... 526230130#102 Minutes That Changed America is a 102-minute American television special documentary film that was produced by History and premiered commercial-free on September 11, 2008, marking the seventh anniversary of the attacks. The film depicts in virtually real time the New York-based events of the September 11 attacks primarily using raw video footage from mostly amateur citizen journalists. The documentary is accompanied by an 18-minute documentary short called I-Witness to 9/11, which features interviews with nine firsthand eyewitnesses who captured the footage on camera.
According to this film, most of the archival footage was in possession of the U.S. government but was released to History years after 9/11.
Pogledao sam ga sinoc i doslovno sam se jezio iz sekunde u sekunde, bez skidanja pogleda sa TV-a..
Pokazuje dosad neviđene snimke i preporucujem ga svima koji su upoznati sa teorijom zavjere WTC-a..
Mislim da je jasno sto je History ovime htio poruciti svijetu, a i sve snimke koje su ti "nepoznati" civili snimali, djeluju nekako, filmski.. Odnosno, kao da glume, nigdje nisam osjetio pravi ljuski strah i trepet, nego sam imao osjeca kao da gledam neki dobar horror..
Film me oduševio, pogledajte ga ako niste i napisite svoje misljenje!