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PostPostano: uto apr 07, 2009 2:21 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec

Samael Aun Weor (born Víctor Manuel Gómez Rodríguez) (March 6, 1917 - December 24, 1977) was a spiritual teacher, occultist, esotericist and author. He established himself in Mexico in the 1950s where he founded the 'International Gnostic Movement'. In his over sixty books and hundreds of held conferences, he describes a teaching called "Gnosis", the Greek word for "knowledge", from which is derived the name "Gnosticism", designating a sectarian syncretism which appeared at the beginning of the Christian Era and was considered heresy by the Church Fathers.

Samael Aun Weor - Esoteric Treatise of Hermetic Astrology

"It is really lamentable that this living human zodiac, the microcosm, sleeps so profoundly.

On the basis of tremendous super-efforts, it becomes indispensable to achieve the awakening of consciousness in each of our twelve zodiacal signs.

Light and consciousness are two phenomena of the same thing: to a lesser degree of consciousness there corresponds a lesser degree of light; to a greater degree of consciousness, a greater degree of light.

We need to awaken consciousness in order to cause each of the twelve parts of our own microcosmic zodiac to shine and sparkle. Our entire zodiac must become light and splendor." Samael Aun Weor

69 pages, 196 KB, PDF. ... ology.html

Samael Aun Weor - The Gnostic Bible: The Pistis Sophia Unveiled

"It came to pass, when Jesus had risen from the dead, that he passed eleven years discoursing with his disciples, and instructing them... "

The Pistis Sophia Unveiled represents the ascensional goal of Gnostic Wisdom. Not only does it contain the written message of Jesus of Nazareth (the great teacher of the previous era of Pisces) but also contains a detailed commentary written by Samael Aun Weor, the great teacher of the new Aquarian era. A quote from the author:

"The Hebrew Bible clearly connotes the Word of the Eternal One. However, we, the Gnostics, also have our very special Bible. I want to emphatically declare that this is The Pistis Sophia, whose original is in Coptic. It was found underground in Egypt, the land of the Pharaohs. The Pistis Sophia contains all the words of the adorable Savior of the world. It was written by the Apostles. Thus, all the Esoteric-Christic instructions that Jesus Christ gave to his disciples on the Mount of the Olives and other holy places is written within this book. This book had been conserved in secret for many centuries. In this book, the Adorable One left an extraordinary, formidable body of doctrine."

Within these pages, the reader will discover a form of wisdom which completely obliterates the speculations of scholars and intellectuals. Those who merely seek to compare these writings with what they have been told in the past will surely be disappointed. Here, you will find something completely new and without precedence in the theories and dogmas of men. Here, you will find the actual wisdom teachings of the Universal Cosmic Christ; that wisdom which has been expressed throughout all ages and times and which has given birth to every religion of the world. Here you will find the pure and complete knowledge which every soul requires in order to discover its true nature.

The Pistis Sophia Unveiled is a message for all humankind, in every corner of the world.

356 pages, 897 KB, PDF. ... eiled.html

Samael Aun Weor - The Great Rebellion: Gnostic Psychology and the Path to Liberation from Suffering

"Happiness is not achieved by running away from the Me, Myself, the Ego. Instead it would be interesting to grab the bull by the horns, to observe the "I," to study the "I" in order to discover the causes of suffering."

This book is essential for anyone who is brave enough to face the reality of the current situation of humanity and the reflection of the symptoms of its illnesses within ourselves. This book gives in direct and simple explanations the necessity of applying the psychological tools given by the world s great spiritual teachers for the benefit and regeneration of the spiritual human being.

Topics include: Life; Harsh Reality; Happiness; Freedom; The Law of the Pendulum; Concept and Reality; The Dialectic of Consciousness; Scientific Jargon; The Antichrist; The Psychological I; Darkness; The Three Minds; Work Memory; Creative Comprehension; The Kundalini; Intellectual Norms; The Knife of Consciousness; The Psychological Country; Drugs; Inquietudes; Meditation; Return and Recurrence; The Intimate Christ; The Christic Work; The Difficult Path; The Three Traitors; The Causal "I's"; The Superman; The Holy Grail.

65 pages, 199 KB, PDF. ... llion.html

Samael Aun Weor - The Perfect Matrimony: The Door to Enter into Initiation / Tantra and Sexual Alchemy Unveiled

Topics include: Love; The Son of Man; The Great Battle; The Abyss; The Sphere of Lilith; The Sphere of Nahemah; Normal Sexuality; Suprasexuality; The Seven Churches; Happiness, Music, Dance & the Kiss; GAIO; Direct Knowledge; The Education of Children; Sexual Forces and Ritual; The Gnostic Church; The Two Marys; ; The Seven Fundamental Centers of Man; Sex; The Absolute Death of Satan; Adultery; The Root of Pain; Celibacy; The Awakening of Consciousness; Fascination; Remembering Oneself; The Four States of Consciousness; Dreams and Visions; Consciousness, Subconsciousness, Supraconsciousness, Clairvoyant Consciousness; Memory; Objective Clairvoyance; Consciousness, Subconsciousness and Supraconsciousness; The Six Fundamental Dimensions; Initiation; The Guardian of the Threshold; The Ordeals of Fire, Air, Water and Earth; The Initiations of Minor Mysteries; The Initiations of Major Mysteries; The Laboratory of the Third Logos; Chac Mool; Serpentine Civilizations; The Exoteric and Esoteric Circles; The Chakras and the Plexuses; The Problem of Internal Illumination; The Vehicles of Fire; Patience and Tenacity; Conscious Faith; Religions and Schools; Charity; Psychic Development; Resurrection and Reincarnation; Recurrence; The Question of Personality; The Ninth Sphere; The Ascent and Descent of the Kundalini; The Sexual Spasm; Sexual Yoga; Psychology and Endocrinology; Infrasexuality; Evolution and Devolution; Yoga Exercises; The Serpent Bird; The Caduceus of Mercury; The Jinn State; The Temple of the Serpent Bird; Secret Egypt; Love: the Only Path of Salvation; Sufism; Infrasex in Yoga; Aztec Magic; Totemism; The Totem Gods; Elementals; Sacred Phallicism; Sex and Serpent; Infrasexual Schools; Initiation and the Serpent; The Cult of Fire; The Whirling Dervishes; Javhe; The Ages of the World; The Four Gospels; The Mother Kundalini; The Edda; Human Salvation; The Five Pointed Star; The Word; The Eskimos of the North; The Divine Trinity; The Christ

187 pages, 524 KB, PDF. ... imony.html

Samael Aun Weor - The Initiatic Path in the Arcana of Tarot and Kabbalah

In this cornerstone work, Samael Aun Weor explains in clear terms the entire basis of all esoteric work: Kabbalistic symbology. This is the language of the Internal Worlds.

"In these studies of Kabbalah, we need to be practical; there are authors who write marvels, but when one looks at them, one realizes that they have not lived what they have written; they did not experience it in themselves, and that is why they are mistaken. I understand that one must write what one has directly experienced by oneself. I have proceeded in this way on my part." (Samael Aun Weor)

This book is no mere repetition of what others have written: it is the direct experience of the author. This revolutionary work examines the Tarot and Kabbalah as never before, with brilliant revelations about the mysterious sphere of Daath, whose true nature was never before discussed publicly.

In Five Parts:
# 1. Description and Study of the Esoteric Tarot
# 2. Initiation through the Arcana of the Tarot
# 3. The Kabbalah
# 4. Numerology and Esoteric Mathematics
# 5. Predictive Kabbalah

297 pages, 1.12 MB, PDF. ... balah.html

Samael Aun Weor - The Revolution of the Dialectic / A Practical Guide to Gnostic Psychology and Meditation

Chapters include: The Didactic for the Dissolution of the "I"; The Struggle of the Opposites; The K-H; Resistance; Defeatism; Psycho-astrology; The Rhetoric of the Ego; The Permanent Center of Consciousness; Super-individuality; Integral Well-being; Self-reflection; Psychoanalysis; Mental Dynamics; The Laconic Action of the Being; Self-esteem; A-himsa / Nonviolence; Gregarious Conduct; Deformation of the Word; Knowing How to Listen; The Exactness of the Term; The Psychological Robot; Anger; The Personality; Cathexis; Mystical Death; Dissolving the Loose Cathexis; Negligence; The Particular Characteristic Psychological Feature; Methodology of the Work; Sophisms of Distraction; The Fallacy of the Ego; Exertion; Psychological Slavery; The Kalkian Personality; Contumacy; The States of the Ego; Blue Time or Rest Therapeutics; The Corpses of the Ego; Psychogenesis; The Transformation of Impressions; Mental Stomach; Image, Values and Identity; Mo-Chao; Dispersed Mind and Integral Mind; The Revolution of Meditation; Mechanical Association; The Dominion of the Mind; Probationism; The Intellect; Intelligence; Comprehension; Imagination; Inspiration; Intuition; Human Problems; Sexual Super-dynamics; The Mercury; Fundamental Education; The Press; Television; Ultramodern Music; Solioonensius; Religious Principles; The Fourth Unit of Reasoning; Art; Materialistic Science; The Root Races of the Terrestrial Humanity; The Ex-personality and the Quantum Theory; Reincorporation; Super Discipline; The Individual and Society; Enlightenment; and more.

143 pages, 358 KB, PDF. ... ectic.html

Samael Aun Weor - The Mystery of the Golden Blossom: Gnosis and the Magic of Sexual Energy

"All of us possess some electrical and magnetic forces within, and, just like a magnet, we exert a force of attraction and repulsion... Between lovers that magnetic force is particularly powerful and its action has a far-reaching effect." (Quoted from the book) A broad and tantalizing journey through the mystical traditions of Alchemy, Taoism, Tantrism, Buddhism and many others as the author relates his personal experiences on the Path to the realization of the inner Being. Filled with stories and powerful insights into esoteric psychology, this book explains in an intimate fashion many fundamental details needed by every spiritual aspirant, including examinations of the variety of psychological formations or obstacles to true Liberation.

135 pages, 282 KB, PDF. ... ossom.html

Samael Aun Weor - The Revolution of Beelzebub: Gnosis, Anthropogenesis, and the War in Heaven

Witness the incredible story of Samael Aun Weor and his efforts to convert the demon Beelzebub.

This controversial book explains in detail the subtle distinctions between positive and negative schools of awakening. Included are many adventures in the internal worlds, practices of Alchemy / Tantra, important clues to differentiate between White and Black Magic, angels and demons, and all the essential foundations of positive spiritual work.

Topics include: Tantra; Kabbalah; Arcadia; White Magic and Black Magic; Eleusis; The Two Ways; The Staff of the Patriarchs; The Atom Nous / The Solar Period; The Mind and the Intuition; The Lunar Period; The Terrestrial Period; The Mountain of Juratena; Lemuria; The War in Heaven; Atlantis; Black Magic of the Atlanteans; Nirvana; The Elixir of Long Life; Beelzebub and His Revolution; The Millenium; The Gnostic Institutions; and more.

88 pages, 228 KB, PDF. ... zebub.html

Iz SAMAEL AUN WEOR foldera: ... Weor_.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: sri apr 08, 2009 2:19 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Samael Aun Weor - The Yellow Book: Gnosis, the Divine Mother Kundalini and Jinn Science

"Purity of thought guides the yogi to perfection."

The base of all existence is a form of energy that defies conceptualization; yet throughout our history mankind has called that sacred force by many names: Isis, Mary, Maya, Adonia, and countless more. Contained in this book is a practical science to work directly with this energy, and experience for oneself the reality of the ancient and mysterious Divine Mother Kundalini, spoken of in all the world's great religions. Includes practices of meditation, transmutation, astral projection, pranayama, and the long-hidden Jinn Science.

Topics include: Love; The Kundalini; The Two Witnesses; Mantric Song for the Awakening of the Kundalini; Children of Wisdom; Urdhvarata; The Cosmic Mother; Christic Egyptian Pranayama; Sexual Transmutation for Single People; Order and Esoteric Discipline; Meditation; Primary Clairaudient and Clairvoyant Experiences; The Still Small Voice; Esoteric Diet; Jinn State; Table Work; Jinn Substances; Sanctity

50 pages, 105 KB, PDF. ... _Book.html

Samael Aun Weor - Igneous Rose: The Magic, Sexual Energy, and Mind of the Inner Buddha

"We are now going to penetrate into the most profound caverns of the Earth in order to extract its most terrific secrets..." (Samael Aun Weor)

All of the great Prophets and Avatars performed great feats in their effort to assist humanity. This book is a practical guide to follow in their footsteps. All those who aspire to incarnate the Christ (also known as Avalokitesvara, Vishnu, Quetzalcoatl, etc.) must first know how to work consciously with the forces of nature. Samael Aun Weor provides detailed information about the Elementals of nature, the awakening of the Kundalini of the Mental Body, and the development and perfection of Clairvoyance. Although Igneous Rose was written as a companion volume to the famous Occult Medicine and Practical Magic, this volume stands alone in the depth of its mysticism and the urgent call to action it sounds.

"If you want to progress in Nirvana, then you must sacrifice yourself for humanity. My brother, you must become a Bodhisattva of Compassion." (Samael Aun Weor)

Chapters include: A Queen of the Fire; The Arhat's Seven Candlesticks; The Pumpkin Gourd; The Guardian of the Mind; The Chalice; The Apple Tree; The Body of Liberation; The Mother Goddess of the World; The Cedar; The Bamboo Reed; The Prophet Elijah; The Pine and the Mind; The Lord Jehovah; Magic of the Pomegranate Tree, of the Orange Tree, of Spikenard, of Saffron, of Cinnamon, of Frankincense, of Myrrh, of the Aloe, of the Storax Tree, of Mint, and of the Fig Tree; The Mind and Sexuality; Esoteric Discipline of the Mind; The Arhat's Cross; The Woman; The Lion of the Law; Jezebel's Table; The Crown Chakra; The Seven Igneous Roses of the Reed; The Reed of Your Mental Body; Diviners and Prophets; The Tree of the Science of Good and Evil; Clairvoyance; The First Holy Chamber of the Root of the Nose; The Ardent Way; The Creative Larynx; The Seven Centers of the Heart; Dreams and Astral Experiences

155 pages, 384 KB, PDF. ... _Rose.html

Samael Aun Weor - The Three Mountains : Gnosis, Kabbalah, and the Sexual Mysteries of the Secret Path to Liberation

Topics include: My Childhood; Religion; Heavens; Infernos; Angelology; God; Lucifer; Demons; Limbo; Purgatory; The Divine Mother; Mary Magdalene; Christ; Immaculate Conceptions; Spiritualism; Theosophy; The Rosicrucian Fraternity; Meditation; The Jinn States; The Dionysian Wave; The Sexual Fire; The Sacred Cow; The Mountain of Initiation; The Gnostic Church; The Five Initiations of Fire; The Eight Venustic Initiations of the First Mountain; The Secret of the Abyss; The Baptism of John; The Transfiguration of Jesus; Jerusalem; The Mount of the Olives; The Beautiful Helen; The Event of Golgotha; The Holy Sepulchre; The Mountain of Resurrection; Serenity and Patience; The Nine Degrees of Mastery; The Patriarch Enoch; Guinevere; The Dragon of Darkness; The Heavens of Mercury, Venus, the Sun, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,and Neptune; The Resurrection; The Mountain of the Ascension; The Twelve Labors of Heracles.

158 pages, 412 KB, PDF. ... tains.html

Samael Aun Weor - Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology: Gnosis, Self-observation, and Esoteric Psychology

Chapters: The Level of Being; The Marvelous Ladder; Psychological Rebellion; The Essence; To Accuse Oneself; Life; The Internal State; Erroneous States; Personal Events; The Different I's;; The Beloved Ego; Radical Change; The Observer and the Observed; Negative Thoughts; Individuality; The Book of Life; Mechanical Creatures; The Supersubstantial Bread; The Good Master of the House; The Two Worlds; Observation of Oneself; Chatter; The World of Relations; The Psychological Song; Return and Recurrence; Infant's Self-cognizance; The Publican and the Pharisee; Willpower; Decapitation; The Permanent Center of Gravity; The Gnostic Esoteric Work; Prayer in the Work

86 pages, 205 KB, PDF. ... ology.html

Iz SAMAEL AUN WEOR foldera: ... Weor_.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: ned apr 12, 2009 3:30 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
A.E. Waite - The Secret Tradition in Freemasonry (1911)


1937. This was Waite's last book and is THE MOST IMPORTANT BOOK EVER WRITTEN ON THE ESOTERIC ASPECTS OF FREEMASONRY. "I am not offering in this book a revised edition of two volumes which appeared under the same title so far back as 1911. It is so altered, extended and transformed that it may claim to be a new undertaking and to supersede in fact that which it preserves in name." Waite not only reedited and radically restructured the two volume edition, but he incorporated much of his Emblematic Freemasonry (1925) that it might, as he said, supersede the previous work. This was Waite's last and (in his opinion) most important work on Freemasonry. Contents: Creative and Emblematic Freemasonry; Craft Degrees and Their Connections; Second Holy House; New Alliance in Freemasonry; Quest in Christian Ritual; Masonic Orders of Chivalry Apart from Templar Grades; Templar Grades of Freemasonry; Of Alchemy in Masonry; Of Magical and Kabbalistical Degrees; The Growth of Masonic Tradition; Freemasonry and the French Revolution; Mysteries on their Mystical Side. Extremely important. A masonic classic.

492 pages, 53.5 MB, PDF. Scan. ... sonry.html

George Oliver - The History of Initiation (1855)


In Twelve Lectures Comprising a Detailed Account of the Rites and Ceremonies, Doctrines and Discipline of all the Secret and Mysterious Institutions of the Ancient World. Contents: General Introduction; History of Initiation in Hindostan; Philosophy of the Eastern Mysteries; Initiation in Persia; History of Initiation in Greece; Ceremonies of Initiation into the Mysteries of Bacchus; Places of Initiation into the Celtic Mysteries; Ceremonies of Initiation in Britain; Symbols and Doctrines of the Druids; History of Initiation into the Gothic Mysteries; Doctrines and Morality; History of Initiation in America; Corollary.

250 pages, 12.5 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1855_.html

Par zanimljivih članaka o ezoterijskoj tradiciji u masoneriji:

A.E.Waite - Templar Orders In Freemasonry ... sonry.html

Bro Victor Popow - Freemasonry, Architecture and Sacred Geometry ... metry.html

W. Kirk MacNulty - Masonic Tracing Boards and the Western Metaphysical Tradition ... ition.html

W. Kirk MacNulty - Neo-Platonism and the Royal Arch Triple Tau ... e_Tau.html

W. Kirk MacNulty - The Secret Identity Of Freemasons ... masons.htm

Bro Fabio Venzi - The Influence of Neoplatonic Thought on Freemasonry ... sonry.html

Bro Victor Popow - Ritual, its Importance and Meaning ... aning.html

Mark Stavish - The Chamber of Reflection ... ction.html


Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: uto apr 14, 2009 4:19 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
E.A.Wallis Budge - The Book of The Dead (The Papyrus of Ani) part I and II


The sacred wisdom of the priests of ancient Egypt and the experiences of the soul after death: one of the most important books in history. Includes full hieroglyphic text along with a transliteration of sounds, word-for-word translation; a separate smooth translation.

Table of Contents:

The Versions Of The Book Of The Dead.
The Legend Of Osiris.
The Doctrine Of Eternal Life.
The Egyptians' Ideas Of God.
The Legend Of Ra And Isis.
The Abode Of The Blessed.
The Gods Of The Book Of The Dead.
The Principal Geographical And Mythological Places In The Book Of The Dead.
Funeral Ceremonies.
The Papyrus Of Ani.
Plate I.
Plate II.
Plate III.
Plate IV.
Plates V. and VI.
Plates VII.-X.
Plates XI. and XII.
Plate XIII.
Plate XIV.
Plate XV.
Plate XVI.
Plate XVII.
Plate XVIII.
Plate XIX.
Plate XX.
Plate XXI.
Plate XXII.
Plate XXIII. and Plate XXIV.
Plate XXV.
Plate XXVI.
Plate XXVII.
Plates XXIX. and XXX.
Plates XXXI. and XXXII.
Plate XXXII.
Plates XXXIII and XXXIV.
Plates XXXV. and XXXVI.

Part I - 360 pages, 19.4 MB, PDF. Scan. ... __ptI.html

Part II - 388 pages, 22.1 MB, PDF. Scan. ... _ptII.html

Thomas George Allen - Horus in the Pyramid Texts


The Pyramid Texts are a collection of ancient Egyptian religious texts from the time of the Old Kingdom. The pyramid texts are the oldest known religious texts in the world. Written in Old Egyptian, the pyramid texts were carved on the walls and sarcophagi of the pyramids at Saqqara during the 5th and 6th Dynasties of the Old Kingdom. The oldest of the texts date to between 2400-2300 BCE. Unlike the Coffin Texts and Book of the Dead into which parts of the pyramid texts later evolved, the pyramid texts were reserved only for the pharaoh and were not illustrated. The pyramid texts mark the first written mention of the god Osiris, who would become the most important deity associated with afterlife.

79 pages, 4.18 MB, PDF. Scan. ... Texts.html

F.H. Brooksbank - Legends of Ancient Egypt


Stories of Egyptian gods and heroes. Contents: people of ancient Egypt; beliefs of the Egyptians; beginning of all things; life beyond; story of Ra and Isis; kingdom of Osiris; quest of Isis; persecution by Typhon; work of Horus; builders of the pyramids; riddle of the Sphinx; guardians of the desert; builders of the temples; lady of the obelisks; journey of Khensu to Bekhten; in the days of the famine; treasure chamber of Rhampsinitus; reign of the twelve kings; shadow of the end; glory of the sunset; light upon the darkness.

280 pages, 12.7 MB, PDF. Scan. ... Egypt.html

George Andrew Reisner - The Egyptian Conception of Immortality


Of the nations which have contributed to the direct stream of civilization, Egypt and Mesopotamia are at present believed to be the oldest. The chronological dispute as to the relative antiquity of the two countries is of minor importance; for while in Babylonia the historical material is almost entirely inscriptional, in Egypt we know the handicrafts, the weapons, the arts, and, to a certain extent, the religious beliefs of the race up to a period when it was just emerging from the Stone Age. In a word, Egypt presents the most ancient race whose manner of life is known to man. From the beginning of its history—that is, from about 4500 B.C.—we can trace the development of a religion one of whose most prominent elements was a promise of a life after death. It was still a great religion when the Christian doctrine of immortality was enunciated. In the early centuries of the Christian era, it seemed almost possible that the worship of Osiris and Isis might become the religion of the classical world; and the last stand made by civilized paganism against Christianity was in the temple of Isis at Philae in the sixth century after Christ.

106 pages, 2.75 MB, PDF. Scan. ... ality.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: čet apr 23, 2009 5:17 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Richard Laurence - The Book of Enoch The Prophet


In 1821 "The Book of Enoch" was translated by Richard Laurence and published in a number of successive editions, culminating in the 1883 edition. One of the main influences from the book is its explanation of evil coming into the world with the arrival of the fallen angels. Enoch acts as a scribe, writing up a petition on behalf of these fallen angels, or fallen ones, to be given to a higher power for ultimate judgment. Christianity adopted some ideas from Enoch, including the Final Judgment, the concept of demons, the origins of evil and the fallen angels, and the coming of a Messiah and ultimately, a Messianic kingdom.

THE BOOK OF ENOCH was ultimately removed from the Bible and banned by the early church. Copies of it were found to have survived in Ethiopia, and fragments in Greece and Italy. Like the Dead Sea Scrolls and the Nag Hammadi Library, the Book of Enoch, translated from the original Ethiopian Coptic script, is a rare resource that was suppressed by the early church and thought destroyed. Today it is back in print in this expanded, deluxe edition, using the original 1883 revised text.

The Book of Enoch describes the fall of the Watchers, the angels who fathered the Nephilim. The fallen angels went to Enoch to intercede on their behalf with God after he declared to them their doom. The remainder of the book describes Enoch's visit to Heaven in the form of a vision, and his revelations.

The book consists of five quite distinct major sections (see each section for details):

* The Book of the Watchers (1 Enoch 1 – 36)
* The Book of Parables of Enoch (1 Enoch 37 – 71) (Also called the Similitudes of Enoch)
* The Astronomical Book (1 Enoch 72 – 82) (Also called the Book of the Heavenly Luminaries or Book of Luminaries. )
* The Book of Dream Visions (1 Enoch 83 – 90) (Also called the Book of Dreams)
* The Epistle of Enoch (1 Enoch 91 – 108)

323 pages, 5.11 MB, PDF. Scan. ... ophet.html

George Oliver - The Pythagorean Triangle (1875)


Contents: The Pythagorean Triangle Explained, with a Dissertation on the Peculiarities of Masonic Number; The Monad or Point Discussed as the Origin of All Calculation; The Duad or Line Exemplified; Illustration of the Triad or Superfice; (The Superfice, or Equilateral Triangle, Triad, Ternary, or the Number Three); Progressive Generation of the Tetrad or Solid, Representing Fire; Geometrical Application of the Pentad or Pyramid, Representing Water; Infinite Divisibility of the Hexad or Double Triangle, Representing Earth; Remarkable Properties of the Heptad; Mysterious References of the Ogdoad or Cube, Representing Air; Ancient Superstitions Attached to the Ennead or Triple Triangle; Perfect Nature of the Decad or Circle, and the Application of the Dodecaedron as a Representation of the System of the Universe.

273 pages, 4.65 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1875_.html

Moshe Idel - Absorbing Perfections


Hebrew University professor Gershom Scholem, who died in 1982, is regarded as the greatest Kabbalah scholar of the 20th century. His successor and critic is Idel, also a professor at Hebrew University and author of this densely written treatise. In contrast to recent efforts to make Kabbalah more accessible, Idel presents a highly specialized narrative in language that can be grasped by only a few learned scholars. Idel demonstrates his intellectual mastery of Kabbalah by citing both Jewish and Christian commentators from medieval to modern times. Many of his sources are obscure and abstruse. Seemingly in recognition of this limitation, Idel offers six appendices in which he tries to further explain the work of Abraham Abulafia, Isaac of Acre, Nahman of Braslav, Marsilio Ficino and Pico della Mirandola, among others. All of these thinkers, along with Idel, focus on the mystical aspect of the Bible as the major topic for analysis. Idel's writing is sprinkled with foreign words and phrases that are not translated, as well as English terms that require an academician's expertise: anagrammatic, renomadization, crisical, superarcanization, hypersemantic, theosophical-theurgical, historiosophical, floruit, astromagical, extradivine, imaginaire, intercorporal, ergetic, clinamenic, and so on. Kabbalah enthusiasts who emphasize its experiential rather than its intellectual aspects will be bewildered by this text, though some academic specialists may appreciate its dizzying breadth.

Many recent books popularize the Jewish mystical system known as the Kabbalah, but this is not one of them. Here, one of the preeminent living scholars of the Kabbalah delineates the development of major hermeneutical concepts in Jewish mysticism. These concepts are "the nature of the text, the different forms of interpretation, and the experience of the mystical interpreter." After establishing the ramifications for mystical thinkers of having a sealed, canonized text at the heart of their religion, Idel (Kabbalah: New Perspectives) painstakingly describes the methods used by many different kabbalists throughout history to interpret the Torah. One of his themes is the nature of a language-centered mysticism, especially in interaction with the personal experience of the interpreter. This work is very complex and is filled with scholarly detail. Idel displays his grasp of a wide-ranging and deep body of material. Highly recommended for academic libraries, especially those serving Judaic studies programs, this book may also may be of interest to advanced students in literature and philosophy.

690 pages, 1.8 MB, PDF. Scan. ... tions.html

Moshe Idel - Ascensions on High in Jewish Mysticism


Ascensions on high took many forms in Jewish mysticism and they permeated most of its history from its inception until Hasidism. The book surveys the various categories, with an emphasis on the architectural images of the ascent, like the resort to images of pillars, lines, and ladders. After surveying the variety of scholarly approaches to religion, the author also offers what he proposes as an eclectic approach, and a perspectivist one. The latter recommends to examine religious phenomena from a variety of perspectives. The author investigates the specific issue of the pillar in Jewish mysticism by comparing it to the archaic resort to pillars recurring in rural societies. Given the fact that the ascent of the soul and pillars constituted the concerns of two main Romanian scholars of religion, Ioan P. Culianu and Mircea Eliade, Idel resorts to their views, and in the Concluding Remarks analyzes the emergence of Eliade's vision of Judaism on the basis of neglected sources.

Moshe Idel was born in 1947 in Rumania. Since 1963 living in Israel. Teaching at the Hebrew University, and senior researcher at the Shalom Hartman Institute, Jerusalem. Taught as a visiting professor at Yale, Harvard, Princeton, UCLA, Penn, College de France, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, etc. Recipient of Israel Prize in Jewish Thought, and Emmet Prize under the aegis of the Prime Minister of Israel. Recent publication : Absorbing Perfections: Kabbalah and Interpretation (Yale University Press, New Haven 2002).

265 pages, 3.09 MB, PDF. Scan. ... icism.html

Joseph Dan - Kabbalah, a Very Short Introduction


Keenly aware of the daunting task of condensing thousands of years of history into a "very short introduction," Dan, the Gershom Scholem Professor of Kabbalah at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, sharply defines his mission: from the historical perspective of religious ideas, "...there is no 'true' meaning that is above all others," so he seeks to "present some of the most prominent characteristics of the different phenomena...described as 'kabbalistic' in various periods, countries and cultural contexts." Beginning in the second century CE and continuing through the present day, Dan methodically details the changing definition and practice of Kabbalah, incorporating a wide array of tangential texts and illustrations. He addresses not only ancient Jewish mysticism, but the fifteenth century hybrid Christian Kabbalah, the myriad Hasidic interpretations and contemporary New Age applications. A six-point summary of the most likely ways in which readers today may encounter the Kabbalah and an extensive list of suggested further reading round out the book's conclusion. This survey of Kabbalah offers deep history in succinct fashion, resulting in a fascinating and highly readable effort.

148 pages, 2.86 MB, PDF. Scan. ... ction.html

Bernhard Pick - The Cabala


1913. Although the Cabala belongs to the past, it demands our attention on account of the interest taken in it by such men as Raymond Lully, John Reuchlin and others. Contents: Name and origin of the Cabala; development of the Cabala in the pre-Zohar period; Book of Zohar or splendor; the Cabala in the post-Zohar period; most important doctrines of the Cabala; Cabala in relation to Judaism and Christianity.

134 pages, 4.19 MB, PDF. Scan. ... abala.html

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PostPostano: uto apr 28, 2009 12:45 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Gareth Knight - Tarot and Magic



191 pages, 8.48 MB, PDF. Scan. ... Magic.html

John Opsopaus - The Ancient Greek Esoteric Doctrine of the Elements

40 pages, 517 KB, PDF. Scan. ... ments.html

G.C. Stewart - The Hierophant


The Hierophant; or, Gleanings from the past. Being an exposition of biblical astronomy, and the symbolism and mysteries on which were founded all ancient religions and secret societies, also an explanation of the dark sayings and allegories which bound in the pagan, Jewish and Christian Bibles, also: the real sense of doctrines and observances of the modern Christian churches

252 pages, 9 MB, PDF. Scan. ... phant.html

C.W. Leadbeater - The Science of the Sacraments


Adherents of theosophy, the esoteric philosophy popular at the turn of the 20th century, believed that science and religion could be reconciled, and here, in this 1920 book, the renowned spiritualist Charles W. Leadbeater, a leader of theosophical thought, examines the Catholic Mass from a theosophical perspective, demonstrating how the rites and rituals of the Eucharist, Baptism, Holy Orders, and the other sacraments harness a mystical magic that unites worshippers in one divine spirit. Drawing on both traditional spiritual belief about the power at work during the Mass and modern concepts of a paranormal connection between the corporeal and the otherworldly, this is a work that will intrigue those of great faith as well as students of comparative mythology. British author CHARLES WEBSTER LEADBEATER (1854-1934) was ordained as an Anglican priest, but later joined the prominent Theosophical Society and traveled to India to study alternative spiritual and occult practices, eventually settling into his life as a clairvoyant and author. His other works include Man Visible and Invisible and The Science of the Sacrament.

277 pages, 2.25 MB, PDF. Scan. ... ments.html

Andrew Louth - The Origins of the Christian Mystical Tradition


Scholars of the patristic era have paid more attention to the dogmatic tradition in their period than to the development of Christian mystical theology. Andrew Louth aims to redress the balance. Recognizing that the intellectual form of this tradition was decisively influenced by Platonic ideas of the soul's relationship to God, Louth begins with an examination of Plato and Platonism. The discussion of the Fathers which follows shows how the mystical tradition is at the heart of their thought and how the dogmatic tradition both molds and is the reflection of mystical insights and concerns. This new edition of a classic study of the diverse influences upon Christian spirituality includes a new Epilogue which brings the text completely up to date.

Table of Contents:

1. Plato
2. Philo
3. Plotinus
4. Origen
5. Nicene Orthodoxy
6. The Monastic Contributions
7. Augustine
8. Denys the Areopagite
9. Patristic Mysticism and St John of the Cross
10. The Mystical Life and the Mystical Body
11. Epilogue

247 pages, 1.35 MB, PDF. Scan. ... ition.html

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PostPostano: ned maj 03, 2009 11:47 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
A. Wiedemann - The Realms of the Egyptian Dead (1902)


According to the belief of the ancient Egyptians. Destruction of mankind; Death; Confusion of religious ideas; Realms of the dead: Under earth, in the sky, on earth; Osirian doctrines; Dismemberment of the corpse; Embalming; Offerings to the dead; Journey of the Osiris; Fields of the blessed; Immortal parts of the man.

76 pages, 4.5 MB, PDF. Scan. ... _Dead.html

George H. van Kooten - The Revelation of the Name YHWH to Moses: Perspectives from Judaism, the Pagan Graeco-Roman World, and Early Christianity


In this book the revelation of YHWH’s name to Moses is a momentous event according to the Old Testament. The name `Yahweh’ is of central importance in Judaism, and `Yahwism’ became tantamount to Jewish monotheism.

As such, this designation of God also attracted the attention of pagan writers in the Graeco-Roman period. And early Christians had to deal with this divine name as well. These three perspectives on YHWH constitute the framework for this volume. It appears that the Name of God and its revelation to Moses constitute a major theme which runs from the book of Exodus through the Old Testament, early Judaism, and early Christianity. It also attracted pagan philosophical interest, both positive and negative. The Name of God was not only perceived from an insider’s perspective, but also provoked a reaction from outsiders. The combined perspectives show the fundamental importance of the divine Name for the formation of Jewish and Christian identities.

281 pages, 1.37 MB, PDF. ... Moses.html

James H. Breasted - Development of Religion and Thought in Ancient Egypt


"A monument and a classic. . . . In this book we find the impact of nature upon religion in the abounding land of Egypt; the first skepticism and questionings of the system; the search for social justice as an answer to social woes, and the consequent seizure of royal privileges by lesser men; the attempt to assert monotheism; humble trust in a forgiving god; and the final triumph of priestly rule over religion. Because it is remote from us in time and place, we can look at it in detachment. And yet, in its cadences and in its stresses, it is our own story."--John A. Wilson, from the Introduction

"A masterly study of the development of religion and thought in ancient Egypt. . . . No better attempt has been made to trace from beginning to end the leading categories of life, thought, and civilization as they successfully made their mark on religion, or to follow religion from age to age, disclosing especially how it was shaped by these influences, and how in turn it reacted to society."--E. O. James

James H. Breasted (1865-1935) was the foremost influence in introducing Americans to the culture of ancient Egypt. He founded the Oriental Institute at the University of Chicago and was the author of History of Egypt and Ancient Times: A History of the Early World, among other works.

Table of Contents:

Epitome of the Development
Lecture I. The Origins: Nature and the State in their Impression on Religion—Earliest Systems
Lecture II. Life After Death—The Sojourn in the Tomb—Death Makes its Impression on Religion
Lecture III. The Realms of the Dead—The Pyramid Texts—The Ascent to the Sky
Lecture IV. Realms of the Dead—The Earliest Celestial Hereafter
Lecture V. The Osirianization of the Hereafter
Lecture VI. The Emergence of the Moral Sense—Moral Worthiness and the Hereafter—Scepticism and the Problem of Suffering
Lecture VII. The Social Forces make their Impression on Religion—The Rise of Social Reformers—The Earliest Social Regeneration
Lecture VIII. Popularization of the Old Royal Hereafter—Triumph of Osiris—Conscience and the Book of the Dead—Magic and Morals
Lecture IX. The Imperial Age—The World-State Makes its Impression on Religion—Triumph of Re—Earliest Monotheism—Ikhnaton (Amenhotep IV)
Lecture X. The Age of Personal Piety—Sacerdotalism and Final Decadence

410 pages, 31.5 MB, PDF. Scan. ... Egypt.html

Thomas Frederick Page - The Golden Fleece - a Book of Jewish Cabalism (1888)


Hebrew is to be extracted from any and all languages of the earth, and can never run out.

Every letter and utterance in language, has a meaning other than man considers as he makes use of the same in the transaction of business. They all have a high meaning in the great temple of nature, and there they are God's law as revealed to man.

When language is analyzed, a deeper meaning is seen, which leads to a higher knowledge of God. Beneath the face of language lays the Hebraic Law-forever the same. All the names in pagan mythology are woven together in this work, and herein is found the method of reading the same according to the Jews of antiquity; also the way of approaching the interpretation of sculpture as seen in ruins and remnants of past ages" . A unique original master work of research and analytical deduction- of great import. A treasure of esoteric wisdom. for the few.- highly recommended.

164 pages, 10.3 MB, PDF. Scan. Very rare! ... 1888_.html

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PostPostano: sri maj 06, 2009 6:32 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Institute for Hermetic Studies - Drawing Down the Life of Heaven: Magic in the Renaissance


"The Renaissance is the rebirth of the 'occult sciences' and not, as taught in schools, the resurrection of classical philology and a forgotten vocabulary." - Will-Erich Peuckert

The Renaissance was the high point of the Hermetic Arts and Sciences with astrology, alchemy, and qabala being the cornerstones of cultural, scientific, and philosophical development. From the palaces of princes to the chambers of Popes, magic was practiced in secret and in the open. Through the power of the imagination, in conjunction with the use of stones, herbs, talismans, and astrological timing it was thought that personal and collective ills could be healed, the rift between heaven and earth repaired, and that the Magus would reclaim their rightful place as mediator of the soul. Renaissance Magic is the basis for most modern magical practices, as well as modern alternative therapies and holistic practices. This Special Report is a thorough and complete overview of the most critical period in European magical and cultural development.

Report Overview
• The Renaissance: Age of Art and Imagination
• Natural, Demonic, and Angelic Magic
• The End of Magic and the Beginning of Secret Societies
• The Survival of Magic: Alternative Therapies and Modern Holistic Practices
• The Re-Enchantment of the World in the 21st Century
• Suggested Reading List

36 pages, 712 KB, PDF. ... Magic.html

Institute for Hermetic Studies - How To Study Enochian Magic


There are few students of contemporary esotericism that are not familiar with Enochian. Yet, despite the hundreds of printed and electronic volumes available on Enochian magic many students still have problems with the system. How to Study Enochian Magic examines the many claims surrounding Enochian and suggests practical and meaningful ways of progressively studying Enochian magic so that it can become a meaningful aid in one's spiritual growth. How to Study Enochian Magic does not repeat what is said in other works, but seeks to expand upon their ideas and synthesize them with various viewpoints thereby making Enochian easier to understand and use. Specific works for practicing Enochian magic are referenced. Sample rituals are provided.

• The Role of Enochian in Modern Magic: Problems and Potentials
• The Watchtowers and the Aethyrs: A Progressive Study Approach
• Operation of the Days
• Enochian and Initiation in the Golden Dawn
• Which Rituals? Is This What Dee and Kelly Did?
• Suggested Resources

25 pages, 448 KB, PDF. ... Study.html

Leo Vinci - Summa Angelica


This is the definite work dealing with Angels and Archangels in religion, myth, legend, folklore. It takes in many subjects associated with the angels, Christian, Roman, Greek, Islam, Biblical, Apocryphal, Fallen Angels, Dragons and Serpents, the Guph, the Shekinah, the Bat, Manna the Bread of the Angels, Melchizedek, some Enochian Angels, the Bad Angels, the Orders of the Angels and many words and themes associated with this study.

445 pages, 4.93 MB, PDF. ... elica.html

William G. Gray - Magical Ritual Methods



Throughout the ages, the workings of magical ritual have been shrouded in more secrecy than probably any other subject. The peculiar secrecy surrounding magical practices is not altogether intentional--how can mere description of the purely physical aspects of ritualism possibly convey its deep significance? Knowing this conciously or instinctively, practitioners of magical rites have maintained silence or given such vague descriptions of their activities that little practical use can be made of them. Now there is a guidebook, intended for the Western student on the path of spiritual consciousness. William Gray pulls all the "hows's" and "why's" of ceremonial magic together in one volume and provides the student with practical means for its proper operation and study. People are drawn toward ritual practice because it fulfills a need on a deep spiritual level that nothing else will fill. Gray shows us how to arrange and direct our own studies, and gives us the basics to make magical ritual work for us, to extend our human consciousness toward Truth and Light.

302 pages, 4.82 MB, PDF. Scan. ... thods.html

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PostPostano: pon maj 11, 2009 1:23 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Walter Begley - Biblia Cabalistica (1903)


Shows how the various numerical cabalas have been curiously applied to the holy scriptures, with numerous textual examples ranging from genesis to the apocalypse, and collected from books of the greatest rarity, for the most part not in the British Museum or any public library in Great Britain. With introduction, appendix of curios, and bibliography. A large portion of this book is in Latin.

178 pages, 13.2 MB, PDF. Scan. ... 1903_.html

The Kabbalah Manual - Dancing with Angels


1087 pages, 9.39 MB, PDF. ... ngels.html

Lon Milo DuQuette - Chicken Qabalah


A unique and humorous—and also uniquely practical—approach to the increasingly popular study of Qabalah. This is a seriously funny book! Learn the basics of Qabalah in spite of yourself! Traditional Qabalistic (or Cabalistic, or, indeed, Kabbalistic—read this book to find out what the difference is…we know you’ve always wondered) sources tend to be a bit, er, dry. DuQuette spices up the Qabalah and makes it come alive, restoring the joy of learning the fundamentals of this admittedly arcane system by using simple, amusing anecdotes and metaphors. This account, written psuedepigraphically (fictitiously attributed to a supposed authority), allows DuQuette as Rabbi Lamed Ben Clifford to soar to outrageous heights and, when necessary, stand apart from the silliness to highlight the golden eggs of Qabalistic wisdom nested therein. Sure to be a revelation to those all who think that teaching about the Qabalah needs to be tedious and serious, DuQuette shows that great truths can be transmitted through the medium of laughter.

234 pages, 8.35 MB, PDF. Scan. ... balah.html

Gershom Scholem - Origins of the Kabbalah


Gershom Scholem's Origins of the Kabbalah provides a painstakingly detailed history of Kabbalah's rise among medieval French and Spanish Jews, describes the first publication of Jewish mystical texts, and investigates the growth of their influence on Jewish religious life. The book also doubles back to describe secret traditions of Jewish Gnosticism, which describe a Creation story so numerological and esoteric it makes the New Testament book of Revelation look as simple and straightforward as a Saturday-morning cartoon. This book is much denser than Scholem's excellent On the Kabbalah and its Symbolism, but for readers with a basic knowledge of Kabbalah, it shouldn't be rough going. --Michael Joseph Gross

504 pages, 4.89 MB, PDF. ... balah.html

S.L. MacGregor Mathers - Kabbala Denudata (Kabbalah Unveiled)

The Ancient Wisdom, the Sacred Books, taught. that we cannot understand Matter without understanding Spirit, that we cannot understand Spirit without understanding Matter. That Matter and Spirit are only opposite poles of the same universal substance. All through the Qabalah runs this axiom: "that Malkuth is in Kether, that Kether is in Malkuth." The same idea is repeated through the Gnostic teaching: "the earth that is in the heaven, the heaven that is in the earth."

Containing the Following Books of the Zohar: The Book of Concealed Mystery; the Greater Holy Assembly; The Lesser Holy Assembly. Translated into English from the Latin Version of Knorr Von Rosenroth

Siphra Dtzenioutha: The Book of Concealed Mystery

Chapter I
Chapter II.
Chapter III.
Chapter IV
Chapter V

Greater Holy Assembly

Chapter I: The Ingress and the Preface
Chapter II: Of the Condition of the World and the World of Vacancy
Chapter III: Concerning the Ancient One, or Macroprosopus, and Concerning His Parts, and Especially Concerning His Skull
Chapter IV: Concerning the Dew, or Moisture of the Brain, of the Ancient One, or Macroprosopus
Chapter V: Further Concerning the Skull of Macroprosopus
Chapter VI: Concerning the Membrane of the Brain of Macroprosopus
Chapter VII: Concerning the Hair of Macroprosopus
Chapter VIII: Concerning the Forehead of Macroprosopus
Chapter IX: Concerning the Eyes of Macroprosopus
Chapter X: Concerning the Nose of Macroprosopus
Chapter XI: Concerning the Beard of Macroprosopus in General
Chapter XII: Concerning the Beard of Macroprosopus in Particular, and in the First Place, Concerning its First Part
Chapter XIII: Concerning the Second Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus
Chapter XIV: Concerning the Third Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus
Chapter XV: Concerning the Fourth Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus
Chapter XVI: Concerning the Fifth Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus
Chapter XVII: Concerning the Sixth Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus
Chapter XVIII: Concerning the Seventh Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus
Chapter XIX: Concerning the Eighth Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus
Chapter XX: Concerning the Ninth Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus
Chapter XXI: Concerning the Tenth and Eleventh Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus
Chapter XXII: Concerning the Twelfth Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus
Chapter XXIII: Concerning the Thirteenth Part of the Beard of Macroprosopus
Chapter XXIV: The Conclusion of the Matter Concerning Macroprosopus
Chapter XXV: The Ingress of Microprosopus.
Chapter XXVI: Concerning the Edomite Kings
Chapter XXVII: Concerning the Skull of Microprosopus and its Appurtenances; Namely, Concerning the Subtle Air, and the Fire and the Dew.
Chapter XXVIII: Concerning the Brain and Membrane of the Brain of Microprosopus
Chapter XXIX: Concerning the Hair of Microprosopus
Chapter XXX: Concerning the Forehead of Microprosopus
Chapter XXXI: Concerning the Eyes of Microprosopus
Chapter XXXII: Concerning the Nose of Microprosopus
Chapter XXXIII: Concerning the Ears of Microprosopus
Chapter XXXIV: Concerning the Beard of Microprosopus
Chapter XXXV: Concerning the First Part of the Beard of Microprosopus
Chapter XXXVI: Concerning the Second Part of the Beard of Microprosopus
Chapter XXXVII: Concerning the Second Part of the Beard of Microprosopus
Chapter XXXVIII: Concerning the Seven Last Portions of the Beard of Microprosopus
Chapter XXXIX: Concerning the Body of Microprosopus in General, Under the Condition of an Androgyn
Chapter XL: Concerning the Feminine Portion of Microprosopus
Chapter XLI: Concerning the Separate Members of Each Personification, and Especially Concerning the arms of Microprosopus
Chapter XLII: Concerning the Separation of the Masculine and Feminine, and Concerning their Conjunction
Chapter XLIII: Concerning the Judgements
Chapter XLIV: Further Remarks Concerning the Supernal Man
Chapter XLV: Conclusion

Lesser Holy Assembly

Chapter I: Which Containeth the Introduction
Chapter II: Concerning the Skull of the Ancient One...His Brain...Three Heads...Hair...Discriminatory Paths
Chapter III: Concerning the Forehead of the Most Holy Ancient One
Chapter IV: Concerning the Eyes of the Most Holy Ancient One
Chapter V: Concerning the Nose of the Most Holy Ancient One
Chapter VI: Concerning the Beard of the Most Holy Ancient One.
Chapter VII: Concerning the Brain and the Wisdom in General
Chapter VII: Concerning the Father and Mother
Chapter IX: Concerning Microprosopus and His Bride In General
Chapter X: Concerning Microprosopus in Especial, with Certain Digressions, and Concerning the Edomite Kings
Chapter XI: Concerning the Brain of Microprosopus and its Connections
Chapter XII: Concerning the Hair of Microprosopus
Chapter XIII: Concerning the Forehead of Microprosopus
Chapter XIV: Concerning the Eyes of Microprosopus
Chapter XV: Concerning the Nose of Microprosopus
Chapter XVI: Concerning the Ears of Microprosopus
Chapter XVII: Concerning the Countenance of Microprosopus
Chapter XVIII: Concerning the Beard of Microprosopus
Chapter XIX: Concerning the Lips and Mouth of Microprosopus
Chapter XX: Concerning the Body of Microprosopus
Chapter XX: Concerning the Bride of Microprosopus
Chapter XXII: Concerning the Remaining Members of Microprosopus

185 pages, 446 KB, PDF. ... udata.html

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Zadnja izmjena: tehuti; sri maj 13, 2009 1:59 pm; ukupno mijenjano 1 put/a.

PostPostano: sri maj 13, 2009 1:58 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Joseph Ennemoser - The History of Magic, 2 volumes


Translated by William Howitt. Extremely scarce, this is a foundational work on magic and mysticism! Contents: Author s Preface; Of Magic and its Branches in General; Theoretical Views on Magic Among the Ancients; Magnetism among the Ancient Nations, Especially the Orientals, Egyptian, and Israelites; Magic among the Greek and Romans; Magic in Mythology; Magic of the Germans; Mystic Doctrines and Endeavors after a Philosophical Elucidation of the Magic of the Middle Ages; Apparitions; Haunted Houses; Dreams; Second Sight; Trance and Somnambulism; Ecstasy; Predictions; Divination; Witchcraft; Vampires; Amulets and Charms; Narcotics; Fairies; Spiritual Manifestations.

1073 pages, 34.1 MB, PDF. Scan. ... lumes.html

W.R. Cooper - The Horus Myth in Its Relation to Christ


95 pages, 2.57 MB, PDF. Scan. ... hrist.html

W. J. Colville - Ancient Mysteries and Modern Revelations


1911. Contents: Bibles Under Modern Searchlight; Rivers of Life or Faiths of Man in All Lands; Ancient and Modern Ideas of Revelation; Various Spiritual Elements in the Bible and Classic Literature; Creation Legends; Egypt and Its Wonders Literally and Mystically considered; The Philosophy of Ancient Greece; The School of Pythagoras; The Delphic Mysteries; Apollonius of Tyana; Five Varieties of Yoga; Union of Eastern and Western Philosophy; Ezekiel's Wheel-What it Signifies-Astrology in Prophecy; Emanuel Swedenborg and His Doctrine of Correspondences; The Book of Exodus-Its Practical and Esoteric Teachings; The Story of the Passover and the Pillar of Fire in the Wilderness; The Message of Buddhism-Purity and Philanthropy; Magic in Europe in the Middle Ages; Ancient Magic and Modern Therapeutics-Paracelsus and Von Helmont; Jeanne D'Arc, the Maid of Orleans; Andrew Jackson Davis; Bible Symbolism; Life and Matter; The Law of Seven and the Law of Unity; Spiritualism and the Deepening of Spiritual Life; The Esoteric Teachings of the Gnostics; Halley's Comet; Psychopathic Treatment.

360 pages, 4.53 MB, PDF. Scan. ... tions.html

Albertus Magnus - Egyptian Secrets: or White and Black Art for Man and Beast


The Book of Nature and the Hidden Secrets and Mysteries of Life Unveiled; Being the Forbidden Knowledge of Ancient Philosophers by that celebrated Student, Philosopher, Chemist, Naturalist, Psychomist, Astrologer, Alchemist, Metallurgist, Sorcerer, Explanator of the Mysteries of Wizards and Witchcraft; together with recondite Views of numerous Arts and Science-Obscure, Plain, Practical, etc. This book reveals magical formulas for health, protection, power, victory, medicines, etc.

217 pages, 3.99 MB, PDF. Scan. ... Beast.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: pet maj 15, 2009 5:32 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
J. Abelson - Jewish Mysticism: An Introduction to the Kabbalah


Concise classic by a noted authority gives readers a bird's-eye view of salient features of Jewish mysticism and its impact on Jewish thought and worship. Based on researches of best Jewish scholars, and reinforced by author's wide acquaintance with talmudic and rabbinical literature, the book covers Essenism, Merkabah mysticism, the book "Yetsirah," general features of "Zohar" mysticism, the ten Sefirot, the Soul, and other topics.

204 pages, 8.65 MB, PDF. Scan. ... icism.html

Elias Gewurz - The Hidden Treasures of Ancient Qabalah (vol. I and II)

Contents I:


Contents II:


Strength and beauty are the two attractive elements of our nature, but the masculine strength and the feminine beauty are in reality one and the same thing. That which we admire as strength in the man is the same element that fascinates us as beauty in the woman. - from "The Feminine Elements in Man and Their Redeeming Power"

Kabbalah, the "Secret Doctrine of the Jews," was for many centuries the exclusive province of religious scholars who could read the old Hebrew Chaldaic language in which it was set down in the 12th century, when its mysteries were already ancient. But the thirst for spiritual enlightenment in our complicated age ensured that its arcane wisdom would inevitably come to light.

Here, in this 1918 edition, we can share in the beautiful insights of Kabbalah, into the difficulties of attaining peace, the dilemmas of justice and mercy, the need for spiritual regeneration, the soulful exploration of time and space, and the arcane paths of union with God. Anyone with a yearning for knowledge of the numinous and the serenity it brings will find succor here.

Vol. I: ... balah.html

Vol. II: ... ah_II.html

William G. Gray - Qabalistic Concepts: Living the Tree

The fundmentals of Qabalah are really very simple-it is essentially a search for "God", using a system of rational, mathematically related concepts. Qabalah is not, in itself, a form of religion. Rather, it is a way of working with the inner principles of life, in order to relate most directly and intimately to our natures-not in terms of the supernatural, but in terms of pure values applied to everyday awareness.

Those familiar with the subject of Qabalah will find the techniques used in this book very interesting. The mental techniques and symbolism are easy enough for the beginner to understand and for the some-what experienced to use as a stepping stone to look at things in a different way. Lack of familiarity with mysticism should not turn anyone away. The book is able to fill in a lot of the blanks that some people may have on the subject.

379 pages, 2 MB, PDF. ... cepts.html

William G. Gray - The Ladder of Lights

The Tree of Life is growing, flexible and adaptable life pattern capable of indefinite extensions throughout all states of existence. The Qabalah, or "received teachings," is the outcome of experiences of those who have climbed the ladder of the Tree by arranging their lives according to its pattern of perfection. The Tree provides the means of receiving inner world contacts with types of consciuosness normally inaccessible to the ordinary human mind--it is from and through these sources that the "teaching" comes. Here William Gray has presented a step by step guide to the Tree of Life and the Four Worlds of the Qabalahs--the worlds of contemplation, meditation, magic and daily action. The Tree of Life is a means and not an end. It is a map for helping you attain the single objective common to all systems, mysteries and religions--namely, the mystical union of humanity and divinity.

Hands down, this is one of the best books on modern Qabala ever written! Gray takes a step-by-step look at the Ten Sephiroth and their traditional attributions in each of the Four Qabalistic Worlds. A relatively simple, no-nonsense approach to modern Qabalism.

In some ways, I view this book as a companion piece to Dion Fortune's much better-known work, "The Mystical Qabalah," since both books provide the reader with a fairly straightforward approach to this challenging subject. Where Fortune starts at the top of the Tree of Life and works her downward, however, Gray starts at the bottom of the Tree and works his way to the top. Although Grey's interpretation of the Tree is similar to Fortune's, by approaching the material from a completely different perspective he is also able to provide new insight.

228 pages, 1.14 MB, PDF. ... ights.html

From KABBALAH folder: ... bala_.html

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PostPostano: pon maj 18, 2009 3:34 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
William F. Warren - The Earliest Cosmologies, The Universe as Pictured in Thought by Ancient Hebrews, Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Iranians, and Indo-Aryans (1909)




A typical representation
Inconsistency in interpretation
Lack of thoroughness
Antecedent probabilities
A profession of faith
The declaration of an astronomer


An improved reconstruction of the system
International interest therein
Diagram less inclusive than its title
A double firmament and the reasons therefor
Embarrassing questions
God's will effective below but not above the earth


Seven diagrams representing the Babylonian universe
No two of the seven alike
A new interpretation needed
The twelve conditions to be met
A diagram that satisfies each of the twelve requirements
Origin of this remarkable world-concept


Was the Biblical universe essentially Babylonian?
An argument against the supposition
Considerations favoring the supposition
The Rabbinical world-view
The Koranic
Mohammed's six ascents into the seventh heaven


A pioneer's first representation
A contemporary criticism
Picture embodying some later modifications
Difficulties remain
Traces of agreement with the Babylonian system
Steindorff discovers but fails to correlate the Counter-earth


A claim that the Homeric earth is a sphere
Other parts of his universe more or less Babylonian
Where further evidence may be found
The irremovable "thresholds" above and below the earth
Testimony of Herodotus to Babylonian influence
An ampler present-day claim


The world-concept of the Sūrya, Siddhāanta
Sevenfold division of the Northern hemisphere
Sevenfold division of the Southern hemisphere
Substantial identity of Indian and Iranian world-concepts
The seven "island continents"
A puzzling passage made plain


Four chief deviations from the parent system
Nine points of agreement with it
Both agreements and deviations should be further investigated
Two pictures of the Buddhistic universe
One with quadrangular Dvīpas, the other with circular
More detailed description of this world-view in the Appendix


Two lunar and two solar spheres
Discriminations hitherto neglected
Difficulty of the task
It should nevertheless be undertaken
A long-standing problem in Egyptian cosmology
Its solution


The prehistoric world-concept
Myths as beginnings of a philosophy of nature
Why hard to understand
Their seeming lack of harmony often unreal
Mythical representations of the world's axis
Also of the cosmic water-system
And of inter-mundane highways
The lunar sphere as bridge from underworld to upper
The Zodiac, when invented, and where
The answer to these questions becoming clearer


I. The Mandala Oblation
II. Homer's Abode of the Dead
III. Homer's Abode of the Living
IV. The Gates of Sunrise in the Oldest Mythologies
V. The Homeland of the Gandharvas
VI. The World-Tree of the Teutons
VII. Problems Still Unsolved in Indo-Aryan Cosmology
VIII. Index of Authors
IX. Index of Subjects

234 pages, 14.3 MB, PDF. Scan. ... ogies.html

William Bond - The Supernatural Philosopher (1728)


Or, The mysteries of magick, in all its branches, clearly unfolded, containing, I. An argument proving the perception which mankind have ... of daemons, genii ... II. A philosophical discourse concerning the second sight ... III. A full answer to all objections that can be brought against the existence of spirits, witches, &c. IV. Of divination by dreams ... V. Of inchantment, necromancy ... All exemplified in the history of the life and surprizing adventures of Mr. Duncan Campbell, A Scots gentleman, who, though deaf and dumb, writes down any stranger's name at first sight, with their future contingencies of fortune. Collected and compiled from the most approved authorities, wherein is inserted that most celebrated tract written by Dr. Wallis, The method of teaching deaf and dumb persons to read, write, and understand a language.

427 pages, 19 MB, PDF. Scan. ... opher.html

A.H. Sayce - The Religions of Ancient Egypt and Babylonia (1903)



A course of lectures on the religion of ancient Egypt by the noted archaeologist, A.H. Sayce.

530 pages, 33.3 MB, PDF. Scan. ... lonia.html

William Simpson - The Jonah Legend (1899)


A suggestion of interpretation. In Mesopotamia, long before their sojourn in Egypt, the Semites were in contact with the Accadians, and it was only within a few years of the penning of this book that we began to learn through the cuneiform inscriptions the curious results which were produced. It was in this region that the Jonah legend, or at least its basis, originated. The point found in this book is that past commentators on Jonah had been in almost complete ignorance of the people and the ideas out of which the story sprung.

211 pages, 3.98 MB, PDF. Scan. ... egend.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: pet maj 22, 2009 12:56 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
William G. Gray - Tree Of Evil


How to use the symbolism of the Tree of Life to recognize and reverse negative energy. Learn how to uncover the evil in ourselves and transform unconscious negatives into positive action.

124 pages, 432 KB, PDF. ... _Evil.html

Jack Courtis - Kabala Series

The Rosicrucian tradition and Kabala are related at a deep level because they come from one truth. That truth is so abstract, that it requires metaphors, symbols and parables to explain it. The importance of that truth is that it leads to personal transformation and liberation. Christ has assured us that "ye shall know the truth and the truth shall set ye free". Then why are we not free? Why are lives full of misery and pain? Simply because although the truth is freely offered to us, we do not make the effort to receive it.

That is the point, it requires effort on our part. We have to work in order to receive that which is freely given. Is that a paradox? Yes. Is that a mystery? Certainly. How is the mystery solved? By revelation. How do we get revelation? By working for it.

This is the Great Work spoken of by the alchemists and adopted by the Rosicrucian tradition. The rules of the Great Work can be discovered and can be known. Then, they have to be applied in our lives.

These related studies in kabala, are one person's interpretation of the rules of the Great Work.

Jack Courtis - Greek Kabala ... abala.html

Jack Courtis - Kabala Series ... eries.html

Jack Courtis - Quest for the Holy Grail ... Grail.html

William Mansfield Groton - The Christian Eucharist and the Pagan Cults



228 pages, 6.72 MB, PDF. Scan. ... Cults.html

W.R. Lethaby - Architecture, Mysticism and Myth


This delightful book describes the symbolism of real-world architecture, as well as architecture described in fiction, myth and folklore. Lethaby believed that architecture reflected the macrocosm. He speculated that many of the seemingly ornamental details of classical buildings actually represented aspects of the land, the sea and the sky. This is one of those books like the Golden Bough or the White Goddess (albeit shorter and a less challenging read) that will turn you on to the mythopoetic side of reality, no matter whether you agree with its conclusions.


Chapter I. The World Fabric
Chapter II. The Microcosmos
Chapter III. Four Square
Chapter IV. At the Centre of the Earth
Chapter V. The Jewel-Bearing Tree
Chapter VI. The Planetary Spheres
Chapter VII. The Labyrinth
Chapter VIII. The Golden Gate of the Sun
Chapter IX. Pavements Like the Sea
Chapter X. Ceilings Like the Sky
Chapter XI. The Windows of Heaven and Three Hundred and Sixty Days
Chapter XII. The Symbol of Creation

290 pages, 4.46 MB, PDF. Scan. ... _Myth.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: uto maj 26, 2009 2:54 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Abram Herbert Lewis - Paganism Surviving in Christianity


1892. Contents: remains of Paganism in Christianity; Pagan methods of interpreting the scriptures; Asiatic Pagan water worship; water worship in northern Europe and Mexico; Greek water worship; Pagan water worship transferred to Christianity; Pagan sun worship; Sunday observance unknown to Christianity before middle of 2nd century; state religion a Pagan institution; control of Christianity by state under Constantine and his successors; Constantine's legislation concerning Pagan Sunday; other forms of Pagan residuum in Christianity and five conclusions, fundamental principles of Protestantism involved in present issues.

339 pages, 4.3 MB, PDF. Scan. ... anity.html

A. Smythe Palmer - Babylonian Influence on the Bible and Popular Beliefs


We now know that the Bible creation stories had their origins in far older tales. These stories often match the Old Testament and originate from clay tablets discovered in ancient Sumeria and Babylonia. They are the oldest preserved stories the world has ever known, revealed in this interesting book and passed down for many centuries before being adopted by Moses or whoever wrote the Old Testament. It seems the "Word of God" may not have come entirely from God, but "the gods". It is important that the earliest sources of our beliefs be examined. That is the purpose of this book.

132 pages, 2.79 MB, PDF. Scan. ... liefs.html

Frederic Portal - A Comparison of Egyptian Symbols With Those of the Hebrews


The origin of the science of symbols is lost in the distance of time, and seems to be connected with the cradle of humanity. The oldest religions were governed by it; the arts of design, architecture, statuary and painting were born under its influence, and primitive writing was one of its applications. This book compares the Egyptian symbols with those found in the works of Hebrews.

104 pages, 4.36 MB, PDF. Scan. ... brews.html

Otto H. Am Rhyn - Mysteria: History of the Secret Doctrines and Mystic Rites of Ancient Religions and Medieval and Modern Secret Orders


1895. Contents: Mysteries of the East and of Barbarous Nations; The Grecian Mysteries and the Roman Bacchanalia; The Pythagorean League and other Secret Associations; Son of Man, Son of God; A Pseudo-Messiah; A Lying Prophet; The Knights Templar; The Femgerichte; Stonemasons' Lodges of the Middle Age; Astrologers and Alchemists; Rise and Constitution of Freemasonry; Secret Societies of the Eighteenth Century; The Illuminati; Secret Societies of Various Kinds.

262 pages, 8.61 MB, PDF. Scan. ... Orders.htm

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

PostPostano: sub maj 30, 2009 1:59 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Duncan's Ritual of Freemasonry


GUIDE TO THE THREE SYMBOLIC DEGREES OF THE ANCIENT YORK RITE AND TO THE DEGREES OF MARK MASTER, PAST MASTER, MOST EXCELLENT MASTER, AND THE ROYAL ARCH. The purpose of this work is not so much to gratify the curiosity of the uninitiated as to furnish a guide for the neophytes of the Order, by means of which their progress from grade to grade may be facilitated. Every statement in the book is authentic, as every proficient Mason will admit to himself, if not to be public, as he turns over its pages. The non-Masonic reader, as he peruses them, will perhaps be puzzled to imagine why matters of so little real importance to society at large should have been so industriously concealed for centuries, and still more surprised that society should have been so extremely inquisitive about them. Complete with over 100 illustrations showing the signs, emblems, handshakes, postions, ect...

499 pages, 3.68 MB, PDF. Scan. ... sonry.html

Henry Leonard Stillson - History of the Ancient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons and Concordant Orders


A massive and brilliant work on the history (both mundane and spiritual) of Freemasonry. Partial contents: The Ancient Mysteries; Orders of Chivalry; Old Charges; Cognate Orders; Ancient Manuscripts; The Morgan Excitement; Masonic Jurisprudence; The Capitular Degrees; The Cryptic Degrees; Eulogium of the Ancient Craft; Knights Templars and Allied Orders; The Scottish Rite; The Royal Order of Scotland; Eastern Star; The Rosicrucians; Illustrations.

894 pages, 35.1 MB, PDF. Scan. ... rders.html

Albert Pike - Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry



The teachings of these Readings are not sacramental, so far as they go beyond the realm of Morality into those of other domains of Thought and Truth. The Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite uses the word Dogma in its true sense, of doctrine, or teaching; and is not dogmatic in the odious sense of that term. Everyone is entirely free to reject and dissent from whatsoever herein may seem to him to be untrue or unsound. It is only required of him that he shall weigh what is taught, and give it fair hearing and unprejudiced judgment. Of course, the ancient theosophic and philosophic speculations are not embodied as part of the doctrines of the Rite; but because it is of interest and profit to know what the Ancient Intellect thought upon these subjects, and because nothing so conclusively proves the radical difference between our human and the animal nature, as the capacity of the human mind to entertain such speculations in regard to itself and the Deity.


I. Apprentice
II. The Fellow-Craft
III. The Master
IV. Secret Master
V. Perfect Master
IV. Intimate Secretary
VII. Provost and Judge
VIII. Intendant of the Building
IX. Elect of the Nine
X. Illustrious Elect of the Fifteen
XI. Sublime Elect of the Twelve, or Prince Ameth
XII. Grand Master Architect
XIII. Royal Arch of Solomon
XIV. Grand Elect, Perfect, and Sublime Mason
Chapter of Rose Croix
XV. Knight of the East or of the Sword
XVI. Prince of Jerusalem
XVII. Knight of the East and West
XVIII. Knight Rose Croix
Council of Kadosh
XIX. Grand Pontiff
XX. Grand Master of All Symbolic Lodges
XXI. Noachite, or Prussian Knight
XXII. Knight of the Royal Axe, or Prince of Libanus
XXIII. Chief of the Tabernacle
XXIV. Prince of the Tabernacle
XXV. Knight of the Brazen Serpent
XXVI. Prince of Mercy, or Scottish Trinitarian
XXVII. Knight Commander of the Temple
XXVIII. Knight of the Sun, or Prince Adept
XXIX. Grand Scottish Knight of St. Andrew
XXX. Knight Kadosh
XXI. Grand Inspector Inquisitor Commander
XXXII. Sublime Prince of the Royal Secret

888 pages, 44.7 MB, PDF. Scan. A must have!! ... sonry.html

Bro Phillip Hellier - Masonic Approach to Self Development ... pment.html

Bro Hunt - The Masters Word and the Letter G ... ter_G.html

From FREEMASONRY folder: ... stvo_.html

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PostPostano: sri jun 03, 2009 4:12 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Hargrave Jennings - Phallicism: Celestial and Terrestrial; Heathen and Christian and Its Connection with the Rosicrucians and the Gnostics and Its foundation in Buddhism


Partial Contents: Definitions; History of the Phallic symbol-structures; Classes of the Phalli; Celestial or Theosophical doctrine of the unsexual transcendental Phallicism; Mysteries of Phallus; its idealized Gnostic, Rosicrucian or Christian renderings; Rites and ceremonies; Hebrew Phallicism; Rosicrucian and Gnostic meanings of the obelisks; Priapic illustrations; Transcendental ideas of the Rosicrucians; their Cabalistic philosophy as to the occult interchange of Nature and Magic; Mystic anatomy of the Rosicrucian philosophers; Gnostics and their beliefs; Indian Religions.

356 pages, 4.42 MB, PDF. ... trial.html

Hargrave Jennings - Phallism, Crux Ansata


A description of the worship of lingham-yoni (******-*****) in various parts of the world, and in different ages : with an account of ancient & modern crosses, particularly of the crux ansata (or handles cross), and other symbols connected with the mysteries of sex worship.

98 pages, 683 KB, PDF. ... nsata.html

Hargrave Jennings - Phallic Objects, Monuments and Remains


1889. Illustrations of the rise and development of the phallic idea, or sex worship, and its embodiment in works of nature and art. This volume describes a number of the most celebrated monuments, consisting of towers, pillars and stones connected with phallicism. It exhibits and illustrates many of the peculiar features of that singular worship and the wide extent of territory over which it prevailed.

78 pages, 675 KB, PDF. ... mains.html

Robert Allen Campbell - Phallic Worship


In this book Campbell concentrates on five key religious symbols -the pillar, triad, triangle, cross, and serpent -that are found in all the world´s great religions, in many periods of history. He considers why these emblems were chosen as symbols of religious ideas, what they originally represented, when they were first adopted, why they came into such wide use, what they mean now and how and why the meanings of these symbols changed from their original values to their present ones. The illustrations show many parallels across time and space -like the variations of the twined snake symbol, variously known as the Caduceus of Mercury, the Rod of Aesculapius, the Wand of Hermes, and the Staff of Siva, which all symbolize energy and healing.

206 pages, 1.12 MB, PDF. ... rship.html

from HERMETISM 4shared folder: ... izam_.html

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PostPostano: pon jun 08, 2009 3:25 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Max Heindel - Mysteries of the Great Operas


1921. Contents: Faust; Parsifal; Ring of the Niebelung; Tannhauser; Lohengrin.

192 pages, 14.6 MB, PDF. Scan. ... peras.html

Max Heindel - The Rosicrucian Mysteries: An Elementary Exposition of their Secret Teachings


"The Rosicrucian Order is a legendary esoteric Order with its roots in the Western mystery tradition. This hermetic Order is viewed among earlier and many modern Rosicrucianists as a "College of Invisibles" from the inner worlds, composed of great Adepts, aiming to give assistance in humanity's spiritual development.

The "Brethren of the Rose Cross" is perceived by students of metaphysics as an important part or even the source of the hermetic-Christian tradition of the Western alchemy treatises period subsequent to the publication of Dante's The Divine Comedy in the early 14th century.

However, researchers of history and the society in general through the last centuries have assumed its origin in a group of German Protestants between 1607 and 1616 (early 17th century), when three anonymous documents were elaborated and published in Europe: Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis, Confessio Fraternitatis, and Chymical Wedding of Christian Rosenkreutz anno 1459. The influence of these documents, presenting the "most laudable Order" and promoting a "Universal Reformation of Mankind", was so huge that the historian Frances Yates refers to this period of the 17th century as the Rosicrucian Enlightenment. Members of subsequent organized groups which call themselves Rosicrucian, however, date the beginning of the Order to much more ancient times." (Quote from

Table of Contents

Publisher's Preface; The Order Of Rosicrucians And The Rosicrucian Fellowship; The Problem Of Life And Its Solution; The visible And The Invisible Worlds; The Constitution Of Man; Life And Death

216 pages, 19.3 MB, PDF. Scan. ... eries.html

Max Heindel - Rosicrucian Philosophy in Questions and Answers


1910. The questions contained in this book have been asked of the writer after lectures delivered by him in various cities, and, in most cases, the questions reveal a certain knowledge of the subject on the part of the inquirer. For the benefit of those who are not familiar with The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception, it may be well to give the information found in this book concerning the philosophy and the terms used.

456 pages, 41.2 MB, PDF. Scan. ... swers.html

Max Heindel - Gleanings of a Mystic


1922. A series of essays on practical mysticism. The contents of this book are among the last writings of Max Heindel, the mystic. They contain some of his deepest thoughts and are the result of years of research and occult investigation. Found within this book are twenty-four lessons which were formerly sent out to students.

216 pages, 18 MB, PDF. Scan. ... ystic.html

Max Heindel - The Mystical Interpretation of Christmas


The principal feature of these lessons is the mystic birth and death of the great Christ Spirit, given from the viewpoint of a seer. The author received these rare gems of truth through divine illumination. The most pronounced materialist must become convinced of the divinity of man after reading this writer's revelations on the inner significance of the Christ and the principles which He proclaimed.

* Chapter I. The Cosmic Significance of Christmas
* Chapter II. Spiritual Light--The New Element and the New Substance
* Chapter III. The Annual Sacrifice of Christ
* Chapter IV. The Mystic Midnight Sun
* Chapter V. The Mission of Christ and the Festival of the Fairies
* Chapter VI. The Newborn Christ

72 pages, 7.23 MB, PDF. Scan. ... stmas.html

From ROSICRUCIANISM AND MARTINISM folder: ... izam_.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

 Naslov: Re: The Temple of Knowledge
PostPostano: pon jun 15, 2009 3:43 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
C. F. Oldham - The Sun and the Serpent


1905. A contribution to the history of serpent worship. This work is based upon papers read before the Royal Asiatic Society in 1901. It relates that serpent worship did not originate in India, but has been a branch of the worship of the Sun and Serpent, once a universal form of worship. Therefore, the history takes the reader beyond the Indian cult to other countries to explain the nature and origin of serpent worship. Most of the illustrations are from photographs taken by the author.

282 pages, 10 MB, PDF. Scan. ... rpent.html

Clarke Wake - Serpent and Siva Worship


1877. Comprehensive treatise on the Serpent Cultus.

77 pages, 2.4 MB, PDF. Scan. ... rship.html

E.G. Squier - The Serpent Symbol, and the Worship of the Reciprocal Principles of Nature in America


1851. This volume represents No. 1 of the American Archeological Researches series. The points in which the author attempts in some degree to illustrate in the following pages, are the essential identity of some of the elementary religious conceptions of the primitive nations of the Old and New Worlds, and the similarity in their modes of expressing them, or rather the similarity in their symbolical system, of which Mr. Squier regards as the machinery of creation, the multiplication of gods, and the investing of them with attributes, as parts. Illustrated.

279 pages, 8.43 MB, PDF. Scan. ... ymbol.html

William R. Cooper - The Serpent Myths Of Ancient Egypt


In The Serpent Myths of Ancient Egypt, William Ricketts Cooper focuses on the serpent myth and ideology in ancient Egypt and how it applies to the Ritual of the Dead. He supports his study with copious illustrations showing the two aspects of the serpent: protector and destroyer. A group discussion with the themes of the serpent in history and myths of other cultures is included in the appendix, as well as lists of names of serpents and serpent deities and their epithets applied in the Ritual of the Dead. Through this exploration of the serpent symbolism in ancient Egypt, we are also shown intimations of the coming Christian age.

111 pages, 2.48 MB, PDF. Scan. ... Egypt.html

Hargrave Jennings - Ophiolatreia or Serpent Worship


An account of the rites & mysteries connected with the origin, rise & development of serpent worship in various parts of the world. Enriched with interesting traditions, and a full description of the celebrated serpent mounds & temples, the whole forming.

120 pages, 6.73 MB, PDF. Scan. ... rship.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

 Naslov: Re: The Temple of Knowledge
PostPostano: uto jun 23, 2009 4:18 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet nov 09, 2007 3:29 pm
Postovi: 833
Lokacija: Zagreb, Vrbovec
Robert Eisler - Orpheus the Fisher: Comparative Studies in Orphic and Christian Cult Symbolism


Christianity is permeated with powerful symbolism! This book reveals hundreds of symbols, their origins, and meanings. Essential reading for mystics and Christians who seek a path to the roots of Christianity.

444 pages, 18.3 MB, PDF. Scan. ... isher.html

J. Ralston Skinner - Key to the Hebrew Egyptian Mystery in The Source of Measures


1875. Contents: Hebrew alphabet, values and powers; Quadrature of the circle; Reflections on quadrature; Three revolving bodies; Coordinating unit of measure; Ansated cross of Egyptians and Christian cross; Primordial vestiges of these symbols; British system of long and land measures inclusive of an occult system; Construction of great pyramid; Putting pyramid in a sphere; Temple of Solomon; plus much more.

355 pages, 7.2 MB, PDF. Scan. ... sures.html

Charles W. Heckethorn - Secret Societies of All Ages and Countries


A massive study of secret organizations which provides both historical and ritualistic information on groups of all kinds: occult, religious, political, anarchist, etc. About one-third of volume two is dedicated to Freemasonry, its rites and rituals, which it examines in some detail. A pleasure to read and an essential reference work, Highly recommended. Embracing the Mysteries of Ancient India, China, Japan, Egypt, Mexico, Peru, Greece, and Scandinavia; The Cabalists, Early Christians, Heretics, Assassins, Thugs, Templars, the Vehm and Inquisition, Mystics, Rosicrucians, Illuminati, Freemasons, Skopzi, Camorristi, Carbonari, Nihilists and Other Sects. Partial Contents: Ancient Mysteries; Magi, Mithraics; Gnostics; Essenes; Christian Initiations; Apocalypse; Lodge of Wisdom; Assassins; Druses; Dervishes; Mexican and Peruvian Mysteries; Druids; Scandinavian Mysteries; The Cabbala; Sons of the Widow; Mystics; Alchymists; Jacob Bohme; Emanuel Swedenborg; Martinism; Rosicrucians; Asiatic Brethren; Heretics; Chivalry; Templars; Judiciary; Holy Vehm; Inquisition; Illuminati; Anti-Social Societies; Thugs; Chauffeurs, or Burners; Garduna; Camorra; Mala Vita; Mafia; Beggars, Tramps, and Thieves; Jesuits; Skopzi.


389 pages, 6.98 MB, PDF. Scan. ... _volI.html

vol. II:

395 pages, 10.3 MB, PDF. Scan. ... volII.html

Franz Cumont - The Mysteries of Mithra


1903. Contents: Preface to the French Edition; The Origins of Mithraism; The Dissemination of Mithraism in the Roman Empire; Mithra and the Imperial Power of Rome; The Doctrine of the Mithraic Mysteries; The Mithraic Liturgy, Clergy and Devotees; Mithraism and the Religions of the Empire; Mithraic Art; Index.

274 pages, 19.6 MB, PDF. Scan. ... ithra.html

Isabel Cooper-Oakley - Traces of a Hidden Tradition in Masonry and Medieval Mysticism


1900. This is a set of essays by Isabel Cooper-Oakley, an early member of the Theosophists. She connects the dots between ancient wisdom schools and modern Freemasonry. At the root of this tree are a set of ideas from Hinduism, Zororastrianism, Gnosticism and early Christianity. Along the way she connects a number of links such as the Knights-Templars, the Troubadours and the Rosicrucians. She names dozens of even more obscure secret societies, heresies and conspiracies. The book finishes with an analysis of the Grail myth.

Cooper-Oakley writes from an openly Theosophical world-view. However, she is a more than competent historical writer, and quotes extensively from primary and secondary sources to make her point. This book provides abundant background information that anyone trying to understand this topic should have a grasp of.


Publisher's Preface; Introduction; Towards The Hidden Sources Of Masonry; The Traditions Of The Templars Revived In Masonry; The Troubadours, The Singing Messengers From East To West; The Heavenly Kingdom Of The Holy Grail; Part I.; Part ii.; Part iii.; Endnotes

201 pages, 3.75 MB, PDF. Scan. ... icism.html

Moja kolekcija knjiga: ... cija_.html

 Naslov: Re: The Temple of Knowledge
PostPostano: ned jun 28, 2009 9:19 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned apr 15, 2007 11:43 pm
Postovi: 151
Hvala tehuti mnogo!!! :angel4:

Ajde mi samo reci odkuda stavljaš ove slike..koji je source, trbaju mi za moj rad pa mi treba copyright i autor?


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