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 Naslov: Dolazak Imama Mahdi-ja 21.03.2007?
PostPostano: ned jan 07, 2007 9:36 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned jun 06, 2004 7:34 pm
Postovi: 91
Lokacija: Matrica
E ovo bi moglo biti zanimljivo. Za cca. 2 tjedna trebao bi se pojaviti dugo očekivani islamski prorok Mahdi. E, sad, jel' to početak invazije koju nalazimo i u Kasiopejskim transkriptima? Prvo Maitreja, ups, sorry, Mahdi, pa Sherdan, ups, Sananda, ups, Isus i na kraju invazija vansvemiraca "prerušenih" u vojsku Isusovu, tzv. anđele? Kaže službeni Iranski mainstream da bi se to trebalo odigrati za cca. 14 dana. Ajd, još jedno proročanstvo u nizu, živi bili, pa vidili. :)

Iran State Media Says 'Mahdi' Will Appear By Springtime, Jesus Coming With Him
Added: Jan 1st, 2007 9:58 AM

Iran: Mahdi will defeat archenemy in Jerusalem

State media says, ‘Shiite messiah will kill archenemy in Jerusalem, could come during spring equinox'

Yaakov Lappin

A triumphal religious prophecy has appeared on an Iranian official state media website, heralding the return of the Shiite messiah.

According to the website, "Imam Mahdi (may God hasten his reappearance) will appear all of a sudden on the world scene with a voice from the skies announcing his reappearance at the holy Ka'ba in Mecca."

The Islamic Republic of Iran broadcasting (IRIB) website said in a program called 'The World Towards Illumination,' that the Mahdi will reappear in Mecca and form an army to defeat Islam's enemies in a series of apocalyptic battles, in which the Mahdi will overcome his archvillain in Jerusalem.

The series has been regularly updated throughout November and December.

"The Mahdi's far sightedness and firmness in the face of mischievous elements will strike awe. After his uprising from Mecca all of Arabia will be submit to him and then other parts of the world as he marches upon Iraq and established his seat of global government in the city of Kufa.

“Then the Imam will send 10 thousand of his forces to the east and west to uproot the oppressors. At this time God will facilitate things for him and lands will come under his control one after the other," the website declared.

"After his appearance the Imam would remain in Mecca for some time, and then go to Medina... a descendant of the Prophet's archenemy Abu Sofyan will seize Syria and attack Iraq and the Hejaz with the ferocity of a beast… finally Imam Mahdi sends troops who kill the Sofyani in Beit ol-Moqaddas (Jerusalem), the Islamic holy city in Palestine that is currently under occupation of the Zionists," the IRIB added.

'Jesus will be Mahdi's lieutenant'

According to the Iranian series, the Mahdi will reappear on earth with Jesus: "We read in the book Tazkarat ol-Olia, 'the Mahdi will come with Jesus son of Mary accompanying him.' …Imam Mahdi will be the leader while Prophet Jesus will act as his lieutenant in the struggle against oppression and establishment of justice in the world. Jesus had himself given the tidings of the coming of God's last messenger and will see Mohammad's ideals materialize in the time of the Mahdi."

"The seat of the Mahdi's global government will be the city of Kufa , where his headquarters will be the Sahla Mosque… From here he will dominate the east and the west to fill the earth with justice," the special series predicted.

The website added that prayers for the Mahdi's return were said daily in Iran: "In our time, many pray for his appearance and each day they renew their allegiance to him. 'O God, make me one of his companions, show me his respected and bright visage, and hasten his reappearance.'"

'Mahdi to come during spring equinox?'

The IRIB website is filled with details of the Mahdi's return, including descriptions of physical attributes of "the perfect human being."

"He will appear as a handsome young man, clad in neat clothes and exuding the fragrance of paradise… He has a radiant forehead, black piercing eyes and a broad chest. He very much resembles his ancestor Prophet Mohammad (SAWA).

“Heavenly light and justice accompany him. He will overcome enemies and oppressors with the help of God, and as per the promise of the Almighty the Mahdi will eradicate all corruption and injustice from the face of the earth and establish the global government of peace, justice and equity."

'The World Towards Illumination' series cites some Islamic sources as saying that the Mahdi's return "may coincide with the Spring Equinox... A saying attributed to the Prophet's 6th infallible heir, Imam Ja'far Sadeq (PBUH) says the Mahdi will appear on the Spring Equinox and God will make him defeat Dajjal the Impostor or the anti-Christ as the Christians say, who will be hanged near the dump of Kufa."

Copyright © Yedioth Internet. All rights reserved.


PostPostano: ned jan 07, 2007 10:09 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet sep 03, 2004 10:07 pm
Postovi: 907
'Mahdi to come during spring equinox?'

To je 21. Marta, a ne Januara.

PostPostano: ned jan 07, 2007 10:15 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned jun 06, 2004 7:34 pm
Postovi: 91
Lokacija: Matrica
Hvala na ispravci. Prvo zabrljah i umjesto 2 mjeseca zabrijem 2 tjedna i onda to još preračunam u dane. Vrijeme mi je za odmor vidim.

Moderator, upomoć, izmjeni naslov u 21.03.2007. Hvala :|


PostPostano: ned jan 07, 2007 10:20 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet sep 03, 2004 10:07 pm
Postovi: 907
Svima nama treba odmor s vremena na vreme. Ispravio sam datum u naslovu.
E, sad, jel' to početak invazije koju nalazimo i u Kasiopejskim transkriptima?

Sad se vec poklapa sa nekim naznakama o dolasku kometa na prolece.
Al ko sto kazes, zivi bili pa videli. :)

PostPostano: pon jan 08, 2007 12:18 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sri maj 24, 2006 11:23 am
Postovi: 1573
a dzizas ce da mu bude porucnik..... :mrgreen:
jedva cekam =D>

PostPostano: pon jan 08, 2007 12:43 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub okt 29, 2005 6:59 pm
Postovi: 235
Lokacija: Centar
Tko sve ne dolazi :

Komete, asteroidi , zekoslav mrkva , lude krave , šašavi ljudi

Poludit ću više od tih dolazaka , pa ajde već jedan put nek dođu a
ne sve lažne uzbune :mrgreen:

PostPostano: uto jan 09, 2007 4:11 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet sep 03, 2004 10:07 pm
Postovi: 907
The specificity, detail and extent of the parallels demand the acknowledgement of design, while the twisted and cynical nature of these “anti-parallels” clearly point to the malevolent nature of the “person” doing so.

Kao da je neko namerno zeleo da stvori suprotnosti izmedju Hriscana i Muslimana kako bi oni zaratili. :? ... risons.htm

PostPostano: uto jan 09, 2007 6:37 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon jul 31, 2006 1:38 am
Postovi: 506
Lokacija: -edge of reality-
Uocavam da... dolaze, pa ne dodju...
Uocavam da... odlaze, pa ne otidju...
Uocavam da... nesto samnom nije kako treba
Uocavam da... nesto s nama nije kako treba
Uocavam da... je svijet luđi nego što mi jesmo
Uocavam da... smo mi luđi nego sto svijet misli da jesmo
Uocavam da... smo sputani i ne koherentni (misli)
Uocavam da... imam propucavanja s vremena na vrijeme
Uocavam da... me neki ne dozivljavaju
Uocavam da... mi nije to bitno zapravo
Uocavam da... da bi trebo prestat...
Uocavam da... sam definitivno off-topic
Ali definitivno je... ako nas (planet) pogodi neko tijelo znatnije mase to cemo
osjetit bez da nam to netko kaze da se to dogodilo.
Tada ce to biti jedina i apsolutna istina s kojom cemo se suocit. ;-)
Kad ce se to desit...? Svejedno ...jer vecina se nije spramna suocit sa
takvom istinom u danom vremenu...
Sto zadnje napravit?
moja pesma za kraj: Gamma Ray - Armageddon .. a vaša?
Pogledat oko sebe i rec... "Bilo je jebeno dobro dok je trajalo, I'm going home!"

Stavka 1536.2: Propucavanje utorkom

Uocavam da... ovdje svi imaju svasta za rec, ali nitko nista zapravo ne kaze
Uocavam da... sam ja mozda i slijep
Uocavam da... mi nista vise nije kao sto je nekad bilo
Uocavam da... se nesto u zadnjih par godina pomjenilo
Uocavam da... se stalno nesto mjenja... deja vo
Uocavam da... je kod drugaciji...
Uocavam da... nista.

-A mind without purpose will wander in dark places.-
-A small mind is easily filled with faith.-
-An open mind is like a fortress with its gates unbarred and unguarded.-

PostPostano: pon jan 29, 2007 12:22 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned jun 06, 2004 7:34 pm
Postovi: 91
Lokacija: Matrica
Možda ovo ima neke veze s tim.

UFO Crash in Central Iran

TEHRAN (Fars News Agency)- An Unidentified Flying Object crashed in Barez Mounts in the central province of Kerman Wednesday morning.

Deputy Governor General of Kerman province Abulghassem Nasrollahi told FNA that the crash which was followed by an explosion and a thick spiral of smoke has caused no casualties or damage to properties.

He further denied earlier reports that the explosion has been the result of a plane or chopper crash, reminding that all the passing aircrafts have been reported as sound and safe.

The official further stated that investigations are underway by police and other relevant authorities in this regard.

While other reports spoke of meteors, Nasrollahi said there were no conclusive witnesses in this regard but he did not dismiss the possibility that the crash has been caused by a meteor.

Eye-witnesses assure that the explosion has been caused as a result of the crash of a radiant unidentified flying object onto the ground.

Meantime, an informed source told FNA that the object has been on fire and there has been thick smoke coming out of it prior to the crash, concluding that the object couldn't have been a meteor as meteors do not smoke.

The source also said that the crash has been witnessed by people in several cities, and mentioned that the rendezvous point is located 100 kilometers from the provincial capital city of Kerman.

He said that people in the city of Rafsanjan also reported to have witnessed a similar incident several days ago.

Similar crash incidents have been witnessed frequently during the last year all across Iran, and officials believe that the objects could be spy planes or a hi-tech espionage device.

UFOs Over Iran: Gov't Issues Shoot-Down Order

The Iranian government has announced that it has ordered its air force to attack UFOs which are being seen near Iranian nuclear facilities in substantial numbers. Air Force Colonel Salman Mahini has said "all anti-aircraft units and jet fighters have been ordered to shoot down the flying objects over Iran's airspace."
UFO fever has swept Iran since last summer. There have been hundreds of sightings of glowing craft at low altitudes, a significant number of which have been close to nuclear facilities.

Iran is assuming that the unknown objects being observed are US aerial reconnaisance vehicles.

The Iranian daily Resalat reported on Saturday that unknown objects have been seen over Bushehr and Isfahan provinces in recent weeks.

What is happening in Iran happened in the United States in the late forties and early fifties, when UFOs were seen in large numbers, especially in the western US, and often close to extremely sensitive military and nuclear facilities.

According to UFO investigator Stanton Friedman a UFO was observed near the Kalispel Radar Facility in Montana in late 1951. Kalispel had a jet in the air at the time, and it was ordered to shoot down the UFO. Neither the UFO nor the jet was ever seen again.

So far, Iran has not succeeded in shooting any of the objects down.

There has also been extensive UFO activity over India and China recently, and rumors that the Indian government has succeeded in some exchanges with the occupants of these objects persist.

Want to read one of the best books ever written about the UFO controversy. Get Jim Marrs' Alien Agenda.

MORE UFOs in Iran

We may be about to invade Iran and at the same time, UFO sightings there continue. A glowing yellow UFO with a red center was spotted over the city of Bouyer Ahmad in Iran on Wednesday. The FARS News Agency reports that a witness says it hovered in the sky for over an hour. Two days earlier, on Monday, another UFO was sighted in Iran. Military experts suspect that these UFOs may actually military spy drones, getting ready for war.
Iranian Member of Parliament Seyed Nezam Mola Hoveizeh announced on Tuesday that Iran had shot down a US spy drone as it crossed the border into the country, but this was not remotely like the objects that are being reported all over the country, with no attempt being reported to shoot them down despite the fact that they remain in place at times for hours.

Don't miss the Phoenix Lights segment on Weird Travels on the Travel Channel on Saturday morning, January 20 at 10 a.m. Pacific time.


PostPostano: uto mar 20, 2007 1:53 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet mar 02, 2007 4:58 pm
Postovi: 352
Lokacija: Croatia,Zagreb
dakle sutra je taj dan....i dogodit ce se ...nista kao i obicno...mlacenje prazne slame :wink: a ljudi ofce pa vjeruju....u sve i svasta...kontrola uma na razini :wink:

PostPostano: uto mar 20, 2007 11:40 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet mar 02, 2007 4:58 pm
Postovi: 352
Lokacija: Croatia,Zagreb
dajte mi recite jel se taj prorok i vojskovodja ima tek rodit,il kaj vec...btw..ima tko obitelji u iranu..jel ima kakvih doceka po javnim trgovima..kao kad novu godinu cekas..

PostPostano: sri mar 21, 2007 11:38 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub okt 29, 2005 6:59 pm
Postovi: 235
Lokacija: Centar
Evo nam 21 .3 a Imama još nema , a ja se sinoć napio ko stoka
mislim sutra je ionako kraj :rotfl: :rofl

PostPostano: sri mar 21, 2007 11:59 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned sep 19, 2004 9:39 am
Postovi: 463
Lokacija: Offline
LOOOL kod mene je dosao i rekao mi je da pocnem odbrojavat

30-day Countdown to War ... 70311.html


PostPostano: sri mar 21, 2007 3:57 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet mar 02, 2007 4:58 pm
Postovi: 352
Lokacija: Croatia,Zagreb
sve su to price za malu djecu.....

PostPostano: sri mar 21, 2007 4:56 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet jan 11, 2007 12:36 am
Postovi: 32
Oprosti, Dario, ali i ja sam malo dete...nemoj tako... :lol:

Veliki odgovori sami sebe otvaraju

PostPostano: pon mar 26, 2007 11:22 pm 

Pridružen/a: pon mar 26, 2007 10:55 pm
Postovi: 15
Lokacija: Samostan
8) Izgleda da je ovo bila jos jedna lazna uzbuna

Sto se nalazi s druge strane?

PostPostano: pon mar 26, 2007 11:24 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pet mar 02, 2007 4:58 pm
Postovi: 352
Lokacija: Croatia,Zagreb
cekaj dok jehovini svjedoci izlete u javnost s nekim od datuma smakova svijeta..hehe :lol: :lol:

NWO hejter

PostPostano: pon mar 26, 2007 11:25 pm 

Pridružen/a: pon mar 26, 2007 10:55 pm
Postovi: 15
Lokacija: Samostan
Jehovini svjedoci su grijesili 3-4 puta ne znam tocno kolok

Zatim je izmisljena teorija o toma kako je Isus usao u neko presveto nebo ili ne znam kako to oni vec zovu

Sto se nalazi s druge strane?

 Naslov: Re: Dolazak Imama Mahdi-ja 21.03.2007?
PostPostano: uto nov 05, 2013 4:05 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: pon nov 04, 2013 5:04 pm
Postovi: 171
Lokacija: Void
Ja sam musliman, jako dobro poznajem svoju vjeru i mogu vam reci sa sigurnoscu od 100% da su to gore napisane GLUPOSTI!

Imam Mahdi se hoce pojaviti i mi mozemo prognozirati ili naglabiti lada ce biti njegov dolazak (po osnovu hadisa) ali reci tacan datum - pa to je nemoguce.

Taj napusenko je vjerovatno ima nekog racuna da skrene pazju na sebe sa tim kao sto su i razni lazni Mehdiji htjeli uraditi isto.

Four eyes as two in one the forward circular view that never ends

An orbital voyage throughout the endless sphere of all

Where time is lost and everything transcends

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