Evo, možda zanimljivo prenosim s jednog foruma... jes na engleskom, ali možda nam pomognu njihova iskustva:
Sometimes when I attempt to OBE I get these strong vibrations. They also sometimes happen when I'm in a light sleep, REM or sleep paralysis. I was once able to induce these vibrations by relaxing and then concentratin on them. I was unable to see through my eyelids even though I wanted to and I sometimes am able to. These mostly occur accidentally and occur in different places at different intensities and it's sometimes even painful. It usually occurs in my head and sometimes my whole body and once the whole mid point of my body was vibrating and it was quite painful and focused mainly near my heart. I can sometimes control the vibrations and can sometimes wake from my sleep except while in SP.
Why does this happen? Is there something going on in my body that causes this? I have ideas of what causes this but they are mostly supernatural. I was wondering what a doctor or scientist would think of this. Is it just an hallucination or is there something more to this?
I've only experienced this phenomonon through a dream state. I've often had dreams where I'm carried off by the wind & fly through the air. Or am perched up high on a tower or peak & the only way to come down is to jump & I have. I must say that these experiences are exhilirating.
Judging from the tone of your post I believe that you are sincere, these experiences are unique to the individual, just as no one can define the true meaning of anyone else's experiences, no one can answer your question. it's your journey, some**** has seen something in you that has prompted you to question outside your immediate reality...
Embrace it. Whatever will be, will be.
I've never had this while dreaming except in REM and even my paranoid thoughts didn't create any hallucinations. I have however sometimes had weird nightmare like dreams before of after. I can now tell when I'm in the right state to try it so I slept for a bit today and I was able to induce it again. It started in my feet slightly then I was able to send it though my body and concentrate it in my forehead. i Had the TV volume on low and was able to make out the TV but when I looked with my real physical eyes the image was always slightly different from with my eyes closed. Then after I had this dream of being in my bedroom but now I think about it it was more like an OBE. I was looking at these moon like faces that appeared near the corner.
I am very serious about what I'm experiencing though I don't expect everyone to believe me even though it doesnt indicate somekind of supernatural experience.
So you think this is some kind of spiritual awekning? It seems weird that this kind of thing would happen on it's own with out some kind of influence.
I'm totally open for any experiences or scientific explanations if anyone has them. This is one of the things that I really think should be investigated more.
Hi Chris,
I have been trying to Astral Project or OBE since I was about 15. I am now almost 29 and the only experiences I have had are waking up within my dreams.
However, when I was 'close' to doing a conscious OBE my body used to vibrate and I would actually be scared because the vibrations would be accompanied by a noise I can only describe as being a repeated whine and 'woov'.
I also used to dream I was attempting to project and on some occasions this was blurred - was I dreaming or out of my body but not fully conscious...
I have had 'Astral Eyes' only once before - but as you say - you see the room you are in but its slightly different when you open your eyes.
Good luck with it and keep trying. And as I say to all my friends when we discuss OBE's - look me up when you make it and make me aware in the dreamworld.
I didn't know that it could take to long to OBE. My first one was during a dream. I died and was in my bed. I floated out and got a few foot infront of my bed and I tried to see but I woke up.
It's usually very easy to leave your body while asleep or dreaming. Just will yourself out and it used to work for me.
I read that hemi-sync can work very well for inducing an OBE.
However, when I was 'close' to doing a conscious OBE my body used to vibrate and I would actually be scared because the vibrations would be accompanied by a noise I can only describe as being a repeated whine and 'woov'.
I really enjoy the vibrations. It's one of my favourite things about OBEs and being stoned. The natural buzz is better though as you get better experiences with it and can leave your body. Remember, it may sound like a hornet in your head but it most likely isn't.
"look me up when you make it and make me aware in the dreamworld"
I'll try but I would be amazed if I even managed to leave my room. I'm going to start using MI hemi-sync soon so it might be sooner than I think.
Just curious, but isn't it possible your just dreaming that your are seeing yourself from an upper view?
I mean if dreams can simulate nerves, touches, and all these delicate sensations, how is it not possible that these 'experiences' are just not a part of a dream, or soemthing one has worked his mind into believing?