Let us take another case which is described in the British publication, "Nature ': of January 1, 1952. The authors, St. Rusznyak and A. Szent-Gyorgi, studied a disease involving fragility of the walls of the blood vessels. They treated one group of laboratory animals with peppers, a natural food known to contain large amounts of Vitamin C. The second group received synthetic vitamin C. The disease was cured only in the first group of animals. There must be an unknown factor in peppers.
Ovaj quote se viđa prilično često i research je star 70 godina. Nisam video da je ikad replikovan. Sam Gzorgi je pio 1g dnevno svaki dan.
A third example is the description of a significant experiment mentioned in the book called 'rood and Nutrition ': written by E. W H. Cruickshank, M.D., originally published in England (in this country by Williams and Wilkins published in 1951). Three groups of chicks were fed on the same diet. The first group received no Vitamin D at all. The second group was given synthetic Vitamin D preparation made from cod liver oil.
The chickens receiving no vitamins gained 259 grams of weight, the synthetic D group gained 346 grams, but those that had the benefits of the natural Vitamin D gained 399 grams. But here is the most important part of the experiment. In the no vitamin chicks, 60 percent died. In the synthetic group, 50 percent died. However, in the natural Vitamin D group there was not one death!
U to vreme, pre dakle 70 godina, korišćen je Vitamin D2. Sada se više ne koristi jer nije dovoljno potentan. Komplek koji se pravi sunčevim zračenjem ima dodatne komponente tako da nije u pitanju samo vitamin D kod sunčanja. Na primer doza radijacije značajno menja stanje organizma. U slučaju male doze kao kod sunčanja pre 70 godina dobija se hormetični efekat na organizam i to dodatno poboljšava stanje. Znači eksperiment je merio sintetički vitamin D2 protiv prirodnog multifaktorijalnog inputa, što nema veze jedno sa drugim. Naravno da je bilo razlike. U svakom slučaju D2 jeste bio efektan samo ne toliko koliko se želelo. D3 bi sigurno značajno promenio rezultat.
Recognizing that natural food vitamins contain values of some kind which are not present in artificial vitamins produced in the laboratory, the question arises as to what natural vitamins contain that the synthetic ones lack, certain essential trace minerals, as well as enzymes and co-enzymes that act as organic catalysts, without which they cannot produce their full vital effects. These essential associated factors are not found with synthetic vitamins, which for this reason cannot replace the natural ones. In the process of reducing to a simple crystalline form by means of heat or chemical solvents these delicate enzymes are destroyed and the value of the synergistic action that exists between them and their accompanying vitamins no longer exists.
Ovaj lik je retard. On nema pojma o čemu priča. Ljudi mora da shvate da šarlatana ima i tamo i ovamo. Samo zato što se neko deklariše kao naturopata i kiroprakter ne znači da nije idiot i da ne želi da ukrade pare narodu.
Dakle, da prirodni vitamini SADRŽE esencijalne minerale, enzime itd, govori o tome da čovek ne zna šta je zapravo vitamin. Vitamini su supstance koje ne sadrže DRUGE SUPSTANCE, to je idiotski. U pitanju su izolovani sitni molekuli vitalni za život. Bez njih umireš posle nekog vremena. To nema veze sa onim što on priča što su pitanje INTERAKCIJA između vitamina i drugih herbalnih komponenata od kojih su neke dobre, a neke loše.
Vitamins synthesized in a laboratory contain both a right and left handed rotation.
Ovo je lupio, nije dao referencu, a možda je i bilo tako pre 70 godina, pošto su mu svi primeri od tada.
There is a danger of excess of isolated vitamin factors. When too much of any particular vitamin is taken, it tends to upset the balance of vitamin metabolism and leads to compensatory deficiency of other vitamins. This has been clearly demonstrated in the case of the various members of the vitamin B complex. Thus, an excess of certain vitamin B factors, such as thiamin, has been found to produce compensatory deficiency of other factors, as pyridoxine.
Znači ovo je toliko opšte da svako ko ovako nešto izjavi bez kvantifikacije i preciznog izražavanja nema veze sa mozgom. Rečenica "Postoji opasnost od viška vitamina" ima značenje isto kao i "Postoji opasnost od grmljavine", ne nosi nikakvu praktičnu odrednicu. Dalje kaže da kada se uzme previše BILO KOG vitamina dolazi do disbalnsa. BILO KOG ? Kako može da strpa preko 100 hemikalija u takav opis. RETARD! MARŠ U OSNOVNU ŠKOLU !
U krajnoj liniji, ako hoćeš baš da se oslanjaš na autoritete, odaberi barem nekog poznatog kao što je Pauling, jedan od najvećih naučnika koje je ikad postojao. Onda ako pogrešiš barem si se oslonio na jednog od najzajebanijih likova u egzistenciji, a ne na nekog jebenog kostolomca za koga nikad niko nije čuo....