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Započni novu temu Odgovori  [ 64 post(ov)a ]  Stranica Prethodna  1, 2, 3, 4  Sljedeća

Da li se NLO ikad srusio u SFRJ ?
VERUJEM 71%  71%  [ 45 ]
NE VERUJEM 29%  29%  [ 18 ]
Ukupno glasova : 63
Autor/ica Poruka
PostPostano: čet nov 17, 2005 8:50 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub sep 17, 2005 1:35 pm
Postovi: 48
Lokacija: Beograd
Hvala ...
By the way, prevod je objavljen i na : ... lo_pad.htm

PostPostano: pet nov 18, 2005 3:46 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto nov 01, 2005 1:17 am
Postovi: 1377
Lokacija: Justinijana Prima

Теоретичар завере у мировини, технолошки вишак @ КасиЈопеја ДП инк. & стечајни управник @ ХипиШизикМетафизик анлимитид.

PostPostano: pet nov 18, 2005 12:32 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 13, 2005 11:14 am
Postovi: 130
Lokacija: Sarajevo
Sto se tice ovih lobanja, zaista nisam nikada cuo za neku genetsku bolest koja bi ljudsku lobanju pretvorila u nesto slicno cunju za kuglanje. Pa ljudi, zar bi iko normalan, pa bilo to i u Starom Egiptu izabrao za Faraona deformisanog covjeka? Previse slucajnosti. Pa i Ekhnaton. Citao sam njegov opis. Ima li iko njegove slike, mislim slike na kojima je umjetnicki predstavljen?

'' Odbij, jer ti si presjecen nadvoje, tvoja dusa je smezurana, tvoje prokleto ime pokopano je, zaboravom, iznad nje je sutnja i ona je pala ...''

PostPostano: pet nov 18, 2005 8:47 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub sep 17, 2005 1:35 pm
Postovi: 48
Lokacija: Beograd
Evo slika Ekhnaton-a .... Pozdrav !!!




PostPostano: sub nov 19, 2005 11:19 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet okt 13, 2005 11:14 am
Postovi: 130
Lokacija: Sarajevo
Mnogo hvala !

'' Odbij, jer ti si presjecen nadvoje, tvoja dusa je smezurana, tvoje prokleto ime pokopano je, zaboravom, iznad nje je sutnja i ona je pala ...''

 Naslov: draco "country club" in yugoslavia
PostPostano: čet nov 24, 2005 2:35 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub sep 17, 2005 1:35 pm
Postovi: 48
Lokacija: Beograd
draco "country club" in yugoslavia

The Editor of Rumor Mill News was married to Gunther Russbacher, the ONI and
CIA operative who was the October Surprise Pilot
It is my opinion that Gunther Rushbacker was taken over by the he certainly was the bloodline of Valdheim... after listening to the correspondence by his ex-wife.. often the Dracs "take-over" those who they admire as opponent warriors..( or who are apart of their bloodline matrix).. and then they try to turn them into "MINI-Darth Vaders " ah ho Wiolawa
Is Yugoslavia Being Depopulated
In Order For Aliens To Settle There?
(YES!!!!!...My Comment Wiolawa)

The following was published in the December 1996 issue
of Rumor Mill News. I am republishing it because it
definitely puts another slant on the real reason behind the
fighting in Yugoslavia.

Connecting the Pieces of The Puzzle
by Anonymous( an associate of Gunther's)

The following is my attempt to pull together four tangled
threads and weave a tapestry that may or may not be the
full story. I have no proof that the conclusions I am
drawing are accurate, I am only putting out information
that has come my way. Information that I believe to be true.

The Four Puzzle Pieces:
1. Wright-Patterson Air Force Base
2. Ethnic Cleansing in Bosnia and Yugoslavia
3. The Hale-Bopp Comet
4. The UFO Crash at Roswell, NM

1st Puzzle Piece:
Wright-Patterson AFB is located in Ohio between Dayton
and Springfield, near a smaller town named Fairborn.
Located nearby is the Wright brothers museum, the Air
Force Museum, the Air Force Institute of Technology,
Wright State University, and many smaller and lesser
known institutes.

Wright-Patterson is currently in the news because it has
been chosen as the location for the Bosnian peace talks.
The leaders of NATO and many European countries will be
meeting there with the representatives of the warring
factions in Bosnia. No reason has been given for choosing
Wright-Patterson as the location for these talks.

With all the beautiful and historic places in the world that
could have been chosen for this meeting, why was an Air
Force Base, that is barely known to people outside Ohio,
chosen as the location for the Bosnian peace talks? Talks
that were held many stories below ground in a huge top
secret underground bunker.

The only real claim to fame that Wright-Patterson has, is
that it houses the Roswell UFO. This widely circulated
rumor states that immediately after the 1947 UFO crash in
Roswell, New Mexico, the alien space craft and alien
bodies were quickly and surreptitiously transported to
Wright-Patterson AFB, where they were stored in an top
secret hangar.

2nd Puzzle Piece:
Yugoslavia has been fighting wars for almost a thousand
years. Contrary to what appears in our press, the current
war is a religious war between Muslims, (the descendants
of the invading Turks), Christians and Orthodox Christians.
The barbarity that goes on in the region has been going on
since the Turks invaded Eastern Europe and cruelly
subjugated the people.

The invading Turks forced the Christians to become
Muslims. They converted or they died horrible deaths.
Another way the Turks made Muslims out of Christians
was to take the oldest son of every family and raise him as
a Muslim.

By doing this, Fathers were turned against their sons in
battle. The sons, who were raised by Moslem fathers,
stayed true to the adopted father and killed their own

The brutal, savagery of the Turks is well known, even in
today's world. The United Nations Turkish army in Korea
earned a reputation as the most powerful and brutal of the
allied powers fighting in Korea.

Vlad, the Impaler, a feudal baron of the Dragon clan, or
Dracul clan, is known throughout the world for his
savagery, barbarism, cannibalism and vampirism. Many
historians claim that he was merely a sadist of the worst
degree. However, other historians who are familiar with the
Turkish invasion and subjugation of the European people
believe that Vlad employed these tactics to scare the Turks.

He became so feared for his heinous tortures and cruel
barbarous treatment of captured prisoners that the Turks
fled when his army approached.

His theory must have been to copy what the Turks did and
do it a thousand times worse. The KGB used this technique
when dealing with Iranian terrorists who kidnaped their
agents. The KGB kidnaped relatives of the terrorists and
tortured them savagely before they killed them. The
Iranians immediately released the kidnaped KGB agents,
while our agents, like Terry Anderson, were held captive
for five years.

Some historians credit Vlad with stopping the Turkish
encroachment into Europe. However, he is best known as
the prototype of Dracula.

The word Dracul translates as dragon, which was the name
of his clan, just as King Arthur's clan was called the
PenDragon Clan. Pen translates as "head", therefore Arthur
was descended from the "Head Dragon's Clan".

The savagery and cruelty in Bosnia has gone on for
hundreds, maybe even thousands of years. It seems to be an
area of the world that is doomed to fight wars until the last
drop of human blood is shed, or until the three warring
factions are separated so they can not interact with each

On the NBC evening news the other night, I heard that a
renegade Serb commander is clearing an area of its Muslim
inhabitants. The area is almost depopulated because no
civilians, Serb or Muslim, dare to venture out into
unprotected disputed lands.

3rd Puzzle Piece:
Several months ago a discovery was made by two amateur
astronomers named Hale and Bopp. A planet sized comet
was discovered at the distant reaches of our solar system. It
was named after its discoverers, Hale and Bopp. The Hale-
Bopp comet appears to be somewhere between 100 and
1000 miles in diameter and is headed toward earth. Its path
will not collide with earth, but it will pass close enough for
us to get a good look at it. If we had a shuttle ready to go, it
could gather some extraordinary information.
Other observatories around the world have been studying
the comet and giving their reports. I find it interesting that
most of the information that I have gathered on the comet
does not come for the major media, but from talk radio.
Reputable astronomers have said that it appears to have a
spiral shaped structure on its surface. Others have said that
the "planet" or comet is cube shaped.

Some Christians have speculated that this is the New
Jerusalem which will set down somewhere in the Holy

Other people have referred to the books by Zachariah
Sitchen and have proclaimed that the comet the 12th planet
making its 3,000 year orbit close to the earth. This version
states that the comet, a.k.a., planet, will dispatch hundreds
of ships which will land on earth. The arrivals from the
comet or planet are the Anunnaki, the master race that
seeded us here as their work animals.

4th Puzzle Piece:
In 1947 newspapers across the country reported that an
alien space craft had crashed outside of Roswell, New
Mexico. The story ran for several days until a military
spokesman gave the official government story that it had
only been a weather balloon.

For almost 50 years rumors have traveled in the UFO
community speculating as to what really happened at
Roswell. Eye witnesses disappeared or refused to talk, but
still the rumors leaked out.

The craft was recovered. Eye witnesses reported that alien
bodies were also discovered at the crash site.. It was even
rumored that one of the aliens was alive at the time of the
crash recovery.

According to one military source, the Air Force knew that it
needed to get all pieces of the UFO and alien bodies out of
New Mexico as fast as possible. Reporters from all over the
world were coming to Roswell and descending on the crash

Within two to three days of finding the UFO, everything
was moved to Wright-Patterson AFB and put under a high
security in a hangar which was off limits to almost

Fitting the Pieces Together
+ Three of the puzzle pieces have a passing relationship.
+ The Roswell crash debris was taken to Wright-Patterson.
+ Wright-Patterson will be the site of the Bosnian Peace

But how does the Comet Hale-Bopp fit into to this?

In July of 1990, shortly before Iraq invaded Kuwait, there
was a top secret meeting held in one of the highest security
Air Force Bases in the United States. I did not attend the
meetings, but I was on the base at the time the meetings
took place. I had dinner in the Officer's Club with many of
the men who did attend the meetings.

One evening two intelligence operatives, who made up part
of the security detail, sat down at my table and started
talking. We knew each other because we had worked
together in the past.

Their conversation touched on many different things. Some
were details of missions they had been on, some had to do
with hidden details of Iran Contra and the NATO stores of
arms. Most of what they were saying was the typical talk
between men who have lived the same kind of covert
lifestyle. But one comment was out of the ordinary and it
certainly perked up my ears, because it had to do with

The conversation started off with one man saying that there
had been increased UFO activity off of Kuwait in the past
month. He said that some people were speculating that the
aliens had actually contacted the Kuwaiti government and
were negotiating some kind of deal with them.

The other man responded that there was a UFO base under
the water of the Persian Gulf just off of Kuwait. He said he
had known about it for years.

One man asked the other, "Do you think the UFO activity
has anything to do the big landing that is planned for the
end of 95?"

"You mean the one in Yugoslavia?" the second man asked..
The first man nodded yes, and the second man replied.
"Yeah, I guess so. They are probably scout ships making
sure that we honor our agreement."

"How many are coming?" The first man asked.

"I've been told 12 million."

"Where are they going to put them all? And how are they
going to keep the rest of the world from knowing about

Neither man had an answer to the question and they quickly
moved on to other things.

I later questioned a close friend who had a high level
security clearance. "What can you tell me about the 12
million aliens who are scheduled to land in Yugoslavia?"

"How did you find out about that?" he asked. I told him I
had run across it at Langley. "How are you going to place
12 million aliens in a country and not have anyone find out
about them?" I queried.

"We're in the planning on that right now. Yugoslavia can
be "ethnically cleansed". All we have to do is whip up a
war between old enemies, and they will depopulate the area
for us." He laughed and walked away.
* * *

Now you have all the pieces of the puzzle that I have. And I
will pose a question to you:

Could the war in Yugoslavia have been triggered by
outsiders? Could the long simmering hatred between
Christians and Moslems have been purposely ignited?

Could the real purpose of the war be to depopulate areas of
the former Yugoslavia through "ethnic cleansing" and
genocide, so that 12 million aliens can move in and live?

Are these aliens aboard the Comet Hale-Bopp?

Is the meeting on Wright-Patterson AFB being held there
because ever since Roswell, Wright-Patterson has been the
hub of all alien information and coordination?

I have no answers, I just know that three men with high
level security clearances all knew about the 12 million
aliens and their planned settlement in Yugoslavia.
# # #

RMNews Comment:
The author of this last piece is a contract agent who has
worked for many different government agencies and
departments. In the past, his information has always
checked out.

I can't help but wonder if Zacharia Sitchin, who wrote the
book, "The Twelfth Planet" was right about the Anunnaki
coming back every three thousand years to collect their
gold. Are the aliens who were resettled in Yugoslavia
actually the Masters that created us as their slave laborers?

At the moment there are NATO forces stationed in
countries that used to be part of Yugoslavia. We are told
that the troops are there as Peace Keepers. In other words,
they are stationed there to keep the warring sides from
getting close enough to start fighting again.

But what if the troops are really there to keep everyone
away from the area where the 12 million aliens have
settled? And why is Kosovo being cleared of people now.
Are more aliens on the way?
The back issues of Rumor Mill News have many interesting
stories just like these two. The issues are bound in
manuscript style and sell for $25.00.

+ Volume One, Numbers 1-7 is the original Rumor Mill
+ Volume Two, Internet 1 June 97-June 98
+ Volume Three, Internet 2 July 98-March 99

To order, send check or money order to:
Pigeon Point Publishing
P.O. Box 1784
Aptos, CA 95001

PostPostano: pet nov 25, 2005 4:06 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: uto nov 01, 2005 1:17 am
Postovi: 1377
Lokacija: Justinijana Prima
Ik,intersantno stivo.Izvor nije bas pouzdan ali i u takvim pricama ima deo istine.Jos pre par godina na Netu sam naleteo na nesto slicno,ali to su sve price koje su skupljene na osnovu : onoga sto Z.Sicin prica o Anunnakima i jedne grupe istrazitelja koji su se okupili oko teorije da na H.B. kometi cuci 12.000 000 anunakija koji se vracajuu posle 3.600god. i koji ce stici '95,pa kad nisu dosli onda su rekli '96 sigurno,pa su tako terali do '98, '99g. a posle ih niko vise nije ni pitao kad ce ta kometa,tako da ne znam koji im je danas stav po pitanju datuma. :lol:

Interesantno u ovom tekstu je ono, cemu sam se ja cudio jos dok su trajali pregovori,da se odrzavaju bas u bazi gde su odneseni ostatci i alieni iz Rozvela,ako ne najvaznijoj,onda sigurno jednoj od 3-4 najvaznije baze vezano za tajne projekte vlade i aliena,i bas sam se pitao dok sam gledao na TV,(slece Milosevic a u pozadini hangar pun UFO-a,Tudjman ide na tenis i prolazi pored zgrada gde vrse ko zna kakve experimente), pitao sam se ,ko zna dal' ovi znaju gde su dosli i kod koga?(Za Aliju se nisam pitao,jer je on sigurno znao za Dedzala iz Kurana :lol: )

I kako se sve to fino uklapa u ovu pricu tri CIA operativca jos 1990god.
Iskoristiti stare mrznje i nezakopane sekire,napraviti rat,etnicko ciscenje,da bi se rascistio teren za 12.000.000 aliena,pa onda ako nema dovoljno mesta jos jedan rat na Kosovu itd :twisted:
Da,zanimljivo je da su svi medjunarodni posrednici koji su menadzirali rat i mir na ovim prostorima,svi do jednog clanovi nekih od razgranaka Iluminati,ili CFR,ili C-300,ili Bilderberga,ili su masoni 33 i + ili sve ovo zajedno,ili sto bi Icke rekao;klucni iluminati igraci za soluciju problema stvorenog od njih samih.
Ali,gde su sad tih 12.000 000 aliena?
Mozda cekaju da Semir otkopa Piramidu u Bosni koju su oni davno sagradili,jel' da imaju i oni gde klanjati(upraznjavati verske obrede :twisted: )
Intersantno za razmisljanje:
Koliko je planina na podrucju gde je bilo rata opasano minskim poljima,dovoljno je reci narodu :Tamo ne smete ici ,minsko polje,i eto ti planine gde alieni na miru i nesmetano mogu cekati da Samir zavrsi sa otkopavanjem Piramide, i dok cekaju ,vezbati se,kondicionirati :lol:

Nego,Ik,ima li sta novo u vezi onog aliena iz Novembra1966, mozda im je bio prethodnica pa fulio vreme za 40tak godina :lol:
Sad kad se pominje i Rozvel :lol: ,mozda se jos neko ukljuci u diskusiju,ovi "nasi" alieni nisu izgleda dovoljno intersantni ni za ovaj forum :roll:

Теоретичар завере у мировини, технолошки вишак @ КасиЈопеја ДП инк. & стечајни управник @ ХипиШизикМетафизик анлимитид.

 Naslov: #
PostPostano: pet nov 25, 2005 3:20 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub sep 17, 2005 1:35 pm
Postovi: 48
Lokacija: Beograd
Pa slike iz novembra 1966 su poslate u Polaris u Split na analizu ... Ništa više za sada ... Nešto sam razmišljao, možda onaj "Chicha iz vojske" iz Vrbasa ima neke veze sa ovim.... Možda su njih učili sposobnostima koje su naučili ustraživajući onaj srušeni NLO iz Otočeka, ili pregovarajući sa Anunnakima koji su trebali sleteti 96 ... Pozdrav!

PostPostano: pet nov 25, 2005 3:48 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Hej, da ne bude zabune... alieni ni ne trebaju "sletjeti", jer su oni odavno već tu. I što je najbitnije, gledate to sve iz 3 D. Oni mogu kad god zažele, smo se "pojaviti" u ovom našem 3D realitetu. Ako su OPS naboja. Mogu izdržati vrlo kratko u fizičkom obliku. Obično se samo projiciraju.

Cijela stvar je hiperdimenzionalne prirode, pa bi to trebali sagledati iz tog aspekta. A Nibiru nije planeta, već skupina kometa, a Anunnaki-ji mogu živjeti na bilo kojim planetama jer nisu 3 D, već 4 D. A tko zna, možda već i 5. deniteta... Tako da se ne morate zamarati sa eventualnim strahom od invazije u fizičkom obliku. Invazije nikad neće biti, niti je bilo, jer smo mi ionako uzgojeni kao njihova hrana. I tko zna, kakav još eksperiment.


 Naslov: Re: #
PostPostano: pet nov 25, 2005 9:36 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon jan 03, 2005 2:12 pm
Postovi: 216
Lokacija: levo
ik je napisao/la:
Pa slike iz novembra 1966 su poslate u Polaris u Split na analizu ... Ništa više za sada ... Nešto sam razmišljao, možda onaj "Chicha iz vojske" iz Vrbasa ima neke veze sa ovim.... Možda su njih učili sposobnostima koje su naučili ustraživajući onaj srušeni NLO iz Otočeka, ili pregovarajući sa Anunnakima koji su trebali sleteti 96 ... Pozdrav!

E,sad je vec postalo uvrnuto.Taj chica je ko propo u zemlju,tako da mi treba pomoc na "domacem zadatku".Pa ako bi iko mogao da svrati do Vrbasa koji dan da ostane pa da malo zajedno istrazujemo,samo ne bas ovih dana jer imam gadnu prehladu pa ni u skolu ne idem(sto je jedna od lepsih stvari:)...

P.S. ik,zasto si mi bio poslao ceo tekst o YU NLO-u na PM kad si ga ovde objavio.Inace tada nisam imao vremena da puno razgledam pa sam tek sad video da si otvorio temu.To mi je Jack rekao kad sam mu poslao ovaj tekst.Pa,ako bi mogao da sledeci put mi kazes kada otvoris novi topic :)


PostPostano: pet nov 25, 2005 11:26 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb

Trk na temu o ljekovitom bilju i brzo se izlječi, ali nemoj reć to u školi da si zdrav, tako da duže ostaneš kod kuće... hheeheehe!

Čiča nest'o, a? Heh... nije ni čudo... dešava se često u zadnje vrijeme da neko "nestane". Pogotovo ako je umješan u neke "čudne" stvari. Probaj vidjet, čuj se s njegovim poznanicima, ako ih ima, onako naokolo se raspitaj malo o njemu. Znam da će reći da je neki čudak... ali možda te odvedu do njega, odnosno mjesta gdje bi mogao biti... prihvati svaki trag kao moguć...


PostPostano: sub nov 26, 2005 10:30 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub sep 17, 2005 1:35 pm
Postovi: 48
Lokacija: Beograd
.S. ik,zasto si mi bio poslao ceo tekst o YU NLO-u na PM kad si ga ovde objavio.

... Mislim da tad jos nisam otvorio ovu temu ...
Pa,ako bi mogao da sledeci put mi kazes kada otvoris novi topic

Pa sutra ili danas cu otvoriti temu o snu koji sam imao protekle noći.... obaveštavam te kao što si tražio ... :D

 Naslov: SAN
PostPostano: sub nov 26, 2005 11:12 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub sep 17, 2005 1:35 pm
Postovi: 48
Lokacija: Beograd
Evo i link na temu o mom snu :

Molim vas recite mi svoja mišljenja o tom snu ...
Hvala unapred ... Pozdrav! :?:

PostPostano: sub nov 26, 2005 6:22 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon jan 03, 2005 2:12 pm
Postovi: 216
Lokacija: levo
hvala na obavestenju:) a sada da ispregledam taj topic... :D

 Naslov: 1966 godina, pad NLO-a u sloveniji, postoje slike autopsije
PostPostano: pon nov 20, 2006 7:28 pm 

Pridružen/a: pon nov 20, 2006 1:21 pm
Postovi: 1
Alo prijatelji, na naletio sam na zanimljivu informaciju o srušenoj letjelici u sloveniji u tadašnjoj jugoslaviji. Tom su prigodm vojnici u Beograd, točnije na Vojno medicinsku akademiju prenijeli i tijelo čudnog astronauta. Informaciju je objavio ivan kremer, kako da dođem to njega i zna li tko šta više o toj priči?

PostPostano: uto nov 21, 2006 1:53 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri jul 13, 2005 8:51 am
Postovi: 58
Lokacija: u žaru borbe
prvi glas, zanimljivo

Ove naše prostore vole posiječivati Tau Ceti, možda su oni bili u pitanju :?:

mesi sine, mesi...

PostPostano: ned dec 03, 2006 1:11 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 26, 2004 4:54 pm
Postovi: 187
Lokacija: Tuzla
Ima li neko danasnju Slobodnu Dalmaciju? Navodno je danas trebao biti objavljen clanak o YU NLO padu.

"When you dream there are no rules. People can fly, anything can happen. Sometimes there's a moment as you are awaking, when you become aware of the real world around you. But you are still dreaming."

PostPostano: ned dec 03, 2006 1:20 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned dec 26, 2004 4:54 pm
Postovi: 187
Lokacija: Tuzla
Zapravo, radi se o Nedjeljnoj Dalmaciji. Imaju dva clanka:

Do vojne nadmoći uz pomoć svemiraca?

Na beogradskoj VMA obduciran izvanzemaljac

Izvor: ... ilog04.asp

Zamolio bih ako neko ovo ima da nam posalje.

"When you dream there are no rules. People can fly, anything can happen. Sometimes there's a moment as you are awaking, when you become aware of the real world around you. But you are still dreaming."

PostPostano: pon dec 04, 2006 12:42 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet dec 02, 2005 11:54 pm
Postovi: 742
Evo nekih linkova vezano za ovaj događaj:

Link 1

[url=]Link 2
[url=]Link 3
[url=]Link 4
Link 5

PostPostano: čet dec 07, 2006 3:01 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet dec 07, 2006 11:24 am
Postovi: 53
Lokacija: Belgrade, Serbia
da li je neko primetio da imena tih naucnika koji su analizirali navodne ostatke nisu bas jugoslovenska...kao i da uopste nisu poznati na VMA....

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