afghanistan border, in the Southern Ural Mountains. I was already familiar with this location since I had written a piece about Yamantau. This super secret military installation had eaten up billions of dollars and a significant portion of Russia's impoverished economy. It was an underground facility with millions of square feet that had worried American congressmen.

Representative Roscoe Bartlett asked Congress to investigate the need for such a costly project and reminded other legislators that, "The only potential use for this site is post-nuclear war... " He suggested that, with the end to the Cold War, this made no sense, and suspected a more sinister agenda was behind the project.

The other Russian vortex in located near Kazakhstan and coincides with the secret zone around Svobodny.
It was no surprise to learn that Raytheon had a presence in these Russian sites. The same systems of arrays and satellite hookups were installed and each vortex point seemed to have an adjacent military zone that imposed a kind of "check-mate." In fact, Raytheon was at all of the vortex sites.

We seemed to have stumbled blindly on an important discovery that linked past and present, good and evil and bridged the mundane with the fantastic.

The vortex points were important enough to have been marked in antiquity. If they did represent some special geography where "contact" could be made then they deserved to be revered, much as the Temple Mound in Jerusalem is revered as the navel of the world.

Perhaps it was through these special portals that civilization has been guided and preserved through various cataclysms that have culled our population in the remote past. It seemed less of a fantasy now. I had seen the writing that described these areas as "safe zones" with my own eyes.

But the presence of military installations was puzzling. They seemed more to hinder access to these zones than to protect them. The terrible weapon that I had witnessed in Alaska was not beneficial to humanity. In fact, it was patently evil. Now there were many of them, either completed or under construction. Why?

If there was an organized deity, what John had called the "management," could there be an organized counterpart - an evil empire - organized on a global scale, poised to fight for control of each vortex?
If the phased array "death ray" were ever actually used in these locations the result might very well be perceived as the "burning sky."

The damage to the ionosphere would allow radiation from space and our own Sun to burn our skin, cause mutations and kill the vegetation. This was a known effect. And yet the system was being positioned quietly, secretly, all over the planet.

John and I tried to understand this. We had many different theories and schemes to explain what we had learned. But in the end it was the simple explanation that seemed to make the most sense.

There was evil in the world and we had accidentally seen part of their plan for controlling the globe. We didn't have a name for them, nor did we understand their motives or agenda. But they were as real as the "management."

Could the possibility of a solar catastrophe be the missing piece of the puzzle? If such a catastrophic event were on the immediate horizon would this explain the construction of an "artificial" ionosphere, underground cities, the desperate battle of evil and good and the future plans for global dominance following an event of mass extinction? I have to admit, it does.

As I thought about this possibility my mind went back to the petroglyphs in Colorado. On one rock there was a description of the "arm of God" that would be removed from "over His people." The writing in Yemen also spoke about the "aperture in the sky" that would cause terrible burning of humanity. Will the next extinction be by fire?

We live in strange times. The Sun is erratic. We have witnessed 9-11, a senseless war and the puzzling re-election of its instigator by the masses, an ex-Nazi being elected as Pope and his very church withholding sacraments from members in a patently un-Christ-like act because they voiced dissent against its strict policies. Unemployment and poverty reign (as I well know) while oil companies list increased profits of as much as 500 percent. It's all surreal. Is it evil struggling to take control? Anything is possible.

In early 2007 the US Army announced that it was placing the petroglyphs in LaJunta, Colorado "off limits." (See National Geographic, May 2007) The cover story is that the troops need an area to train for a future war with China and the proposed war-game camp will be used with live amunition and munitions and subjected to real battle conditions. This will certainly and forever destroy the historic writing. I'm glad we photographed and video taped the area on our last expedition. But is there more to this story?

The translations of this nique area called it a "safe zone" where people would be able to find refuge from some future solar event. It's possible that the government has validated these ancient writings and realizes the value of this strategic location. It certainly is another example of the advances made by wat can only be described as "evil," the Sons of Darkness.

What can we do? You decide.

The rest of the story is up to you. Ask good questions and get some answers. But above all, be careful. In the words of Colin Norris, "Keep your eyes open."


Zadnja izmjena: astralwalker; uto dec 18, 2007 9:42 pm; ukupno mijenjano 3 put/a.

PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 1:57 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jun 01, 2007 4:25 pm
Postovi: 2372
Lokacija: Split
Ovo je predobro!!!

=D> =D> =D> =D> =D> =D>

Hvala astralwalkeru!

sve prolazi...
osim ljubavi...!

PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 2:41 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje


21 Dec 2012, if some other miracle happens (someone other than us come to help), the human race is history.

That is why Maya are telling the humanity will be moved to a higher plane of existence. If some other factor will not do the job, our Sun flares will burn our planet.

Prior to December 2012 we have been drifting on the top of the pizza, never really able to see the bottom. The plate and pizza are not parallel. They are moving at different angles. We've been drifting down, down, down... and on December 21st, 2012, we will be exactly level with the crust -- forming an "x" at the Galactic Equator where galactic gravity is the strongest.

Once again:

Each active solar cycle has a period when the flares are strongest, usually happening near the solar equator, called the "solar maximum." This is significant because the next "solar maximum" event will coincide with 21 Dec 2012.

Our Sun will burn the atmosphere, the governments and rest of the scum will get away in their underground facilities and probably 4/5 of the humanity will be left to die by the deadly radiation, fire and all the rest.

The only safe places which are protected by the energy fields are in the greed the text is mentioning. Also see the book The Keys of Enoch, written by a man known as Dr. J. J. Hurtak.

In there, there are maps of the places which people can find its shelter and escape the extinction.

Unfortunately the military in US, EU, Russia and Chine has already occupied those locations as Restricted Areas and logically it will not allow anyone unauthorized to come even near them.

Anyway through this portals another race will probably try to come but from the information that come out there are all ready military weapons pointed to shut down those vortexes.

There is one major vortex in Mexico, and that is why Mexico is a country with most UFO sightings. The vortex close to Sao Paolo in Brazil is also a location where people can escape the extinction.

Further investigation and research in this field is highly needed.

This is all from me people… This is real…So keep your eyes open and alert…The climate will start to change rapidly in the next two years…

An what the people of Galaxy Forum ARE concern…This is for all of you who thinks that the indigo individuals are bad and selfish beings…

I tried to alert people in Macedonia about the possible events which are coming, but with no result...

The teachings of Torah, Maya, Veda and the rest are clearly pointing that all this has to do with the consciousness…The only way is to fuse in one great rhythm of consciousness but IN the Light Side, there is separation beyond words.

Hope people will find a way to overcome their differences and connect in one big unity which will lead us to a higher cosmic existence…If not, all this is for nothing … Anyway, don’t say that you were not been warned on time… The Schumann resonances will also kill us if not evolve on time and be capable of holding our consciousness in higher sensor frequency. I mean not only in few hours, but all the time…

If people find a way to escape underground or even successfully to enter some of the locations where the energy field of the planet can protect them, I do not see how the people will find a way to evolve in time to be capable to resist and adapt TO the S.R. frequency change caused by the extreme activity of our Sun as a result of entering the point of highest gravitational influence from the Center of the Milky Way Galaxy…

The meditation methods are to week for are human being to learn how to hold the higher frequency…It provides only a temporary sustain in higher sensory state but the first time we will switch to normal beta brain frequency it will kill us.

In other words the humans who will survive all the rest catastrophic factors will face another, perhaps most deadly of all – to hold themselfs constantly in theta brain state…

You can imagine how many people today are capable of doing that…People are wasting time with all sorts of technical and other stuff and are loosing valuable time to actively start to train with a zener cards and similar tools which will make them capable of reaching and staying in the constant theta brain frequency……How the whole clairvoyance training process goes I already explained in my book “Extraordinary Powers in Humans”.

Once more to point the significance of all this:

On the Side of the LIGHT, there is NO SINGLE FOCUS like the old maya priest said…The Dark side of the force is laughing at us - on our stupidity and ignorance…

The latest evidence suggest, that this has not happened before…From the physical point of view, we are now the first time in this location of the Universe… Somehow the ancients knew about this event 23 centuries ago…

The Dec 21 2012 is truly the last stop on our physical journey … what future unfolds after that, who knows…

God help us all … because we are going to need it…more then ever before…
…Peace comes within the souls of men, when they realize their oneness with the Universe ...

…When they realize it is really everywhere and it is within every each of us …

Deepest Respect,


Zadnja izmjena: astralwalker; sub dec 22, 2007 2:17 pm; ukupno mijenjano 2 put/a.

PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 3:30 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet nov 01, 2007 3:49 pm
Postovi: 744
Lokacija: purgerland
hm, definitivno zanimljivo štivo, spada u kategoriju Doomsday iliti Shit happens i na svaku takvu teoriju ima jedna suprotna s New Age: salvation temom a agumenata ko u prici....
Zato bi mene zanimalo sto tebi Astralwalker znaci ta knjiga/izvor, koje informacije su tebi bitne i zašto?
Ja se jos uvijek nisam uspio opredjeliti za jednu ili drugu stranu glede 2012; dobro ili loše....

PostPostano: pon dec 17, 2007 4:20 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jun 01, 2007 4:25 pm
Postovi: 2372
Lokacija: Split
Mene je sve ovo jako uznemirilo.

Očigledno su nam dani odbrojani, osim ako se ne desi neko čudo.

Opet, s druge strane, čuda su moguća...

Mislim da je ovo odličan apel da se stvarno probudimo, da ujedinimo snage i da učinimo ono zbog čega smo ovdje na zemlji.

Hoćemo li???

sve prolazi...
osim ljubavi...!

PostPostano: sri dec 19, 2007 2:30 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje
Opsss…Something I forgot to put in the previous post …

This is what the Sun can easily do… ... re=related

This is the Alien Speech Found in NASA's Saturn Radio Signal

Many experts agree that the message means exactly this:

“You humans are not regarded with any importance!”

Today we have visors from many cultures…Some of them have Space Ships with the size of our planet and with the capacity of supporting a whole human civilization… ... re=related


Some of the cultures are observing us very closely, but we are not sure they mean good to us and for what purposes…

The only question remains, are we going to change our ways and prove that we are of some importance and humbly determined to evolve and to learn about the cosmic ways… ... re=related

Beware the bearers of FALSE gifts & their BROKEN PROMISES. Much PAIN but still time. There is GOOD out there.

If you don’t know how the planets Mercury, Saturn, Jupiter and Venus look like, please see this SOHO video file:

It’s very educative…

Thanks NASA for your education and telling us how the planets in our Solar System look like… ... re=related

PostPostano: čet dec 20, 2007 2:54 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jun 02, 2006 9:59 pm
Postovi: 257
Veliki pozdrav, Astralwalker! :occasion5:

U vreme tvog prvog gostovanja na ovom forumu ne imadoh pristup i mogućnost da te pozdravim, ali ispratih sve tvoje postove.
Drago mi je da si ponovo sa nama, jer izuzetno cenim tvoje napore da pomogneš ovoj Planeti i njenim stanovnicima u predstojećim događanjima.

Možda ovo što ću sada ispričati nema veze sa 21.12.2012. godine, ali meni nešto govori da je blisko temi.

Videći ovu poslednju fotografiju u tvom postu, prisetih se nečeg...

U sredu 12.12.2007. godine oko 03,30 sati ujutro imadoh neobičan lucidan san koji me je prilično “uzdrmao”, ali pošto se po završetku sna ne probudih odmah, nego tek posle sat vremena, san je ostao upamćen samo fragmentarno, a nekih glavnih delova i sada pokušavam da se setim.
Pošto me se tako snažno dojmio, san u najkraćem opisah na generalnoj diskusiji na podforumu Karlos Kastaneda, na sledeći način:

“Sanjam da se usred bela dana na horizontu pomalja ogromna nebeska kugla, nekoliko desetina puta veća od Meseca.
U prvi mah pomišljam da je to Mesec, da je zbog nekog čuda došlo do njegovog «približavanja» Zemlji, a onda kako kugla i dalje raste, menja se i perspektiva iz koje posmatram taj prizor (posmatram ga se sve veće visine), uočavam da je to drugo nebesko telo, koje se sada i po veličini i po izgledu u potpunosti izjednačilo sa prizorom naše majčinske planete, u stvari njena potpuno istovjetna «kopija».

Zaprepašteno zurim u taj fantastični prizor i slušam neobično brujanje koje se stvara njihovom laganom rotacijom (nešto grandiozno, prelepo i neopisvo, u ful koloru i još stereo zvuk)

E sad, bilo je tu još nešto čega se ne mogu tačno setiti ... nešto u vezi pomeranja Zemljine skupne tačke (valjda pod utiskom onog što je Kastaneda ispričao Toresu)...kao da svojom namerom «stvorih» fizičku kopiju Zemljine «dvojnice» ...”

Ono što je ostavilo najjači utisak i što me pri prisećanju sna trenutno i potpuno razbudilo ne bejaše toliko sam sadržaj sna i ta gigantska perspektiva celog prizora na koju me podseća fotografija koju pomenuh na početku, nego utisak da sam se (ili da smo se) snagom namere “prebacio” ili “preprojektovao” sa jedne na drugu Planetu Dvojnicu, odnosno da se to “prebacivanje” dogodilo u momentu kada su se dvojnice potpuno približile jedna drugoj)...


U vezi teme:

Sklon sam viđenju 21.12.2012. godine kao kraja starog i početka novog vremena u kome će doći do ujedinjenja naše ljudske namere sa namerom Sunca, Zemlje i ostalih nebeskih tela koje tvori naša Zvezda, i dve galaksije koje učestvuju u ovom ljubavnom spoju, u kreaciji nečeg sasvim novog za sve učesnike u tom kosmički značajnom događaju.

Nego, noćas mi “nešto” nije dalo spavati i “nateralo” me da napišem ovaj post....
Da me to nisi posetio u svojim astralnim lutanjima??? ...
:occasion5: :thumbup:


PostPostano: čet dec 20, 2007 10:27 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje
Postovani Aamon,

Postovani Metuzalem,

Veliki pozdrav i do vas prijatelji. Puno toga jos fali i jos puno toga jos moramo razumeti da bi imali jasnu sliku sta se dogadja i sta je pametno uciniti...Ali radimo na tome...



PostPostano: čet dec 20, 2007 10:56 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje
Veliki pozdrav i vama, Ans i Eva Jargi!

Interesantno iskustvo…ono sto ste opisali…

Abijent koji sto ste opisali je veoma interesantan…obicno veliko klimanje mjeseca, tresenje naseg planeta i slicni prizori, prethodi budnjem unutrasnje sile – kundalinija koje se iskusuje tokom spavanja kao silovito zujanje…

Meni se nesto slicno desavalo pre 16-17 godina I ja kako i ti sada sam bio pod utiskom da iskustvo ima neku poruku ali da je ne mogu protumaciti…

Ipak sve ovo gore navedeno se nikako ne sme uzeti kao pravilo…moze znaciti bilo sta, jer astralni matrix je veoma kompleksan – glavni problem je sto neobucena ili bolje receno nenaviknuta svest ima poteskoce u dekodiranju poruka na pravi nacin radi relativno slabe budnosti.

Kao sto jednom napomenuh, dok svest spava u svom astralnom telu, nesvesna astralnog plana, ona luta po razlicitim astralnim strujama iskusujuci razlicite tipove iskustva – kao veselo, tako i obrnuto.

Ona je deo astralnog holograma, koji stavara sama svest i ona bukvalno isto spava kao i biokompjuter u fizickom planu. Osim toga, puno stranih faktora mogu uticati na nas hologram, cak pokusati nam nesto i reci ali radi nase delimicne astralne budnosti, sve to moze da se izjalovi i da na kraju krajni utisak i primljeno bude daleko od prave poruke koja je istinski poslana.

Jedini nacin da donesemo nesto kvaliteno od astralne sfere je da stupimo na taj plan potpuno svesno i bez gubitaka svesti.


U stvari kako sto sam jednom prije napomenuo dok sanjamo mi smo vec unutar astralnog holograma, odnosno vec smo u astralu a sve sto fali je budnost. Jednom kada svest se probudi (postaje se svestan da se sanja i da nalazi u astralu) onda taj hologram se raspada u paramparcad i:

- pocinje strahovito zujanje (kundalini se podize). Ne mozes se fizicki pomerati, nemozes govoriti, viknuti u pomoc niti astralno izaci. Radi se o nekom vidu paralize u kojom svest se ne nalazi ni u fizickom ni u astralnim nosiocem, vec negde izmedju. Pri tom je potpuno budna kako sto si ti sada kada citas ovaj tekst. Zujanje u zavisnosti kako ti odigras, reagira ovako ili onako.

1.Ako pocinjes da panicih i u strahu svom snagom pokusas da se okrenes na boku ili da ustanes, sila postaje sve divlja i divlja a zvuk zujanja je jedva izdrzljiv. Na kraju i mozes uspeti ali kundalini moze slupati neki centar na glavnom vodu pa imas odredjene posledice otposle – par casova ili dana te boli odredjeno mesto itd itd. – To nije pravi nacin.

2.Ako uspes da zadrzis unutrasnji balans, prestanes da se bojis i se umiris, snaga pocinje da se stavlja pod kontrolom. Ako pocnes da se koncentrises na kosmicku ljubav ili na nesto sto je od apsolutne pozitivne prirode unutar tebe, to zujanje pocinje da se pojacava u nekoliko valova. Zujanje I ovaj put kako se val sile pojacava postaje gromoglasnije i tesko da se izdrzi. Ali ako zadrzis fokus i ostanes miran svestan da zelis ici van sebe, onda kad se snaga dovoljno pojaca, unutar kicme videces tamnu plavu svetlost kako se podize uzduz kicmenog stuba. Kada snaga stigne do glave negde u oblasti izmedju tvojih obrva, jednostavno treba napraviti snazan pritisak svesti prema vani i to ce poceti da se desava. Tvoje astralno telo ce poceti da se odvaja od fizickog, zujanje I sve ostale manifestacije kundaliniija ce apsoluto prestati I ti ces se naci u astralnom planu. Sta dalje … to je vec cela nauka i sto sajta za pisanje…

-Javi se biolokacija, svest se rascepi na pola. Jedan dio svesti ostaje na astralnom ambientu gde se probudila a drugi deo nje se vratio u tjelo i svestan je fizickog tela.
Ako je svest mlaka i neobucena, biolokacija se prekida i budis se u fizicko telo. Sjecanje iskusenog zatim bledi da bi se po odredenog vremena sasvim izgubilo.

-Probudis se na onom mestu gde si srusio hologram, vidis da si providan i pravis setnju na astralnom planu.

-Odmah se fizicki probudis (momentalni kvalitet svesti je mizeran i otupljen).

Jos puno puno mogucnosti I faktora koje se mogu desiti i koji zavise od mnogo drugih vanskih faktora…

Ako zelite mogu na topiku za astralnu projekciju i vantjelesna iskustva prilepiti svoja iskustva (zao mi je ali sve to je na engleskom), od kojih se moze videti, razumeti i nauciti kako sve to funkcionise i sta se moze tamo sresti…Ali o tome, kad naleti malo slobodnog vremena…

-Sto se dvojnice nase planete tice u tvom iskustvu…osim odredjenih energetskih tokova (vidjivi na infrared spektru) koji su rezultat spajanja dve galaksije, sve ostalo je u najboljem redu u astralu…Vidljive promene barem zasad su vise na eterickom nivou nego na astralnom, odnosno u sloju gde se materija spaja sa antimaterijom…

Budi mi pozdravljen

PostPostano: čet dec 20, 2007 9:00 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jun 02, 2006 9:59 pm
Postovi: 257
Hvala, Astralwalker,

zaista cenim vreme koje si utrošio na odgovor i respektujem tvoje bogato iskustvo u astralu.
Tvoji me postovi toliko zanimaju da ću morati naučiti taj famozni engleski da ih čitam.
Posebno će mi biti drago ako postuješ tvoja iskustva na drugim temama ovog foruma.

A što se tiče 2012.-te, da li si možda na fizičkom ili astralnom nivou uključen u neki vid kolektivnog organizovanja? (naravno ako ti je dopušteno da o tome govoriš, ... i izvini ako si o tome već nešto rekao što mi je promaklo)

Još jedan veliki pozdrav! =D>


PostPostano: čet dec 20, 2007 10:16 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje
Veliki pozdrav i do tebe prijatelju,

Sto se tice tematike vezane za astralnu nauku, pokusacu da nesto prilepim ovih dana na soodvetnom topicu...Neke materijale imam i na makedonskom ako ce ti ici lakse...
Sto se tice moje aktivnosti oko 2012, veruj da dajem maksimum od sebe...mislim da ne bi mi lose doslo malo pomoci sa strane...

Budi mi pozdravljen,

PostPostano: pet dec 21, 2007 12:02 am 

Pridružen/a: sri okt 10, 2007 7:18 pm
Postovi: 4118
Bi li netko imao volje i znanja potegnuti neke spojnice između znanja više kultura?
Npr. što je to "Kundalini" u Castanedinoj terminologiji, što bi bio Astral u Castanedinoj terminologiji.... i takve stvari.
Ima nas ovdje sa svakakvim znanjima i spoznajama kojima još nismo dali ime ili bi više o tome saznali u drugim kulturama.

...Videces tamnu plavu svetlost kako se podize uzduz kicmenog stuba...

Jako mi je to poznato iako nisam primjetio da je plavo, rekao bih da je bilo blještavo bijelo-žuto, jednom prilikom sam se budan "rasplinuo" i postao nešto nalik na svoj avatar, a prije toga mi se neka slasna energija podizala uz kičmeni stup. Završio sam ko mjehur svijesti u tamnom prostranstvu/ogromnosti po kojoj se kovitlaju oblaci.
Naravno preplašio sam se i pobjegao nazad u 3D.

Bilo bi mi drago da o tome mogu razgovarati s nekim i da pospajamo znanja više kultura jer dakako stvarnost je samo jedna za sve kulture.

Ovdje je to offtopic, pa možemo na temu astrala ili negdje gdje bi to spadalo.

Pozdrav svim srodnim dušama! :)

PostPostano: pet dec 21, 2007 1:07 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri maj 24, 2006 11:23 am
Postovi: 1573
- pocinje strahovito zujanje (kundalini se podize). Ne mozes se fizicki pomerati, nemozes govoriti, viknuti u pomoc niti astralno izaci. Radi se o nekom vidu paralize u kojom svest se ne nalazi ni u fizickom ni u astralnim nosiocem, vec negde izmedju. Pri tom je potpuno budna kako sto si ti sada kada citas ovaj tekst. Zujanje u zavisnosti kako ti odigras, reagira ovako ili onako.

1.Ako pocinjes da panicih i u strahu svom snagom pokusas da se okrenes na boku ili da ustanes, sila postaje sve divlja i divlja a zvuk zujanja je jedva izdrzljiv. Na kraju i mozes uspeti ali kundalini moze slupati neki centar na glavnom vodu pa imas odredjene posledice otposle – par casova ili dana te boli odredjeno mesto itd itd. – To nije pravi nacin.

Prema nekim izvorima takodje i znak nasilne otmice vaseg etericnog tela/svesti. Treba biti oprezan.

PostPostano: pet dec 21, 2007 1:30 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 28, 2007 1:08 am
Postovi: 1088
Arbitrium Liberum je napisao/la:
- pocinje strahovito zujanje (kundalini se podize). Ne mozes se fizicki pomerati, nemozes govoriti, viknuti u pomoc niti astralno izaci. Radi se o nekom vidu paralize u kojom svest se ne nalazi ni u fizickom ni u astralnim nosiocem, vec negde izmedju. Pri tom je potpuno budna kako sto si ti sada kada citas ovaj tekst. Zujanje u zavisnosti kako ti odigras, reagira ovako ili onako.

1.Ako pocinjes da panicih i u strahu svom snagom pokusas da se okrenes na boku ili da ustanes, sila postaje sve divlja i divlja a zvuk zujanja je jedva izdrzljiv. Na kraju i mozes uspeti ali kundalini moze slupati neki centar na glavnom vodu pa imas odredjene posledice otposle – par casova ili dana te boli odredjeno mesto itd itd. – To nije pravi nacin.

Prema nekim izvorima takodje i znak nasilne otmice vaseg etericnog tela/svesti. Treba biti oprezan.

Dok sam spavala,osetila sam kao da su mi glava i vrat u nekom,da ga nazovem, vibracijsko-etericnom "oblaku". Nije bilo jakog zujanja, vec nesto kao, evo sad mi daje asocijaciju, ventilator na lap topu.
Iako sam spavala, bila sam potpuno svesna, kao i mnogo puta ranije u snovima. Pokusala sam da shvatim sta se desava, ali sam bila nekako blokirana. Probala sam da se skoncetrisem na neku pozitivnu afirmaciju, medjutim, ni to nisam mogla, kao da mi je um bio zamrznut.
To se desilo sinoc. Sada mi se ni ne ide na spavanje. Nije me nesto strasno uhvatila frka, al za svaki slucaj, ostacu budna.
Znam, nece to valjati, da zamenim dan za noc.

Molim nekoga ko je ZAISTA kompetentan, da mi pojasni ovo. I jos jedna molba:sta god da zeli da mi kaze, neka to bude PAZLJIVO, uz odgovarajuci stepen obzira prema mojim nervima.... :)

Pozdrav! Hoce li neko kaficu? Jutro je jos daleko... :shock:


PostPostano: pet dec 21, 2007 2:39 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri maj 24, 2006 11:23 am
Postovi: 1573
Ne znam dal ce da pomogne, al eto ti kasiopejci jednom rekose jednom od onih kad se uspanici da drmne jednu rakijicu (dobro ajde tamo je bio viski, znam) i da ce tako da promeni hemiju u mozgu, pa da se oseca lakse i slobodnije, i samim tim manje podlozan raznim uticajima. Ipak je bolje biti naspavan i svestan nego u polusnu koji nastaje od nespavanja (iz iskustva)

Formula proverena i uspeva (naravno ne treba bas zloupotrebljavati tu rakijicu) :D

PostPostano: pet dec 21, 2007 9:05 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet jun 02, 2006 9:59 pm
Postovi: 257
Svestan sam da ulažeš mnogo napora i energije u vezi 2012-te, a pošto vidim da smo bliski (braća) po idejama, namerama, ciljevima svoje strane (u okviru moje raspoložive energije), obećavam pažnju, podršku, pomoć...

U to ime, želim s tobom i ostalim učesnicima ove rasprave rasvetliti neke stvari, kako bismo mogli pripremiti „strategiju“ delovanja (ukoliko već ne postoji nešto slično).

Koliko se meni čini ovde se pretežno raspravlja na bazi ustaljenog, klasičnog poimanja budućnosti, kao linearnog sleda događaja u prostor-vremenu, prema kojem se budućnost odvija, odnosno nadolazi objektivno i neovisno od volje i uticaja subjekta opažanja događaja.

Međutim, ako dobro shvatam ovu novu, kvantnu fiziku, i rezultate njenih istraživanja, glavni faktor koji utiče na „buduća“ dešavanja, ili bolje reći na delovanje „mikro-materijalnih“ čestica i njihovo ponašanje u sadašnjosti, jeste upravo subjekt u čijoj se svesti odvija događaj koji se posmatra, s tim što to upravljanje dešavanjima može biti na „nesvesnom“ nivou, u kom slučaju možemo reći da događajima upravlja neka univerzalna sila koju možemo zvati „Duh“ ili kako god, dok u slučaju „svesnog“ upravljanja dešavanjima možemo reći da dolazi do „poklapanja“ ili „centriranja“delovanja te univerzalne sile i individualne volje, odnosno namere ili želje konkretnog posmatrača.

S obzirom da to nije tema rasprave, ne želim na ovom mestu dublje ulaziti u ovu problematiku, jer bismo tako izgubili poentu, ali ako bismo prihvatili rezultate koje pomenuh, i ako ih dobro shvatam i interpretiram, tada bimo u pogledu 2012. godine mogli postaviti sledeća pitanja:

Prvo, ukoliko smo osvešteni u dovoljnoj meri da se naša individualna volja „centrira“ ili „podudari“ sa Univerzalnom Voljom, da li bismo tada svojom individualnom voljom mogli uticati ne samo na događaje koji će uslediti te 2012.-te, nego i na sve druge događaje koji će uslediti bilo koje druge godine, i usmeravati ih u pravcu koji nama odgovara?

Drugo, ukoliko nismo sposobni da lično, odnosno sami, tj. pojedinačno, utičemo na tok događaja, postoji li mogućnost da to činimo masovno, grupno, kolektivno, organizovano ili neorganizovano, usmeravanjem dešavanja našom „kolektivnom“ voljom, odnosno centriranjem i podudarnošću naših individualnih volja i namera na jasan, konkretan i unapred određen cilj, u ovom svetu "makro-materijalnih" tela, i ako postoji takva mogućnost kako i na koji način to izvesti?

(Zato te i pitah da li si eventualno član neke takve organizovane grupe ili kolektiviteta na fizičkom ili astralnom planu, koja se već bavi 2012.-tom).

Pozdrav brate, i neka ti je Duh na pomoći.


PostPostano: pet dec 21, 2007 12:58 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned okt 28, 2007 9:41 am
Postovi: 89
Lokacija: Skopje
Pozdrav tebi Promatrac,

Sto se tice volje i znanja za potezanje nekih spojnica izmedju znanja koje je generirano sa vise kultura, ideja ti je na mestu i ne vidim zasto se to ne bi moglo realizirati…

Svako ima iskustva sa onim sta je bio u kontaktu i sta mu je bilo ili je blisko…U svaku ezoterisku kulturu odnosno u svakom spiritualnom pravcu najcesce postoji nesto sto se moze izvaditi kako ekstrakt i koji moze biti veoma korisan za covecanstvo…

Medjutim u mnogim od njih postoje i pun kup gresaka, anomalije, nekorisne pa cak i stvari koji prouzrokuju vise stete nego koristi…

Castaneda…puno dobrih stvari…puno stvari koji ne valjaju i koje ne funkcionisu tako…ljudi se vezuju za idole i vec utvrdjena verovanja pa ponekad zmire na neke stvari koje su tako ocigledne…Najcesce je to radi manjkanja svog sopstvenog iskustva…

U svakom slucaju, procitao sam najveci broj njegovih knjiga i njegovog ucitelja Doh Huana, od orlova zracenja, prosirenje skupne tacke pa do put ratnika, umetnost modelovanje snova i sve ostalo…

Puno dobrog znanja, na primer ja sam koristio njihov nacin da u snu pogledas dlan svoje ruke sa ciljem da postanes svestan da sanjas a sa samim time da se probudis u drugu realnost…

To ti mogu reci – funkcionise fantasticno…Medjutim vecinu njegovih literaturnih djela ukljucuju razlicne kombinacije trava, gljiva, kaktusa i druge sastojke sa ciljem da se dobije specijalno odabrani napitak ili smesa koja jednom kada se konzumira, prouzrokuje eksteriorizaciju svesti…

-Don Huane…Dali sam ja to poleteo kao ptica?

-Uvek me pitas ono sto nema aspolutno nikakav smisao… Ptice lete kao ptice…Covek koji je uzeo djavolja korenja, leti potpuno isto...

Koliko je to primenljivo u sredini koju danas zivimo ti sam zakljuci…Mali promasaj u odabiranju korenja ili promasaj u kolicini, moze ti doneti strasnu stetu u celijama mozga, trovanje krvi, ostecenja srca a neke te mogu i ubiti…

Neiskusnom oku, Castaneda je bio car…Iskusnijem oku koje poznaje kako svest funkcionise…puno stvari i nisu tako kako ih je on pretstavio…sa drugim recima puno je kontradiktornosti, nelogicnosti i podataka koje su se kasnije proverili i ustanovilo se da su jednostavno lazi…

Zakljucak…Njegovi spisi imaju puno dobrih stvari…puno krivih stvari…

Analizirati Castanedina djela u par recenica je nemoguce pa cemo morati ostaviti to za neka druga vremena…

Re: Jako mi je to poznato iako nisam primjetio da je plavo, rekao bih da je bilo blještavo bijelo-žuto, jednom prilikom sam se…

- Dvadesetak godina kod mene je isto – veoma lepa tamno plava svetlost koju prati gromoglasno zujanje…bioelektricna struju koja postoji u svakom biokompjuteru.

Ako je kod tebe bijela-zuta, ja nemam nikakvih problema stime…individualno iskustvo percepcije ali funkcija je sigurno ista…Osim u slucaju da je moj biokompjuter razlican od tvog…sto ne mislim da je tako…mozda vise funkcionalan ali ne i razlicit…

U svakom slucaju jos cemo razmenjivati iskustva na ovu temu…

Budi mi pozdravljen

PostPostano: pet dec 21, 2007 1:42 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 28, 2007 1:08 am
Postovi: 1088
Arbitrium Liberum je napisao/la:
Ne znam dal ce da pomogne, al eto ti kasiopejci jednom rekose jednom od onih kad se uspanici da drmne jednu rakijicu (dobro ajde tamo je bio viski, znam) i da ce tako da promeni hemiju u mozgu, pa da se oseca lakse i slobodnije, i samim tim manje podlozan raznim uticajima. Ipak je bolje biti naspavan i svestan nego u polusnu koji nastaje od nespavanja (iz iskustva)

Formula proverena i uspeva (naravno ne treba bas zloupotrebljavati tu rakijicu) :D

Arbitrum, hvala ti na savetu. :D
Sto se mene tice, nema sanse da zloupotrebim rakijicu, posto uopste nemam sklonosti ka alkoholnim picima. Mislim da je te dobar savet, za pocetak.

Astralwolker, mozes li, molim te, da mi das neke smernice? Predpostavljam da nisam jedina kojoj sa desavaju takve i sl. stvari, da se "zaglavi" u dozivljaju.
Kako resiti to na duge staze?


PostPostano: pet dec 21, 2007 1:43 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri nov 28, 2007 1:08 am
Postovi: 1088
Arbitrium Liberum je napisao/la:
Ne znam dal ce da pomogne, al eto ti kasiopejci jednom rekose jednom od onih kad se uspanici da drmne jednu rakijicu (dobro ajde tamo je bio viski, znam) i da ce tako da promeni hemiju u mozgu, pa da se oseca lakse i slobodnije, i samim tim manje podlozan raznim uticajima. Ipak je bolje biti naspavan i svestan nego u polusnu koji nastaje od nespavanja (iz iskustva)

Formula proverena i uspeva (naravno ne treba bas zloupotrebljavati tu rakijicu) :D

Arbitrum, hvala ti na savetu. :D
Sto se mene tice, nema sanse da zloupotrebim rakijicu, posto uopste nemam sklonosti ka alkoholnim picima. Mislim da je te dobar savet, za pocetak.

Astralwolker, mozes li, molim te, da mi das neke smernice? Predpostavljam da nisam jedina kojoj sa desavaju takve i sl. stvari, da se "zaglavi" u dozivljaju.
Kako resiti to na duge staze?


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