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Autor/ica Poruka
PostPostano: pon sep 04, 2006 11:15 am 

Pridružen/a: čet jul 20, 2006 12:49 pm
Postovi: 11
nadam se da ovo neće biti off topic:
da se malo ubacim u priču o Kasiopejcima; povod je jedna neobična knjiga, u stvari serijal, kojeg sam ljetos čitala. Naravno, jedna knjiga i jedan autor ne mogu biti dokaz niti argument, ali mogu biti pomoć za "procesiranje", shvaćanje i prihvaćanje alternativnih pravaca razmišljanja.
Ukratko, riječ je o serijalu "Zvonki cedar ruski" u kojem opisuje susret jednog običnog ruskog poduzetnika, konvencionalnih stajališta sa prekrasnom ženom koja živi u sibirskoj tajgi u potpunosti izvan bilo kakvih civilizacijskih tokova i koja usprkos tome raspolaže nevjerojatnim moćima, između ostalog u stanju se je teleportirati, i u stanju je dobivati bilo kakve podatke od bilo kuda telepatskim putem i još mnogo toga.
Knjiga je pomalo naivno napisana iz perspektive navedenog poduzetnika koji opisuje te susrete s Anastazijom i njena tumačenja ljudske prirode, povijesti, ljudskih sposobnosti, budućnosti zemlje ali i položaja čovjeka u svemiru. Također se tu spominju i vanzemaljci i njihova uloga u budućnosti naše civilizacije.
Bila to izmišljotina ili ne, glupost, laž ili vješto osmišljen način da se zaradi na naivcima; meni je sasvim prihvatljiva zamisao da na zemlji postoje nadnaravni, spektakularni sveci, bogovi u ljudskom obličju koji doista imaju moć, znanje i dobronamjernost a da na prvi pogled izgledaju sasvim obično, oni ukazuju upravo na puni kapacitet homo sapiensa.
Kako bilo, navedene knjige postigle su ogroman uspjeh. Evo npr. link na forum (na ruskom) ali i na hrvatskom
No sad, ovaj uvod je bio potreban radi konteksta. Ono što mi je u toj knjizi dalo za misliti i što mi je privuklo pažnju odnosi se na ideju da je upravo čovjek najmoćnije i najpotpunije biće u svemiru, iako postoje neke civilizacije koje su tehnološki naprednije od naše, i koje imaju ambicija da okupiraju našu planetu, one su samo i isključivo tehnološki naprednije; ni u kom slučaju nemaju duhovne i emotivne kapacitete ljudskog bića. Kaže se da nitko u svemiru nema takav raspon moći i mogućnosti kakav ima čovjek.Ovo stajalište je vrlo temeljito objašnjeno u samoj knjizi.
Ne znam zašto ali ta je ideja meni 100% legla. Dakle, ako je tako onda se valjda možemo sami sebi javljati iz daleke budućnosti...
Usputbudi rečeno, mislim da je Tesla bio čovjek sa apsolutno razvijenim ljudskim kapacitetom; te su njegova razmišljanja, izumi i ideje bili upravo ono što čovječanstvu treba i što jest defacto praktična primjena duhovnih zakonitosti i usklađenosti sa svemirom. Civilizacija kreće destruktivnim pravcem ukoliko čovjek zaboravi tu spregu duha i materije; ako shvaća svijet oko sebe isključivo kao fizički mehanizam, te ako fizički univerzum shvaća previše doslovno...
Još je nešto zanimljivo, kako sam rekla te knjige su relativno bedasto napisane (namjerno); ali! Činjenica da su postale tako strahovito popularne govori sama za sebe; neki sofisticiraniji tekst bio bi nerazumljiv široj publici; ovo je jednostavno i zdravoseljački, i djeluje na ljude direktno i emotivno, (npr pišu pjesme - masovno, nakon čitanja knjige) ali ukazuje kolio je duboka ljudska potreba da se doista nešto na planeti promijeni i kako to shvaćaju i "najobičniji" ljudi

PostPostano: pon sep 04, 2006 1:30 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned jul 02, 2006 4:10 pm
Postovi: 220
Lokacija: Croatia
mandragora je napisao/la:

Ono što mi je u toj knjizi dalo za misliti i što mi je privuklo pažnju odnosi se na ideju da je upravo čovjek najmoćnije i najpotpunije biće u svemiru, iako postoje neke civilizacije koje su tehnološki naprednije od naše, i koje imaju ambicija da okupiraju našu planetu, one su samo i isključivo tehnološki naprednije; ni u kom slučaju nemaju duhovne i emotivne kapacitete ljudskog bića. Kaže se da nitko u svemiru nema takav raspon moći i mogućnosti kakav ima čovjek.Ovo stajalište je vrlo temeljito objašnjeno u samoj knjizi.

Mislim da čovjek nije najmoćnije i najpotpunije biće u svemiru, mislim da ne treba biti isključiv u razmišljanjima i da možda tehnološki napredak ne treba striktno odvajati od napretka u znanju jer s većom razinom znanja, informacija i svjesnosti imaš drukčiji pristup svemu čega si dio. Također, mislim da čovjek ima velik raspon moći i mogućnosti koje tek treba otkriti, ali čudno je razmišljati tako isključivo i reći da nitko nema takav raspon moći i mogućnosti kao čovjek. Ni oni koji su iznad nas po svome znanju nemaju takav raspon moći i mogućnosti da "upiju" svo znanje, a da ne "nestanu". Čovjek i kada dosegne onu razinu svijesti putem znanja koje je izgubio iliti koje mu je ukradeno i dalje neće biti biće u svemiru s najvećim mogućnostima.

PostPostano: pon sep 04, 2006 7:21 pm 

Pridružen/a: čet jul 20, 2006 12:49 pm
Postovi: 11
ali čudno je razmišljati tako isključivo i reći da nitko nema takav raspon moći i mogućnosti kao čovjek.

nisam ni ja nikad prije naletila na tu misao, ali vrijedi "second thaught" - zašto ne, bar pokušati razviti ovu tezu... ima na primijer u Bibliji (iako Biblija opet ništa ne dokazuje): "da bog stvori čovjeka na svoju sliku i priliku" Mislim da to nije isključivo, odnosno tekst ne zvuči isključivo, btw. tekst u knjizi zvuči prilično uvjerljivo. A što ako je stvarno tako? Koje bi bile implikacije na našu postojeću kozmologiju, i kakvu civilizaciju bi kreirali i na osnovu takvog uvjerenja? Da li bi i onda planetom harale bolesti, ratovi i glad? Da li bi i onda razmišljali kao nemoćne individue koje "ne mogu ništa promijeniti"?

PostPostano: pon sep 04, 2006 7:32 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet apr 06, 2006 2:39 pm
Postovi: 382
Lokacija: BiH
U pitanju je genetika. Zbog nečega dragocjeni smo i pozitivcima i negativcima u ovom svemiru i svi radoznalo iščekuju da vide kako će se okončati experiment zvani Zemlja. Drugom prilikom ću podrobnije o tome, no tragove ideje da smo zbog nečega jedinstvena rasa u Kosmosu nalazila sam ne samo u "duhovnjačkim" knjigama, već i u nekim SF romanima, što je također zanimljivo (znate odakle inspiracija dolazi!) i da sad ne nabrajam. Poenta je da mi imamo nešto zbog čega nas i mnogo starije, ali i mnogo razvijenije civilizacije (i duhovno i tehnološki) izuzetno cijene.


PostPostano: pon sep 04, 2006 7:38 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: sub jun 12, 2004 11:01 am
Postovi: 86
Lokacija: Split, Croatia
mandragora je napisao/la:
Ono što mi je u toj knjizi dalo za misliti i što mi je privuklo pažnju odnosi se na ideju da je upravo èovjek najmoænije i najpotpunije biæe u svemiru, iako postoje neke civilizacije koje su tehnološki naprednije od naše, i koje imaju ambicija da okupiraju našu planetu, one su samo i iskljuèivo tehnološki naprednije; ni u kom sluèaju nemaju duhovne i emotivne kapacitete ljudskog biæa. Kaže se da nitko u svemiru nema takav raspon moæi i moguænosti kakav ima èovjek.Ovo stajalište je vrlo temeljito objašnjeno u samoj knjizi.
Ne znam zašto ali ta je ideja meni 100% legla.

Yup, i ja sam malo čitao tu knjigu, iako davno. Nije mi dobro legla, kao što kažeš, pisana je iz perspektive nekoga tko nema mnogo informacija.

Inače, sa ovim gore citatom, izvodom iz posta, se i ja slažem, ali sa naglaskom da ono što zovemo čovjek definitivno nema mnogo veze sa njegovim fizičkim tijelom; odnosno predstavlja sintezu svijesti sa oblikom.

Sa takvim stavom se javljaju i određeni spisi iz yoge koji uvelike naglašavaju postignuća čovjeka kao mnogo superiornijima (duhovna jasno, potencijalna) od istih postignuća "bogova". Budizam koji pak vuče korijene iz, usuđujem se reći, istih područija i učenja, također daleko više naglašava važnost posijedovanja *ljudskog oblika*.

Iako ja osobno smatram da je sasvim nebitno te da je čitava rasprava besmislena; dobra je utoliko da se nekima ukaže na snagu prisutnosti i svijesnosti te potencijala kojeg mogu ostvariti.

Bah, baš blebećem :)

Whatever you want to be you are, don't hesitate, just be!

PostPostano: pon sep 04, 2006 7:43 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned jul 02, 2006 4:10 pm
Postovi: 220
Lokacija: Croatia
mandragora je napisao/la:
"da bog stvori čovjeka na svoju sliku i priliku"

Od Počela ( trenutno ću koristiti taj izraz ) dolazi sve i sve stremi svome Počelu, malo je teže u jednom koraku doći Počelu, treba proći određene razine.... Reći da nas je bog stvorio na svoju sliku i priliku ne treba biti ograničavajuće u smislu kršćanskog boga, nego treba biti prošireno u odnosu na Počelo koje je stvorilo i našeg boga.
Ono što nas čini toliko nesavršenima jesu granice naše svijesti i indiferentnost prema granicama koje su nam drugi postavili, a koje se ni ne trudimo maknuti, a ono što nas čini toliko savršenima jest znanje koje nosimo u sebi i koje trebamo ponovo otkriti

PostPostano: pon sep 04, 2006 9:45 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: čet apr 06, 2006 2:39 pm
Postovi: 382
Lokacija: BiH
Smagda, evo sam upravo pronašla jedan od tekstova koji govori u jednom dijelu o nama i temi o kojoj ovdje govorimo. Samo je kvaka što je na engleskom, ali mislim da ćeš se ti snaći.

You Are a Quantum Container of Energetic Life Force

SEDONA Journal of EMERGENCE ~ July 2006 Issue

Remember that you are a container to receive many energies that are
entities from the Source. These entities enter your sphere of thought
through communication. You may consider the energy that these entities
relay to you to be inspiration. They, like many other beings in the
universe, communicate through their own thought and will. They provide
invisible waves of thought that travel simultaneously from one energy
source to the next, dependent upon their will.
These waves of communication have not yet been discovered through your
sciences and are considered to be quantum leaps of energy particles.
This is incorrect. They travel in accordance with parallel and
receptive forms of entities and energies, which in turn rely upon
their existence to contain, process and respond to the corresponding
energy source. Geometric patterns are formed through their apparently
random motion and help these energy beings to create new forms of
energy, or life forms, if you will, that process yet new patterns of
thought and movement according to their will. This continuum of life
goes on in an effortless, free-floating wave of pattern and
communication, creating waves of communication through being, which
travel instantaneously through the consciousness of their will.


You are traveling now to these entities who are contacting your
spirit. You feel these contacts as a shift in energy, away from your
consciousness and rendering a slightly depleting effect. You code this
as awareness that you cannot explain to your entire consciousness, to
yourself, because it is not felt by you in its entirety. You are aware
of this constant shift. All you need to do is simply tune in to your
breath. Breathe in, breathe out and notice the shift in your energy
outward. Follow this energy outward. Continue to follow this energy
away from your physical body and plane. Notice where it goes. Notice
the felt distance that your energy travels. It is beyond your scope of
recognition. It bypasses worlds and universes beyond your imagination.
This energy becomes transformed through the transformative energies
within the universe, which draw in your energy for their own creative
powers of transformation.
You are all gods and goddesses, made from the Source's being, who
contains all energies present within the universe, which acts as the
body of the Source. You all have energies and skills beyond the
knowledge and scope of science. These skills are incomprehensible to
all within your plane of existence; however, they can be accessed
through you by your letting go of beliefs that limit and fasten your
comprehension. Do not tie fear to your comprehension-it keeps you
immobilized, keeps you from recognizing the scope of your vast
influence upon the universe. You can begin anew. Let go of beliefs
that keep your comprehension boxed in and that keep you enslaved. You
are no longer bound to old ideas that do not serve you. These
ideas do not belong to you but have been created by you in response to
other emotions created by you that do not serve and heal humankind.
These other emotions-greed, hate and envy-have served to foster an
environment that has nurtured the growth and dominance of fear upon
your planet. Now is the time to let go. Fear can and will float
away from you through your breath, out into the universe, where it can
be transformed into benign influences. Know your ability to heal. Know
your ability to obtain peace. This is the true state of your existence.


You are and contain elements of the universal language, which you do
not yet comprehend. This language is made up of elements that exist in
your emotional field through the subtle bodies that float around your
physical body. These subtle bodies relate to other atmospheric subtle
bodies present in the universe and communicate through parallel
elements present within the architecture of subtle bodies. These
elements are chemical trace elements that are nonelectrical in nature;
however, they react and form subtle electrical elements within your
body makeup and emotional force fields. These trace elements do not
contain a physical structure per se but maintain a structure that is
freeform in its ability to contract and expand. The electrical
current, generated by the projection of will through thought forms as
its vehicle, interacts with these elements and directs them to expand
or contract, depending upon the requests for communication brought
about by the will.
The parallel physical counterpart that exists within your physical
boundaries is the breath. You can contract and expand your breath at
will, follow your breath's energy infinitely throughout the universe
and communicate with elements that are present in the universal planes
of existence. You can also bring to you, through recognizing these
elements that exist in the universe, energies to obtain information
that otherwise would be inaccessible to you. You can communicate with
your guides through this method, as well as gain access to emotional
fields surrounding people, situations and events. This force field is
what contains the knowledge of what you refer to as psychic knowledge.
Psychic knowledge is readily available to you through the conscious
communication of your will and the ability to translate this
information through the energy received through your sense of the
emotional force field.


Your perceptive skills are vast and have been limited by your belief
system, which has been influenced by your sciences. Your sciences have
extremely limited knowledge of the makeup of your reality. Your
reality contains elements of personal knowledge that has been biased
by the brainwashing of political and scientific biases stretching over
hundreds of years. These biases have effectively wiped out knowledge
previously gained through the arts, sciences and religions of the
ancient worlds. Sciences of the ancient worlds readily understood the
communicative bodies of the subtle bodies and the translation of the
will upon the emotional force fields contained within the universe.
The belief of the effect of your will to influence those around you as
well as the planet was common knowledge that has since been removed
from consciousness.
It is now time to renew remembrance of these ancient arts and sciences
as well as build upon them to create healing modalities that have not
previously existed. Remember, this is a healing treatise designed to
empower you as well as those around you, the planet and the universe
as a whole. Empowering yourself to gain knowledge of the existence of
your total reality is part of this healing process. It is now in
your consciousness to gain knowledge regarding the self. Your openness
to your own abilities has been brought about by the cry of your own
consciousness, as well as that of those around you, for spiritual
knowledge. This cry for selfknowledge is a universal manifestation of
a parallel cry for help that you have heard. Now is the time to regain
what you are; now is the time to regain your abilities and develop
new and creative ways to heal yourselves and the planet you live on.
You can do this. Your capabilities are vast. Acknowledge them.


You will be called upon to sacrifice your knowledge of what you
perceive the universe to be in order to transition to knowledge of
what the universe actually is. You can begin this process by
eliminating the idea that finite realms of realities do not exist
outside your sphere of knowledge. This is not correct. It is your fear
that continues to hinder you in using your strong perceptive psychic
abilities in accessing knowledge that is readily available to you.

This knowledge does include knowledge of beings and energies who exist
outside your physical perceptions. These beings carry the ability
to access knowledge of your existence by the attraction of your
energy. This attraction creates parallel force fields that allow these
energies to instantaneously become a vital part of your emotional
force field, which means that distance, time or planes of existence
become irrelevant.
It no longer becomes necessary to travel within a particular physical
reality in order to be accessed or allow communication to take place.
This matter of communication is a direct act of will based upon your
asking and calling for access to the energies to become a fluid and
prominent part of your energy field, as well as the energy itself
responding in like kind. If you are connected to the all and all is
one, what makes it so difficult to believe that your consciousness
and your will reach to infinite modalities of existence? How can you
limit yourself in your perceptions if you are all one? However, if you
are all one, do you stand divided by conscious will? You do not.
Access your own infinite knowledge. Reach out with your consciousness
and discover that there are no borders. Search infinite space with
the ability of your third eye and notice that limits do not exist.
Limits are placed only by the ignorant knowledge of your mind, which
does not belong to you. You are a being without limits or borders. You
are a being complete with the ability to reach out to other entities
and energies in existence. You are a being rich in creativity and
awareness. This is who you are. This is you, total in your
completeness and infinite in your totality.
You are now committed to realizing your dream of healing through the
recognition and accumulation of universal spiritual energy. This is
the dream that those of you who are reading this treatise are
searching for. Through your love of yourselves and others, you have
opened your energies up to receive new information related to
developing skills that will aid in your healing. You are now open to
helping others enjoy the benefits of your healing experiences. The
experiences that you are now subjecting yourself to are drawing others
of like mind into your circle of friends and acquaintances. These
people you are becoming friends with are expanding your own
awareness to new heights. You are aware of your own blessings and are,
in turn, becoming more and more generous with helping others develop
their skills. This process is no accident but a recognition of other
forces in the universe that are encouraging you to open up to their
influences in order to help yourself and help the people you know. You
are deserving of the love of the universe that is coming your way. The
people you are helping deserve your love and abilities to heal. Do not
deprive yourselves and others. Now is the time to recognize your own
importance. Now is the time to treat your talents with respect. Your
talents belong to you alone and are unique to the universe. Use your


The universe is attending to your needs. Energies are now opening up
and being acknowledged consciously. It is time to believe the
unbelievable and know of our existence. It is time for you to
recognize and call on your guides to assist you in your daily life.
They are there. Notice who they are. What is the best way for you to
obtain a meditative state? Is it through movement-dance, running or
stretching in yoga positions? Is it through listening to music? Is it
through playing instruments or drumming? Is it through the quietness
of nature? How do you find your moments of utter peace and relaxation?
How do you reach your moments of truth? How do they come to you?
Know yourself and the ways you communicate with your heart of hearts.
Know how you reach the deepest levels of your inner core. That is how
you will access your guides. You will listen through the quietness of
your spirit and the joy of your heart. Your mind will connect with
your breath and become still. You will breathe in and out, in and out.
Do not concern yourself with what happened yesterday. Do not concern
yourself with what will happen tomorrow. Know the connection that you
feel with your heart and soul and find peace. Know the warmth and love
that lie within. Become your soul.
Hear, see and feel the messages that come to you; they are your
guides. Open yourself, trust yourself and know. Your guides come for
you. They want to help you in any way that you would like to call on
them. They come to you in love and peace and bring to you knowledge
that you have believed impossible to attain. They are there for you.
Open your souls, your breath and your beliefs. I come to you in peace
and harmony to connect you to yourself. Your guides live in abundance
and are here with me now, waiting for your acknowledgment. You need
not wait any longer. Open your heart through meditation and let us
come through. We want to help you. You connect through our energies
through the transcendence of energy over the physical plane due to the
conscious act of will. Your will can instantaneously connect by
bypassing the physical planes of the universe. It is similar to
turning a dial on your radio station; however, the radio stations
now become planes of existence.


You believe there is only one plane of existence; this is incorrect.
There are many planes of existence, which we have only touched upon.
These planes of existence come alive with your ability to acknowledge
different spheres of reality. Your acknowledgment opens up your belief
system, which in turn directs your energies to parallel energies
within these planes. You now can access entities beyond your scope
of knowledge and imagination. Many guides of varying natures and
skills now become accessible to you. Know that these entities are
waiting just outside the door that you will be opening. Do not be
afraid. They will not harm you but will bring an enhancement and love
to your life that will astound you. Remember, the universe is filled
with love for you. Come to us now, through letting go your beliefs
that keep the door shut and locked.
Your belief system contains energies that act as repellents to the
forces you are wishing to connect with. These energies are similar to
magnetic repulsion in that they push away energies that do not
coincide with their belief system. These energies exist with a time
frame and force field that is indicative of their nature. They feel
out other like energies through the conscious act of their wills upon
the physical plane. In other words, there is a plane of reality that
interacts with and creates matter beyond your scientific scope of
knowledge. This plane of reality distributes energy and connects with
matter to influence molecules to form according to their bidding. It
is within the abilities of the Source to provide this arcane knowledge
to the energy of this particular plane. This particular plane, which
we will call the subtle molecular plane, acts as the subtle bodies of
existent physical molecular atoms and particles. This subtle mass of
bodies in the molecular plane reacts to and is gathered by the
energies that exist in the physical plane. This energy system has a
developed array of portals through which energy may enter or exit.
These portals communicate with one another and the physical plane
through the communication of light. This light contains information
through pulsating waves of energy, which belong to yet another plane
of existence. This plane of existence, the light plane, produces light
through all entities in all planes as well as the Source. This light
acts as communication and contains all multiple levels and planes of
knowledge within its bodies. This light becomes instantaneously
contained within the emotional force fields of entities and energies.
It becomes entrapped in the sphere of consciousness that can expand or
detract within the doors of your conscious will and belief system.
Again, you are not finite beings. You can expand your energy
infinitely out into the universe and gather information from a
multitude of sources that exist in infinite numbers of realities. You
believe yourselves to be physical, finite beings. This is incorrect.
Notice your consciousness. Where does it end? Once you have remembered
your innate ability to expand and travel with your consciousness, it
will not seem implausible to you to be affected by the multitude
sources of reality. Do people touch your arm? Do you walk upon the
Earth? As your body interacts with the Earth, so your consciousness
interacts with the universe.
For current channeled & ascension related material please visit
Just Channelings ~


PostPostano: uto sep 05, 2006 12:03 am 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb
Izgleda da su nas kreirali u Orionskim laboratorijama, i to mnoge vrste ljudi. Recimo da još uvijek izgleda postoje planete na kojima obitavaju ljudi-kromanjonci, koji su još uvijek na tom stupnju razvoja. Služe kao kontejner fizičkih tijela "za dalje". Baš kao i leglo bijelih miševa.

Ti "bogovi" su eksperimentirali na nivou DNA i dali su nam jedan DIO svog mozga, odnosno načina razmišljanja ( neki to vole zvati Reptilski dio mozga, predatorov um, itd. ). Ali, slučajno ili namjerno - imamo i određenu genetsku strukturu koja omogućuje i duhovni razvoj, možda čak brže nego kod naših kreatora. Možda oni žele nešto slično za sebe, tko zna?!

Uglavnom, razvijamo se kako se razvijamo, imamo POTENCIJAL za razvoj, ali to istovremeno ne znači i da ćemo se SIGURNO brzo razviti.

To je kao da imaš auto koji može postignuti brzinu od 250 km/h, ali se ti voziš samo 50 ili 60 km/h jer su takvi propisi, ili je nešto pokvareno na njemu ( ili nedostaje... npr kao nama jedno 10 lanaca DNA ). Džaba ti taj moćan auto ako ga voziš kao "fiću".

:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :wink:

PostPostano: uto sep 05, 2006 10:06 am 

Pridružen/a: čet jul 20, 2006 12:49 pm
Postovi: 11
To da smo genetski manipulirani materijal i da su nas "proizveli" - nekako baš nema puno smisla; naše sadašnje poimanje svijeta i svemira je ograničeno pa se moramo služiti mentalnim pomagalima (mitovima, slikama, bajkama, SF-om itd) Nepojmljivo je da se u najvećem dijelu sastojimo samo od ugljika, kisika, vodika i dušika? No ipak, to ne znači da smo proizvedeni.
Zašto ljudski rod ima sklonost projicirati vlastitu moć na van: zašto čovjek rado predaje svoju moć nekom drugom i traži odgovore negdje vani i po mogućnosti negdje daleko? Ta se projekcija kao eho vraća natrag i na njoj baziramo onda svoje zaključke, svoju znanost, religije, obrazovni sustav itd. wierd

U spomenutim "Cedrovima" opisuje čovjeka kao ukupnost kozmičkih entiteta (dakle ukupnost kozmičkih energija) koja jedina ima formu.

Naglasit ću da bez obzira na banalnost odnosno upravo zbog svoje jednostavnosti te knjige o cedrovima na neki način predstavljaju važnu prekretnicu. (Po teoriji o promjeni metafizičke paradigme - kada prevlada broj ljudi koji vjeruju u neku ideju - npr. da zemlja nije ravna ploča, tada ta ideja postaje novi temelj ukupnog svjetonazora) Ja se samo nadam da neće prevladati teorija o reptilima i tome da su nas proizveli u laboratoriju. Očito je da trenutno vlada potreba i nužnost promjene paradigme. (zajedničkog sustava uvjerenja)

PostPostano: uto sep 05, 2006 10:38 am 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned jul 02, 2006 4:10 pm
Postovi: 220
Lokacija: Croatia
Mislim da se zanimanje za nas definitivno temelji na nekadašnjoj strukturi DNA, dakle na genetici, koja je možda predstavljala intergalaktički ključ znanja. Ako smo nekad i imali deset lanaca više, to ne znači da ih više nemamo, nego jednostavno nisu u upotrebi, kao ni 90% inteligencije, ako je ne upotrebljavamo, ne znači da je nemamo, treba samo skužiti kako doći do tog znanja

PostPostano: uto sep 05, 2006 8:59 pm 

Pridružen/a: pet dec 03, 2004 6:40 pm
Postovi: 6377
Lokacija: 3rd density Earth, Zagreb

Pa na forumu smo već odavno raspravljali o Darwinovoj spiki, kako je to bilo zapravo nemoguće, ali ipak se desilo. I kako objasniti "kvantne" skokove u ljudskom razvoju?! Odjednom smo iz Kromanjonca prešli u homosapiensa??? Kako to može biti prirodno? To je nevjerojatno kao da se sad unutar par godina pojave krave koje će imati sposobnost loviti i zatvarati druge krave u tor.

Smrdi na genetsku manipulaciju.

Orionci ne moraju biti Reptili. Reptili su često njihovi "kućni ljubimci". govorimo o Orioncima iz 5D. Gušteri su njihove "sonde", a Sivi su njihove "sonde"... Orionci su kreirali i Guštere... imaju heeeebene laboratorije... ne samo materijalne prirode... izgleda.

Nema veze - tu smo gdje smo i idemo sad dalje. Imamo znanje da je bilo sranja u našoj prošlosti, ima ga još uvijek i idemo to sad riješiti. Pa što ćemo ovako unedogled?!

:mrgreen: :wink:

PostPostano: uto sep 05, 2006 11:35 pm 
Član foruma

Pridružen/a: ned jul 02, 2006 4:10 pm
Postovi: 220
Lokacija: Croatia
Jack987 je napisao/la:

Nema veze - tu smo gdje smo i idemo sad dalje. Imamo znanje da je bilo sranja u našoj prošlosti, ima ga još uvijek i idemo to sad riješiti. Pa što ćemo ovako unedogled?!

:mrgreen: :wink:

Yesssss! Hasta la victoria siempre! :mrgreen:

PostPostano: čet sep 07, 2006 9:01 am 

Pridružen/a: čet jul 20, 2006 12:49 pm
Postovi: 11
da da... vrijednost je u stvaranju pozitivne i konstruktivne vizije čovječanstva. Svi napisi o manipulacijama od strane bilo koga ili bilo čega, ako su i istiniti - loši su jer pojačavaju ideju nemoći i bijede čovjeka - dakle nije bila dovoljna inkvizicija i ratovi - nego nam trebaju i neki monstruozni vanzemaljci. To se zove mentalni horror. Ako je za vjerovati da um vlada materijom - a u što ja osobno vjerujem - onda nam najmanje treba um zatrovan jezivim konspiracijama.

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